9 letras de Músicas de Kakistocracy: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 9 letras de músicas de Kakistocracy cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Nation Lives In Fear
    From the wounds of our fallen adversaries. flow the tears of an entire world. And the pools of blood. reflect the oppression of a nation of peaceful people. Imperialist or Republican?. The fence is pa...
  2. 2As The Steel Around Us Buckles
    This earth, does it succumb to pressure. shouldering infinite tons of weight?. Our mother is she vindictive. for the shelter she provides the human race?. Taken for granted, appreciation unspoken. As...
  3. 3Biding Time
    A life stripped away. Is it the first, or will it be the last?. Mark another one up for the fascist and unjust. Is this the beginning?. Or will it be the end?. Have their flying bullets. shot the desi...
  4. 5Consumed
    It's time to subsist - look towards a simple life. Consumed by our consuming - we're running out of time. We need to make a change before there's nothing left, economic gain = environme...
  5. 7Layer Upon Layer
    Misplaced hate and frustration, layer upon layer. Its been built up nice and strong, almost indestructible. They didn't plan it this way, but they fed us the ideas, And now we're all full wi...
  6. 8Red Emma
    Where are you Red Emma?. Its now we need you most. What would you see if you were to peer upon our times?. Black Emma, did you struggle in vain, for as I look around it may seem so. It stings me to th...
  7. 9The Price Of Freedom
    Stripped from his mother's embrace, a forced accomplice. in the destruction of our (the human) race. A soldier, a puppet, a tool, a mindless, heartless, faceless fool. And with the pentagon pulli...