8 letras de Músicas de K.S. Rhoads: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de K.S. Rhoads cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Because You Are Who You Are
    When ever I around you. I go home a little bit. There's just something about you. Where the pieces all fit. There's a lightness that surrounds you. And it guides me like a star. Who I am, wh...
  2. 2Could This Be Love
    We sank into the sand like starfish in the sea. Pioneers upon new land like manifest destiny. Into each other's treasure: Lost, and sunken ships. As one by one I lift the grains of sand of stone...
  3. 3Dark Hotel
    My voice is broken. Got a broken string, a broken wing. And everything makes me wanna cry. And my only love's gone away to stay. Can't even look forward to the end of the day. To come home t...
  4. 4Harvest
    You're out on a mission. You're gonna settle a score. You got trigger happy. But you don't know who you're gunning for. There's too many fingerprints. You don't know who...
  5. 5Invincible Fortress
    I'm seeking the place. In infinite space. Deep beneath the rising sun. Asleep like a lion and her young. The light in his calls. Beyond enemy walls. From the billowing smoke that began you. Your...
  6. 6Orphaned
    I float in a basket of coyote alone. Get born into a union but you die on your own. A bear on the iceberg is burning in the sun. What if I go behind the curtain and see no one?. Are we orphaned?. Are...
  7. 7The Wilderness
    Ain't nothing new under the sun. A poor man's work is never done. So much is always on your mind. You're too cold or too kind. So many years just getting by man. You're so busy liv...
  8. 8Turn Me On, Turn Off The Light
    I live on the fourth floor above a bar. I kinda wanna go in. Go find a pretty girl, ask for her number. And never see her again. Say that you love me and I'll. Be right back in no hurry. 'Ca...