14 letras de Músicas de Kamchatka: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de Kamchatka cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Breathe
    It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Looking back at me. That one can be so full of doubt. In one's will to be. Where did I go wrong. To end up where I was yesterday?. Have I been lost too long. T...
  2. 2Feel
    I fold my hands to pray. I close my eyes to see. I close my mouth so I can think. I turn down the lights. Feel. I turn down my head. Am I done?. I take a deep breath. Do I live?. Thinking 'bout y...
  3. 3From There
    What is this meaninglessness that we feel?. Why can't I see what you see? Please, tell me. Are there some rules that I never did learn?. Are we the only ones whose page doesn't turn. So tire...
  4. 4Heritage
    I emptied myself completely. To make enough room for you. Now I trust in you to guide me. Whatever you'll have me do. I know you will make all the right choices. As I lay my life in your hands. N...
  5. 5Jigsaw
    We've got a new set of rules. Enabling us to apply for grants. To take part in experiments of doubtful measures. We've got a new set of tools. Beyond surgical exactitude. Consequenses are st...
  6. 6Mixed Emotions
    Sometimes I wish. I wasn't born. Mixed emotions. About being here. My thoughts just keep spinning. Can't think clear. It's not that I don't want to. Keep things real. But it's...
  7. 7Mnemosyne Waltz
    I remember everything. Is that to be my curse?. These images that crowd me. Will they never disperse?. A distorted symbiosis. Between now and then. It seems they will not let go. Not until my last bre...
  8. 8No
    Light seeks it's way on through the cracks. Making it impossible to sleep. Knowing there will be an attack. Fleeing up a hill that's too steep. I'm filling my life with obligations. Whi...
  9. 9Seed
    When you took a. Look inside my. Self-satisfied mind. You chose not to. Understand these. Things you came to find. I have given something. You couldn't possibly share with anyone. Now you sleep w...
  10. 10Sweet Relief
    We've got a mission. To conquer everything. So that there'll be no one left. To question us. No more adaption. At least not from our part. This is not a time to be. Ambiguous. Soon there&apo...
  11. 11Terminus
    Ignominious avaricious. Ruinous impetus. Nebulous sumptuous. Fictious terminus. Be a part of something bigger. Why don't you join the winning team?. Safety in numbers is the trigger. It's so...
  12. 12Who I Am
    Who am I?. What's my game?. I can not. Stay the same. I never stopped to think. I am a product of my expectation. Of what others expect from me. That I expect more from myself. Than I do from any...
  13. 13Withstand
    Now, here you are. What's this?. Howcome you're on your own?. Keep struggling. While your faith is. Sinking like a stone. And everything. Around you. Is crumbling apart. Anyone else. Would g...
  14. 14Wrong End
    How long. Will it take 'til we do something 'bout this?. It can't be we are supposed to accept this. Though it seems most people do. And those who don't. Who put their trust in gre...