37 letras de Músicas de Kalle Baah: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 37 letras de músicas de Kalle Baah cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Autumn
    This ya thing I wanna say. Wouldn't throw my love away. I'm coming with the tide. So I never gonna ride off on a side. This is my chariot. My lonely days are gone. This is my chariot. I neve...
  2. 2Beggarman Story
    Your eyes were so deep when we danced in a trance. Someone In my head beat a timbal. Lips of flattery and eyes of lust. Can't you see, can't you see. You lead me astray but I say. Carnal lov...
  3. 3Believe This
    Can you believe this, ain't got no money. Can you recieve this, shure is no funny. I slave every day for the money, what more can I do. The job that I have is no funny, but what would you do. I&a...
  4. 4Believes In Me
    Yes you knew you gonna pass by. You're written down the songs they gonna play when you die. Such a feeling to live with I can't imagine that in my worst dream. So many nights you must'v...
  5. 5Big Town
    Living in a big town now, but I think I'll move to the country. Living in a big town now, and it's breaking me down. I get up in the morning after a sleepless night. Neighbours were drinking...
  6. 6Billie Rude Boy
    Det är tidigt när klockan ringer, du ska upp, iväg och slita hund. Tiden pekar varningens finger, stanna till en stund. Det är en massa som jobbar med massa, de kör flis f...
  7. 7Black Rasta
    Blacka rasta wear no dreadlocks. Walking amid the sawmill road blocks. But they plant a seed of carribbean weed. In the slits of the babylon timeclocks. No sawdust on sawmill road. Just a bus shipping...
  8. 8Carry Me
    Hey girl, love ain't got no rules. Hey girl, I may act like a fool. But still I'm not blind you'll see, carry me. Still I'm not blind you see, carry me. I, I know you know what I m...
  9. 9Cloak & Dagger
    There's a cloak and dagger in di backyard and she watch me Oh oh. She watch me go out and coming in. The road is straight, I don't step aside, I follow di rules. And hold on to the line. I w...
  10. 10Dancing In Disguise
    You never win the race if you walk in someones footprints. or ever stand the pace if you don't start where it begins. The muckraker dancing tonight, you can hardly see it but she's there. Sm...
  11. 11Earth A Come Burning
    It's our lifes we're living. Earth a come burning. So we are go singing. Give me, give me loving. Everytime I hear them speaking. There's no way to brighter day. Everytime I hear them t...
  12. 12Entering Zion
    Everyone is looking out for them selves. Nobody cares, cares for someone else. Never see a brother about to fall. Run up and down, struggle and strife. In weh we live, which is Babylon, that is life....
  13. 13Fading Rose
    Everytime I reach the sea, seagulls greeting me. Oh yeah, wondering why. Everytime a gentle breeze come chilling, I won't freeze. Oh yeah It's a mystery. (soon come. ) One day soon I'll...
  14. 14Fel Pa Ditt Spel
    Alla dina drömmar är borta nu. Ditt hopp var för långt. Din kropp är innanför galler nu. När du vaknar upp. Då kommer sanningen fram. Då har allting tagit...
  15. 15Flottilj 13
    Jag är en orolig själ. I ett alltför invecklat system. Som är så skickligt skapat. Att ingen vet några svar. Min hjärna vill bry sig. Men orkar inte tänka klart...
  16. 16Get You
    Gotto get you one day, anyhow, anyway. running out of time. I watch you dance to the riddim (to the riddim). Will you ever see, gotto get you. Deep brown eyes keep staring at me (staring tenderly). I&...
  17. 17I Wanna Be The One
    If I ain't got you, I've got nothing at all. Why can't you understand. Just give me a chanse, just give me a call. Just reach me your hand. I've got plans for you, I've got pl...
  18. 18I.O.U.1
    Stop your foolishness, stop your foolish ways, Stop messing around with me. Stop your foolishness, stop your foolish ways, Stop messing around with me. We could be irie, well irie & I O U 1. irie,...
  19. 19Juliette & Romeo
    Your mama saying this, your papa saying that. You feel like a mouse hunted by a cat. Stay home tonight you have alot to study. Clean up your room before it get too muddy. All he wants is di fire that...
