7 letras de Músicas de Kadebostany: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Kadebostany cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Bugs & Flowers
    Bugs and flowers sample the corpses. Their feelers stroke them for ages. What a nice pleasure. What a wonderful leisure. The wind as a cherished friend. Announces his delightful end. Can't you he...
  2. 2Castle In The Snow
    The light is fading now. My soul is running on a path. That I cannot reach. My brain is turnin'. And my head is hurtin'. Every day a little bit more. The light is fading now. My forces is be...
  3. 3Crazy In Love
    I look and stare so deep in your eyes. I touch on you more and more every time. When you leave I'm beggin you not to go. Call your name two, three times in a row. Such a funny thing for me to try...
  4. 4Goodbye
    Goodbye, and never come back. My back is not heavy enough to carry you on my shoulder. Goodbye, just disappear in the sky, in the sky. We used to be the powder of the stars. But now we're just th...
  5. 5Invisible Man
    I'll be there next to you. I'll be your hidden light in the dark. If you take the time to look around. If you take the time to look around. I know you feel sad, it's hard nobody underst...
  6. 6K-Airline
    When I walk around this city. I feel like I could give all of me. And when they sing this kind of melody. I hold myself and feel a bit melancholy. I run from home for a sweet escape. Took an aeroplane...
  7. 7Teddy Bear
    Every little girl dreams is a big teddy bear. Every little girl dreams is a big teddy bear. Maybe he would hold my hand. Maybe he would hurt me. He is the only one who knows. I'm down on my knees...