4 letras de Músicas de A Black Rose Burial: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de A Black Rose Burial cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Baleful Aura In The Graveyard Of Broken Gears
    Far beyond appolyons lair. Across the sea of pestilence. A sound of grim andantes blair. Pale orbs glide through remnants. A planned utopia now in shards. Frostwork lines once scorching flames. Bullet...
  2. 2An Awakening Of Revenants
    All. kneel down. in frantic prayer. the sudden stench of sulfur consumes the. air. waves of. scarlet. the cursed. harlot evil plants it's seed in-. side of. her womb. an archean system shifts tow...
  3. 3Straight From The Mind Of The Modern Day Vigilante
    Fly for the door. I. can taste those. glands of fear. you extract yourself. as. I still draw. near. a target fixated. on. your face so. closed casket is necessary. safe haven is so far away. soon the...
  4. 4The Epidemic Of Unexpected Relapses
    Oh yeah!!!. The blighting masses. Of creatures lusting for the taste of flesh. Seep slowly. In your chamber of rotting limbs. Die quickly. Fiendish cannibals deceased live again. This is the act of on...