  20. 20Knocked Down Smiling
    Knocked down smiling message through the telephone. Knocked down smiling I want to go home. Knocked down smiling, punched right in my ear. Just a few words, my mind disappear. This odd feeling I can&a...
  21. 21Natural Baby
    Natural baby have a charmy smile. Natural baby have a charmy smile. Natural baby in a natural style. There she goes again, In the midst of all the hurdles. Of a hundred hungry men. who will never try...
  22. 22Nu Aer Tiden Haer
    Dom byggde ett hus. Dom höll ett tal. Dom reste en mur som dom sa. Ingen kunde välta. Men detta hus. Där grunden är bottenlös. Och deras mur och deras tal. Som sa att elden fr...
  23. 23Nuet
    Har vi tid, har vi tid att tänka på. Har vi mod, har vi mod att se. Vad som händer omkring oss. Vad vi håller på med. Har vi tid, har vi tid att tänka på. Har vi mod...
  24. 24One Of These Days
    One of these days you'll be led astray. So imortalize your old memories. And gold memories and spice them with rosemary. Your grey existence, you don't want to jump no fence. Patroling aroun...
  25. 25Pulpet People
    7 people started walking (and talking). with 7 different ways to run. 1 of them started to cheating. So he'll will be always be a prodigal son. (now there is) 6 people who climbed up a ladder. Hi...
  26. 26Sma Svarta Aenglar
    Små svarta änglar!. Små, små svarta änglar flyger runt omkring. Redo att välta dig, med modets onda ting. Den senaste frisyren får dig att kasta pengar. In i kassan...
  27. 27Starka Strömmar
    Dom går till vad dom tycker är sitt hem. Drogerna först och framtiden sen. Du trampar snett, det blir snedsteg här och där. Efter någon vecka vet du inte vem du är....
  28. 28The Circle
    Now when you've borrowed the time for a while. Routine has become your closest friend. Closing your senses from nine to five. Immune against thrills and visions. With problems, fights and feeling...
  29. 29Totalhaverera
    Jag r jmfrd med satan. Nr jag gr fram p gatan. Nr dom tittar p mig. Fr ngot jag gjort. Som ingen hade trott. Jag r en ligist. Det enda som skiljer. R kostymen. Och dina fina skor. Dom r lika svarta. S...
  30. 30Trendens Makt
    Många tar sin tillflykt till gud. Andra till konstiga ljud. Några mitt i Babylon prakt. Sitter fast i trendens makt. Video är en konstig drog. På den blir man bara låg. Passiv...
  31. 31Try Another One
    Try another one, I've heard it before. Try another one, I want to be sure. You talk yo much, you never hush. You'll never walk on the truth line. You run around, and you go up and down. You&...
  32. 32Turn Me On
    In every human being there's a beating heart. One of them beat for you. But you'll never find the answer If you. But you'll never find the answer If you. Coming In the same way like I d...
  33. 33Ugly Girls
    Ugly girls beckon to me. Oh no, I don't care. Like a rose waiting for a bumblebee. Me no wanna go in there. In my life, I've everything. In my life, where there once was a ring. In my life,...
  34. 34Vakande Oegon
    Efter mörkrets intrång, kommer dom fram. I helsvart klädsel med vita band. Med pistolen i sin högra hand. Med pistolen i sin högra hand. Dom har stirrande ögon, från...
  35. 35Vargarna Vaentar
    Jag ser ut över natten i den mörka tystnaden. Solen sover och månen är full. Månen lyser full och falsk. Månen lyser full och falsk, på mig. Hans vita blod föde...
  36. 36Vilda Vindar
    Vi står här i sanden och trampar. Varje meter blir snart till en mil. I fåtöljer av läder sitter pampar. Suger ont ur gott som svampar. Suger ont ur gott som svampar. Och vart...
  37. 37You Are My Angel
    You are my angel and you light up. You are the queen in all the race. You are my angel and you light up. You are the queen in all the race. Me no bad bad one all of the time. Me no sad sad one when I...