8 letras de Músicas de Kalopsia: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de Kalopsia cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Driven By Voices
    Another night, another exploit, across the tracks, to the other side of decency, Never hurting anyone, I thought it nothing wrong. These women that I rent, they bring me the only joy I know. I pay the...
  2. 2Headless And Raped
    You fucking bitch! Bleed!. Exacting my revenge, stabbing repeatedly. Blood to repay debt, morbid currency. With my knife, I'll sever your fucking head. Rape you after, and before you are dead. Th...
  3. 3Her Obituary Reads
    The plans imperfect, the body was found. Headless cadaver, rotting in the ground. It's in the papers, it's on the tv, Now everybody is looking for me. I was so careful, not careful enough. V...
  4. 4Orgasmic Mutilation
    Overcome by rage, I seek to dominate. Arousal found at the end of my blade. Another victim, homicide. Brutal, perverse, violence in the night. Attack was unexpected � I took her life. Another s...
  5. 5Pleasure In Torture
    Sick, evil, sadistic, yearning to witness torture. Screams, in abject horror, raise me to bliss. Years I have spent, to see my art perfected. Taking all I can from my victims while they're still...
  6. 6Realm Of The Dead
    Darkness descends on the realm of the dead. Where humans are nothing more than names engraved in rock. In graves are they all, the loved and the loathed. With flashlight and shovel I seek to satisfy a...
  7. 7Source Of My Evil
    The Source of My Evil. I have located the source of my evil. That which brings me the pain. the pain which is only healed by the suffering of others. the affliction which drives me insane. The source...
  8. 8Tool Shed Therapy
    My tools, lovely tools of grisly torture - facilitate, violent acts of therapy. Captured, victims soon to be freed, of the obligations of true existence. Take them to another level, a calm place, a qu...