(g. o. n). (alone). she's not my creator. i am g. o. n. i am my creator. i don't see!. oh in the end i can see my eyes. do you understand?. red eyes of hate. blood in my hands. i can see my...
14 letras de Músicas de G.O.N.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de G.O.N. cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.
1. Alone 2. Everybody everybody have(hate in the heart). everybody have( shit in the head). everybody have(sex in the body). but nobody have(well in the mind). ( chorus). everybody"s fucker we all motherfucker. i am h...3. Fayra MUITO OBRIGADO POR TUDO QUE você ME FEZ. SEREI GRATO TODA MINHA VIDA. DESCULPE SE UM DIA EU TE DECEPCIONEI, EU ESTAVA. CONFUSO. você ESTAVA COMIGO NOS MEUS PIORES E MELHORES, FUJA. COMIGO AG...4. Filhos de Deus SE você SOUBESSE O SACRIFICIO que EU FACO prá TENTAR SER. FELIZ!. SE você SOUBESSE A VERGONHA que EU PASSEI QUANDO EU FALEI. que QUERIA SER alguém NA MINHA VIDA. ESSES DIAS PASSEI...5. Forever You forever you. (G. O. N). i'm not breathing. i don't want to know if you (have fear). i want you. i wish you. i only dream with you. the life is a dream. the dream is a life. you are my (soul)...6. I Am Feeling Your Body ( i wish your love to me) i want your love to me, i wanna have you and i want that you have me. i need your love and you need my love i wanna. be your angel and no your devil. ( chorus). come on to li...7. Imensidão Vazia Me Levantem, Estou sufocado. A corda é pequena demais. Eu grito, mas ninguém me ouve. Se ao menos você estivesse ao meu lado. Mas você está longe de mim (Longe de mim). Talvez...8. Imperfection 666!!! IT'S THAT MAKE ME PERFECT. EVERYTHING IS A LIE. WITOUT WAR DON'T EXIST LIFE. SHIT! WE ALL DO SHIT! WE ALL ARE UNHAPPY. I'M 3 ONCE IMPERFECT! MY CHILDHOODWAS A SHIT AND NOW I A...9. May bitch bitch bitch (motha fucker) shit shit shit (motha fucker). you are it for me (fuck you. in the hell under my skin). motha fucker, you fuck my heart. you was my ilusion. you are my deception. may...10. Meaning of Wrong WHAT'S THE MEANING OF BE CRAZY. WHAT'S THE MEANING OF BE A DUMBASS. WHERE'S THE FINGER THAT I CUT ALL THIS QUESTIONS NOBODY KNOW!. ALL US LIFE IS COMPLICATED FOR MY LOVE. I'VE BEEN...11. Tears Of The Hate I cryed for you, i lived for you but you left me. now you are alone nobody want you everybody want. kill you ( you will die, you will suffer). (chorus). because of you i am spiting blood. becuase of y...12. W.y.t.h.i.a.h MY PERSON IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU?. SO FUCK YOU I DONT NEED YOU. SAME NEEDING I DONT WANT I KNOW THAT. W. I. T. H. I. A. H MAYBE HEART IS NOT WITH YOU. MAYBE ITS IN THE GARBAGE OF YOUR LIFE. (CHORUS). FUC...13. World of Lies Maybe I could change, but why would i want ?. to live like you?. to scream like you? to say "i love you". and after i cry without you. take my heart in the floor , my poor life , my lie wor...14. Your Shit Love I AM A FAILURE, I AM DOING WRONG THINGS AND IT SEEMS. WITH YOUR LIFE. I SEE THE PAST I YOUR FUTURE YOUR FUTURE IS. MY FAILURE YOUR FUTURE IS MY. SOMETIMES I FALL IN YOUR LOVE. SOMETIMES I SWIM IN MY...