46 letras de Músicas de Kalmah: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 46 letras de músicas de Kalmah cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Alteration
    With outspread wings eyes wide open glides osprey. Wounded by a gun never fired - humanity. Twisted form genotype inside - lethal decease. From generation to others will occur. World in its forms is d...
  2. 2Bird Of Ill Omen
    Thoughts of hope in the minds of those whose. Lives are on decline. A thousand lies told them with bright eyes. And believed without doubts of employment. Now it's time to think very positive. De...
  3. 3Bitter Metallic Side
    And life goes on with harmony. Day after day those same routines. And lifetime filled with happiness. The most greatest joy. So great is the sea so small your boat. But you don´t know if you don&...
  4. 4Black Roija
    Morality - the sickest thought. Of a weeping lust waiting the revival. Fear inside you of a painful nausea. It bites your weak soul to suffocate the fire. Reach out over hopeless distance - extinguish...
  5. 5Burbot's Revenge
    There is a net under the ice. With a thousand knots tied. And unchecked amount of slime. Hanging down. There is a burbot on the net. Into the mesh he has put his head. Now struggling for his life. Ent...
  6. 6Cloned Insanity
    You take a frog's eye and give it to a man. Pleased with your cyborg proudly you stand. This glorious madness that is not in gods hands. Makes you believe you're all powerful. This inhumane...
  7. 7Coward
    Oh dear mother why did you give me a birth. I didn't ask to be born. Oh dear father can't you see what you've done. I'm not the one you wanted me to become. A coward I am and a goo...
  8. 8Dance Of The Water
    Water in eternal movement. Circling day after day. Above the surface in wind's face. Is the end cruelly grimaced. On the water, water lily's leaf. Is rolling on the stream. Beside the bluff...
  9. 9Dead Man's Shadow
    Tonight I'll see the line of thousand ghosts. Those once were alive behind my eyes. And I'm on the crossfire of my manic thoughts. Under the yoke of the hidden evil. Why did you follow my fo...
  10. 10Defeat
    Wasting feeling breeding inside me. A shadow of something crawling behind me. And I´m pretending there´s nothing in there. But hearing those whispers makes me to believe. Here - I lay in my...
  11. 11Doubtful About It All
    Things move when I'm not watching them. They have their own will. And I don't even feel insane. Because I know I'm ill. I know there is an eye and I'm under observation. I am a mar...
  12. 12Evil In You
    The time is right you and I. We will fight the final battle. Gone away the bond of passion. Death of faith, left aggression. We sworn the oath, now it is broken. Gone away with deception. I'll ro...
  13. 13For The Revolution
    To the mighty star, to all its people, to the mankind. And to all true believers. You have known your brother and your leader. You know he never bowed to the despots. The dark cloud wavering in the sk...
  14. 14Hades
    Welcome to Hades, My Hades. this Hades. Holding the candle in my arms. I'm kneeling down to the altar. Waiting the call from my master. Soon will weight my soul. In the final scale I see my remai...
  15. 15Heritance Of Berija
    Land of mighty and glory. Reality behind the iron curtain. Waves - of the bloody revolution. Demagog - calling to join them. Puppets will gather. Controlled by the hindbrain. Heritance of Berija. Comi...
  16. 16Heroes To Us
    Old prophet's land -a battlefield. Of non-believers in a violent rage. A declaration of human rights a pretext. For maintenance of a new world order. Above all written laws a growth concept. Crea...
  17. 17Hollow Heart
    Breaking loose from reality surrounding me. Keeping you bonded in my imagination. Drifting away within the limits of consciousness. Falling in sleep with memories you left for me. Throwing all away. M...
  18. 18Holy Symphony Of War
    State of the world today. Nothing but the same. Violence and disgrace. And no-one to blame. A murder on a TV-screen. The adults playing their game. PlayStation controls children's lives. As they...
  19. 19Human Fates
    A man on the corner with glassy look. Telling a story of his lifetime. A thousand times told, desperate verse. But never listened. Another on by the bar talking to a barmaid. Has spent his whole life...
  20. 20Kill The Idealist
    A pioneer of humanity. Declaring his truth to the crowd. Word of wisdom is what he speaks. Wisdom he has never reached. A well-educated know-it-all. But never has done anything. Collects info from sou...
  21. 21Like A Slave
    A sheet of paper wet by your sweat. Among the others scattered on your desk. Unstable market just can't wait. You moral is now at stake. And you know behind the closed doors. They're watchin...
  22. 22Man Of The King
    Life - Black and white. Without the red in my eyes. Smile - toothless grin. Before the king is inside me. I want to believe to the power higher than we know. But the scene is getting darker in everyth...
  23. 23Man With Mystery
    In the middle of nowhere. Where the wild spruces grow. Stands a man with his chainsaw. Gloomy thoughts in his mind. Until my foot has gone to sleep I must have sawn. A million blocks of wood, no payme...
