7 letras de Músicas de Kadath: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Kadath cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Monster Revealed: Chapter Vi Of Chikatilo
    Part i: the arrest. On the day the monster was arrested, He had with him a rope, a knife, vaseline. A search of his apartment found. Twenty-three knives, a hammer, shoes. That were found to match the...
  2. 2Abusing The Innocents
    Oh my God. I can't belive it, why is the human mind. able to create such perversities. It's so confusing to know what man's about to do. Daily news are shocking reminding of this. horri...
  3. 3Disturbance In My Nocturnal Domain
    With the last blink of my eyes. Total darkness enshrouds me. Engulfed by an abnormal blackness. Floating into a realm created by myself. I'm flying in this astral state, darkness fades (away). Fe...
  4. 4Into The Labyrinths Of Deviance
    Still a young and innocent child. Beaten by his mother and abused by his father. She always told him ?Don?t look through the key-hole, When I?m busy with your uncle?. Conflict and anger in his mind be...
  5. 5Stalking The Prey: Chapter Iv Of Chikatilo
    Part I: Six years of slaughtering. The sixth year of an insane killing spree. Restless spring, wicked deprecation. Boring jobhunting, passionate ravaging. Cruelty exploding into devilish mutilation. C...
  6. 6Thirst For Revenge: Chapter V Of Chikatilo
    Part I: Back from imprisonment. Time in jail was a cleansing time. Now free to pursue what he desires. Restless struggle against criminal impetus. Compulsive seek for innocent victims. New job in a lo...
  7. 7Traumatic Experiences With Horrifying Consequence
    Kids who kill (2x). Life's a badlam, misunderstood children. Dangerous minds with intention to kill. Harmless appearance hiding cruel desires. Young psychopath in a perfect disguise. Chorus:. Rap...