"Violets are dead, a faded ribbon, and a dusty curl or so;. Half-torn notes, forgotten tokens. Of some heartache ago. Kneeling by the hearthstone sadly. See, I throw them in the grate;. Crackling...
11 letras de Músicas de Galgeras: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
Conheça as 11 letras de músicas de Galgeras cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.
1. Cast To Part 2. Cemeterian Without motion there is touch here. And urge endless. My stench could not rise above. Just as I can not tell anymore, Neither to hear your voice again. Listen how I try to crawl far below. To reach th...3. Forester Into the tragedy that delights my heart with fire. And yours was there to die as I struck once again. With lightning so fierce I blew God's child away, so I shed this blood and feast on the entra...4. Knife Of Infinite Kills Shine as my wrath!. Knife of infinite kills. You belong to me. My hate is yours. Shine like no star ever signed. The grave of innocense. The ancient wrath. Of a soul thrown into the dark. Give me domi...5. Love Essenceless The Gates…to the garden, so cold, where we seek. A haven. to rest. the grave. layes wide. For you. for me. a knife. one slid. For you. the grave. for me. splendid. Your soul. your love. is void...6. Onder de Zoden 't Graf gebroken. scherven schitteren. de Maan tekent schennis op een kerkhof door God verlaten. Engelen huilen, doodskisten kraken. de Zwarte Tong doet de lijken ontwaken. Uit 't donker kr...7. Reliekrover 't Is het donker wat je roept, naar waar men alle hoop laat varen. Nammtar wijst de weg naar de Koningin en de Hare, ver weg van 't leven. gevoel voor vrede vergeten. Vecht voor Ereshkigal...8. Satyriasis Into the void I saw the rain fall. nay Nature merg'd away as Thou maketh me gone. And if the Trees only could speak than Their words would be pitying. The Eclipse hides treasury in the dark. whic...9. Somberling Venus zal geen lief meer hebben. Mars zal ten strijde trekken. De Zon zet de Aarde op stelten. Zal Mercurius doen gloeien en smelten. Jupiter draait door in een storm. Saturnus voed Crom Crauch, godde...10. Through The Eye Of Fomoria The chimes spoke stars in rusty winds. As the rider arrived at last our haven. One hand risen, one tend the horse. For warfare driven he shall set flame in our course. Here we find chilly void. Ever s...11. Thy Will Be Done Where the graves have a white wintry cloak. and death returns to the Land of the Living. wields the wizard his sword to the moon, a certain destiny he has chosen. The curse which led him to satisfacti...