  24. 24Mindrust
    In the eyes of the Watcher the gleam of flames. Reflecting pictures of the years gone by. Time makes no difference the sleep won´t come. And tomorrows daylight is hiding around. This lonely mind,...
  25. 25Moon Of My Nights
    I thought I knew who you were. But I didn't know myself. Didn't see the things hidden. In my hollowness. Didn't peep round the curtain. Of your exterior. And the crack turned into an ed...
  26. 26My Nation
    Waves of change creep over promised land. We have gathered in our secret stand. Time has come for us to carry through the plan. The bond of oppression have to be unchained. [Chorus:]. Those in power -...
  27. 27One From The Stands
    A condemned man in a prison cell charged with a crime he has done. He draws a picture on the wall a symbol of victory. He clothed peoples thoughts in words declared peace and liberty. The iron fist cl...
  28. 28Outremer
    Outremer overseas. The kingdom of Christianity. The crusaders in their holy war. Fighting for their temple lords. For the crown or for the ring. Deus Vult! Shall they shout. Three points of view nothi...
  29. 29Principle Hero
    See him on Tv-screen doing the rightest thing. Always being at the top of our blessed nation. With white smile in his face he lives on the fat of the land. And he makes you feel sarcastic. Feel him st...
  30. 30Reay For Salvation
    Desperate cry of a child. Who only wants to live. An innocent human being. Deprived of all his dreams. Painful faces of the others. Who once were the chosen. Innocent eyes of the child. Never going to...
  31. 31Skin O' My Teeth
    I had wrists donning slits. Flowing constantly. My broken body in a wreck. Wrapped around a tree. A crosswalk hit and run. The finish line for me. People clutter in the gutter. Take a look and see. [C...
  32. 32Swamphell
    Watery rubber boots. On the field of moss. Inside the boots weary legs. Of the man I always meet. Swamp full of mist. Icy embrace. Nothing left of. Sense of direction. [Chorus:]. Swamphell. Kill me, l...
  33. 33The Black Waltz
    And she walks her way so treatled. Leads away from the bless she´s earned. Gone away the meaning. Before the day against the morning. Down the path of the blind souls she walks. Through the dream...
  34. 34The Blind Leader
    A man -highest in rank. Always commands. Obeys the will. Of the mighty word. Wealth is all he wants to reach. Don' t give a damn to our land. [Chorus:]. He cannot see what is happening in our wor...
  35. 35The Groan Of Wind
    The groan of wind a hiding deadly disease. A killer that hides in the wind. And cannot be seen. A powerful enemy a threat that truly exists. By a hair hung our lives. We see that but we´re blind....
  36. 36The Stalker
    Against the wintry scene. I see your silhouette. And all the joy the I fell. Come crashing down on you. It brakes you, it shakes you. It makes you come to me. It makes me come to you. I will be mercil...
  37. 37The Third, The Magical
    I've been searching some answers concealed in my heart. The spirit within. I've been hunting those secrets with my deepest bottle. But have found none. So I need a deeper dive:. With the scr...
  38. 38They Will Return
    Rhythm of wings in the sky so high. Music in my ears I can't wait to see. I' m hiding in the grass death in my hands. Surprise is my only defence. My private war against wilderness. Human ma...
  39. 39Time Takes Us All
    In every revolution there´s a man with a vision. He agitates and incites to follow his vocation. He speaks the golden words turns us against the system. Into the stand we rise him and make a low...
  40. 40To The Gallows
    Waken by the scream of a buzzard. Sending cold shivers down his back. Now across the barren desert gallops a horse. The only thing alive maintaining hope. soon the steps will slow and horse ends up de...
  41. 41Tordah
    I've chosen my way of life I'll drink my every coin. And even if I'm broken I'll drink my homemade moonshine. Until it is all in my head and I will meet my fellows. Those who creep...
  42. 42Towards The Sky
    Time crawls and time flies. Seasons wave when they're passing by. I'm walking along the shore. Wondering is this true or dream?. Now when world is covered with blood. Everything is filled wi...
  43. 43Using The Word
    A man with the mask on a mountain. Holding the cross in his blood covered hands. Watching the symbol with respect. Praising the lord for victory. He led the troops into a battle. Battle of might, glor...
  44. 44Wings Of Blackening
    Hey Mr. Charles where are you now?. Knocking at the heaven's door. But there's no-one around?. Standing behind your theory. That a man comes from an ape?. Or can't you see all that God...
  45. 45With Terminal Intensity
    A child was born into this world. With great emotion he was loved. The evil seed slept in his body. Spreading its roots before the glory. The hell was risen when he was twelve. The squeeze of the trig...
  46. 46Withering Away
    Life - testament of fathers. Forces to fight against the dark side. Mystery - still unsolved. Controller of the panel inner body. Hear the voices from the side of unknown. Leading body into temptation...