Un-understood frustration of my self-being, I feel myself being penetrated by strange waves, Going through every single parts of my body. I feel warmth announcing an intense well-being, weird but so n...
4 letras de Músicas de B.s.d.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
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1. Confrontation 2. Kill Your Enemy He appears in all shapes. You must protect yourself from his most perverse attacks. No pity, no sympathy. Show no feelings, grind them all one by one. No compassion. Declare war to who ever put you in...3. No Control I can’t control myself anymore !. I’m trying to sort out things in my mind. I don’t want to look at you dying but I have to. It’s best for both of us. I close my eyes and l...4. Trauma / Cerebral Intrusion Un-understood frustration of my self-being, I feel myself being penetrated by strange waves, Going through every single parts of my body. I feel warmth announcing an intense well-being, weird but so n...