Letra da Música The New York Trader de Kadril
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To a New York trader I did belong,
She was built for sea, both stout and strong.
Well rigged 'well manned, well fit for sea;
She was bound for New York in Ameriky.
Our captain in his cabin lay.
A voice came to him and thus did say.
Our captain woke in a terrible fright,
It being the first watch of the night,
Aloud for his bo'sun he did call,
And to him related the secret all.
Early next morning a storm did rise,
Which our seamen did much surprise;
The sea was over us, both fore and aft,
Till scarce a man on deck was left.
Then the bo'sun he did declare
That our captain was a murderer.
It so enraged the whole ship's crew
That overboard their captian threw.
When this was done a calm was there,
Our good little ship homeward did steer,
The wind abated and calmed the sea,
And we sailed safe to Ameriky.
She was built for sea, both stout and strong.
Well rigged 'well manned, well fit for sea;
She was bound for New York in Ameriky.
Our captain in his cabin lay.
A voice came to him and thus did say.
Our captain woke in a terrible fright,
It being the first watch of the night,
Aloud for his bo'sun he did call,
And to him related the secret all.
Early next morning a storm did rise,
Which our seamen did much surprise;
The sea was over us, both fore and aft,
Till scarce a man on deck was left.
Then the bo'sun he did declare
That our captain was a murderer.
It so enraged the whole ship's crew
That overboard their captian threw.
When this was done a calm was there,
Our good little ship homeward did steer,
The wind abated and calmed the sea,
And we sailed safe to Ameriky.
Outras Músicas de Kadril
Conheça aqui outras músicas de Kadril que você poderá gostar.
AfscheidsliedAmerika Is Een Schoon LandBedelaarsliedDe GespeelkensDe KapiteinsdochterDe Schaduw Van Het BosDe Verloren ZoonDe Vogel In de MuiteFeestGestraft BedrogGlorieuze VioletteHet Heerke Van MaldegemHet KerelsliedHet Lied Van AntoinetteHolyLouiseLuiaardsgildMartelenMéchante FemmeMeditatie Over Een Voorbije JeugdMezelve NietNachtvrijageNooit Met KrijtNoten KrakenSeerlands DaleSilviaThe DreadnoughtTreurig LiedTwee GezellenVan BoordWanneer Ik SlaapWel Goeden AvondZoals Ik Eenmaal Beminde
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Ficha Técnica da Música The New York Trader
Número de Palavras | 138 |
Número de Letras | 807 |
Intérprete | Kadril |
Na tabela acima você vai encontrar dados técnicos sobre a letra da música The New York Trader de Kadril.