6 letras de Músicas de Kaleidoscope (US): Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 6 letras de músicas de Kaleidoscope (US) cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Come on In
    Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me. Come on in, there ain't nobody home but me. Well I'll give you some meat, I'll give you some bread. Have you had this there's a gre...
  2. 2Egyptian Gardens
    Went to the egyptian gardens just the other night. Saw a red headed lady was flat outta sight. Spent all my money honey to spend the rest of the night. And to watch her do that thing that they call. H...
  3. 3Hesitation Blues
    If the river was whiskey an' I was a duck. I'd fly to the bottom an' I'd never come up. Oh baby how long have I got to wait?. Why, can I get you now, must I hesitate?. Well I ain&a...
  4. 4I Found Out
    I found out, well out of doubt. What it's all about. And now I know, in my soul. Just where to go. And all I need is soothing. Set and sounds of making. In my mind, is where I go to be. AAh. I fo...
  5. 5If The Night
    If the night proves too black for you. And its mysteries hide your kiss that's meant to fool. Your way of life has left its mark, that's clear. Life for you is cheap while my mind's nea...
  6. 6You Don't Love Me
    Oh oh oh. You don't love me, yes I know. Oh oh oh. You don't love me, yes I know. Since you left me pretty baby. Well, I've got no place to go. Well I love you. I'd do anything you...