8 letras de Músicas de Kadavrik: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de Kadavrik cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Adiposit Obstipation
    He's a taker not a giver. Seven plagues will make all shiver. Locusts eat his own uncreation. Scum feeds him. They must unite. They should get a giant fire burning. With flames up into heaven. Te...
  2. 2Dead Body Testament
    Should I open a maggot ranch?. Or better choose the death in fire?. Epically burned in the middle of a lake. Like a true heavy metal sire. I don't really care what happens to my body. It will van...
  3. 3From Your Breed
    There is a thing you missed to give:. A guiding line to follow. Build me walls that are not hollow, Tell me not how I should live. I feel like I was born alone. In a house that was no home, In storms...
  4. 4Icecold Winter's Grave
    My feet are numb and cold. Frozen flesh turns blue and black. 'cause winters fist rose up. To hold me down. Hold me back from you. Away from here, far away from my dear. Snow and ice, my biggest...
  5. 5Let My Blood Boil Tonight
    Access to excess is never denied. Taking it to my inside. Light the joy within my blood. We're all burning for the beauty of the night. Everyone I'm talking to. Turns to ashes from the spark...
  6. 6Rußgeschwärzt
    Die seelen der menschen, sie bluten nicht mehr. Ihr fleisch verdorrt, von ruß geschwärzt. Schwarzes leinentuch sich längst um ihren leib gehüllt. Aus morschem garn gewoben. Verdeck...
  7. 7The Voice Beside
    I'm with him, he's the evil inside. I've lost you, but it was not me!. In my mind I'm not alone. There is someone with me. Strangest faces he has shown. Will he ever set me free?....
  8. 8Thin and Frail
    So feet deep in the soil there is their hidden home. Outcasts of society, now living on their own!. Desperados under cities, no one really cares 'bout rights. You wouldn't care if you were o...