Chorus:. I gotta keep movin´, up and down this life. I gotta keep movin´, leave the past behind. And do all it should be done, to live my life and have some fun. Life is how you make it, so...
3 letras de Músicas de C-Block: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
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1. Keep Movin' 2. So Strung Out Ok here it comes. It start from the begin and it takes you two to yeking. For paranoia is all around you. like someone it 's watching u. And it 's stil snowing through your blood vein. Then...3. Time Is Tickin' Away Intro. Ahaha ahaha. keep it on, keep it on. keep your head on. time is tickin’, time is tickin’. tickin’ away. uhhohuho. Rap 1. Let’s talk about time. tickin’ away e...