18 letras de Músicas de Kaamos: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 18 letras de músicas de Kaamos cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Black Revelation
    Forgotten gods,demonic breed. Bringers of chaos seed. Beyond time,beyond sparr. Dwellers of the in-between. Mighty ones,sacrilegious. Desserrating holy ways. Walk unseen,walk supreme. The dogs of dark...
  2. 2Chthonic
    To the land of no return. Goes the daughter of the moon. To the land of kurnugi. Through the seven gates of kur. To the dwelling of erkalla's god. Stripped according to rites. For her entering an...
  3. 3Circle Of Mania
    Crown of abhorrence. Exalted are the ways. Morbid sacrilege. Denial of the holy. Divine essence. Of sheer monstrosity. And the devil. Speaks unto you. Circle of mania. Branded with madness. The mark o...
  4. 4Corpus Vermis
    Crucifix of man. Silent sterile emblem. Morals of slavery. And your martyrs rejoice. Atonement in holy Ways. Denied for the Path of Sin. Beware to trespass. The servants of the snake. Ascending spiral...
  5. 5Cries Of The Damned
    Eater of the world. Carrier of death. Eater of the world. Bringer of horrors. Riding with demise. On wings that darken light. No rest from the plague. Bloodshed be the way. Mockery of Man. Damnation c...
  6. 6Curse Of Aeons
    Old desert spaces. Black eternal voids. Ancient of the days. Kings of doom. Ha Ian Ha Bizon. Sneering the depths. Ha Ian Ha Bizon. Alchemy of Kkepra. The Chasm. (De Profundis). Destroying every essenc...
  7. 7Dark Void
    Thrones in darkness, authorities of hell. Awakened & invoked, the wicked & divine. Profound and dark hidden lands unfold. Abhorrence & horror, nightmares collide. Gateways being opened to...
  8. 8Doom Of Man
    Ancient chaos. Breeds in man. Entombed between. Flesh and skin. Chaos. Profound. Seed of man. Dreams. Devil spawn. Chaos. Buried sin. Demon seed. Bloodline divine. From shadowsphere. Blood of chaos. B...
  9. 9Gnosticon
    Serpent ophis. Gnosticon. Serpent gnosis. Demiurgus' poison. Merhesh,the number and the key. Initiator of good and evil. Merhesh,the spelling of messiach. Secrets revealed unto thee. Ceremony of...
  10. 10Inaugurating Evil
    Threatening constellations. Mocking in their radiance. Transmitting unto earth. Unearthly haunting light. Like eves in death. Gazing blindly beyond. The veils of life. To borders of insanity. Outside...
  11. 11Khem
    My mouth -. Speaks of death and birth. My word -. Is for every Aeon. Infidel -. No seal shall hold my silence. No Curse -. For I am its shadow. Shrines of Khem. I am the venom that entice. I am the ve...
  12. 12Lucifer Rising
    A fall from grace that is eternal. Into endless maelstrom chasms. Through timeless chaos aeons. By virute of rebellion. Emerged into the fields of mythos. Reborn as beast and thus received. Heretic to...
  13. 13Mysterious Reversion
    The face of god. Cast its light. Unto the void. Creating shadow. The face of evil. Tortuous serpent. The eye of typhon. Lurks at forever. Secret name of satan. Known as chavajoh. Formula reversed. Of...
  14. 14Sacrament In Red
    Sacrifice. Into the mouth. Of sacred whore. Worship adored. States of bliss. From serpent's kiss. In depths of death. An ecstasy. Chalice. Of abomination. Wrathful lust. Of fornication. Drink the...
  15. 15The Chasm
    Old haunting visions. Chasm's call for blood. Winds howl solemn dirge. Bleeding souls astray. Remnants from beyond. Netherworlds are boiling. Genesis of darkness. Man shall know defeat. Hymns of...
  16. 16The Storm Of Coming
    Come forth with vengeance. Come forth with wrath. Come forth destroyer. From the unknown. The winds bring havoc. The winds bring death. The winds are violent. Storms of the past. The chanting echoes....
  17. 17Theriomorphic Pandaemonium
    Down there in the shadows. Abominations, divine in darkness. Pandaemonium, abode of demons. Creations shunned, apostate ones. Theriomorphic. Pandaemonium. Down there in the abyss. Beyond the light, in...
  18. 18V
    Prophecies lurking front. The depths of time. From beyond the dark. Death shall arrive. And man feared the. Dawn of his demise. Crying out loud. "Oh, lord have mercy". Doom of man. Crucified...