37 letras de Músicas de Kaddisfly: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 37 letras de músicas de Kaddisfly cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Message To The Flat Earth Society
    Left is no more important than right. As right is not undoubtedly the correct way. Distance can be a line. Though the space amid two points is often a sphere. A man can plot evil on his line and win....
  2. 2Acation On An Invisible Plane
    Seasons will rain proportional matter. As singularity lacks space until it’s forgotten. Violet light manifests in itself in patterns. All can be everything when four is left as one. Five photon...
  3. 3Akira
    There is a time for everything under the sun. as it shines for you and for me. now is the time for holy war. now is the time for peace. live and let live and cast judgment on no one but yourself. let...
  4. 4Birds
    Yesterday I met someone. Last night I was inspired. she affected me like sunlight. providing vitamins necessary for survival. Her name was a foreign sky painted in auburn. her voice was the air, envel...
  5. 5Buy Our Intention; We'll Buy You A Unicorn
    My diction’s for you with your mind for these words. Whether you act in subversion or progress in vast herds. You may find contentment in quarters unseen. Or you may chance upon solace. through...
  6. 6Campfire
    Welcome to your life. You better watch your steps. Well, they could turn to fire. That could sear through your shoes. And through your feet. Move up your legs and eat away your heart until you. You wa...
  7. 7Clockwork
    Your boundaries. Would have you thinking in segments. Does it hurt to pose the questions. Segments of what?. When you have pieces of something. There must be a whole. Of which the pieces. The pieces a...
  8. 8Clouds
    I like to breathe water. from the clouds. before it turns to rain. its taste is forgiving. and inviting. After all that we've said and done, the sky still gives us the sun every. morning when we...
  9. 9Crimson Solitude
    Soledad red, give the trees their key to green, the color seen. Humans are trees with different leaves, With differing shades of which each one perceives. And as sight has them think they’re al...
  10. 10Day Disappears With The Absence Of Night
    A day remains a day no matter how long the life, so why worry about what a day may bring forth. Looking at the hole within yourself, though right at the time, quickly leads to no end and. only widens...
  11. 11Empire
    This is the swiftly tilting planet. Where perfect vision may not offer. The correct point of view; a place where. Right angles may not produce. The correct geometry. By far, a discerning eye is better...
  12. 12Eres Tremulent
    We make the oceans sometimes, our sea. While poised aloft every swell, blindly. we’re in the same boat and we all share the same oars. We still stake our claims at stern, bow, port, or starboar...
  13. 13Five Tears From A Carpenter's Eye For Detail
    What is it like? What’s you’re defense?. One of you says look at this glass, it’s half empty, One of you says. look at this carafe, it is half full. like two nuts in a jar arguing...
  14. 14For The Ejection Of Rest; They'll Dance
    A couple words, just letters that are human in denomination. A dumb stare may show either a lack of understanding. or a sign of genius. Divinity rests in places unseen. Masked by a chance encounter. o...
  15. 15Forest
    You are born today. To set sail the prairie. It is our birthday. You are there because you are around. It will be the best day of our lives. It will be the end of it all. Of it all, of it all. There w...
  16. 16Games
    Just listen to one thing. We're armed and good to go. And come strapped with next level parables. And blueprints for another dimension. Oh one is better than nothing. A chance for us to show all...
  17. 17Harbor
    Here I sit, somewhere in the port of Spain, debating our existence with someone I've never met. Read this moment like a rubber-band, let it resonate like the birth of a loved one, please let your...
  18. 18Horses Galloping On Sail Boats
    Beneath a flowering ash, or beneath a lonely oak. We will set sail the prairie. We can gallop upon the sea. If you realize what this means. It is now time to open the doors we have closed ourselves. W...
  19. 19Incense & Ambigity
    :chorus 1:. Come back honestly. We lack everything. But lack of self respect. Lose it for the rest of us. Distant phases fake salvation. In a new found waste of places. Distant faces were once close....
  20. 20La Primera Natural Disaster
    Fault lines formed through pride. leave no room for the divine. It took seven days for tears to make waves. Don’t stand for nothing and try to. build your name by shaming others. Why would we c...
  21. 21Late Night Car Crash
    Broke down and it's hard to relay. The emptiness of fate. Not knowing where to turn. Street lamps seem to guide the way. As if to a better place for now. :chorus:. Headlights blinding. Car crash...
  22. 22Let Weight Be Measured By Merit
    tonight like any other, yet sometimes between steps the world speaks, though few listen. our sense of time is bound by our sense of being, and when they look at me what do they see, (me or everything)...
  23. 23Lower Case Letter
    I wish people would be kind. I wish the weight of our words. Would weigh more heavily on our ways. But people take and people say. Human discourse has been unsafe. I wish people would be kind. But tal...
  24. 24Manhattan Loves You
    there are some who are walking on. a tightrope of inevitability, wearing a persona sewn with threads of blind reason, and cultivating landscapes whose. erected palisades are fashioned with words, delu...
  25. 25Mercury
    Sometimes we talk, we talk oh so much. Sometimes we talk, we talk so damn much. That we forget why we ever started talking. In the first, the first place. In a land of pirates, I'd be more concer...
  26. 26Midnight In Shanghai
    When I see a sunset, I see the past as the future. I see the rotation of the earth and all the angles of the wind. I notice lives unchanged and come to grips with all we are. and all we are never mean...
  27. 27New Moon Over Swift Water
    If you wrote a book defacing my name. And you wrote volume discarding my words. if you used your pen to bring harm to my world. if you thrust your pen through my heart or my eyes. I'll tell you w...
  28. 28Osmosis In C
    I wrote the dry spell. I built the fences. built the walls. chopped the wood. and poured concrete. I made the fortress around my hand. with frozen ink that melts to rain. which waters the root of thou...
  29. 29Set Sail The Prairie
    Just one fundamental notion of the sun. Just one notion fundamental to our blood. We’re all perfect, lost in our ways. We’re all worried, and hurting to. Find a hole in the ground and fa...
  30. 30Silk Road
    I am a blank page. Today the sky is filled with color, bringing a vibrance and tranquility to the landscape. For the moment, my mind is clear. Memories help us understand time. and help us to come t...
  31. 31Snowflakes
    There was a man rich in the world. He said, "I have saved my money, So now I'll buy everything I could want, Then I will lack nothing. ". His intentions seemed fair. The same night he d...
  32. 32Summer Solstice
    I am the blade of grass. trembling in the breeze. affected by surroundings. I am the lava. whose path nothing can stop. changing the land, for better of for worse. I am the forest. The one being cut d...
  33. 33The Calm Of Calamity
    In the eye of the sky the night bent down and sighed, And said with a smile, to the wind as it cried:. “your tears form the oceans and as with the tides, time forms the tears that you cast from...
  34. 34Via Rail
    There was a bird. who with the absence of words took flight. to the end of the sea and the finish line of the earth. She perched atop the corner of the world and built three nests. One of gold, one of...
  35. 35Waves
    Apostolic. Beliefs. Conjure. Divine. Earthly. Faith. yeah, yeah. Gainsaying. Heavenly. Intu-, intuition. Juxtaposing. yadda-yadda-yadda-ya. Kindred. Love. Make. No. Opposition. Providing. Quizzical....
  36. 36What Comes Of Honesty
    There is a means to an end. There is a way that seems right to a man. They drag for gold in the sea. But there are no riches, the stubborn will see. They will be grasping at sand. They will be left wi...
  37. 37Winter Solstice
    I am becoming ever more aware. in this hundred odd day of salty air. Winter is peeking in through the sky. to defeat, for a while, my tepid smile. In the eventide I have cried alone. as this big pond...