7 letras de Músicas de Kami Lyle: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Kami Lyle cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Hocus Pocus
    As a family of lawnchairs gathered. Underneath a clean suburban sun. There were seven pink flamingos. Standing pigeon-toed, not hurting anyone. Her mama called her "Precious". And her daddy...
  2. 2Like A Thief
    I'm wearing this old blue sweater. The one that you've had since high school. I stole it one year as you stood in the mirror. And I said that the red one looked better. And just for a moment...
  3. 3Love Me
    Love me like I am a movie star. Love me like I am a fool. Tragic and hopeless. Softly out of focus. And you be a movie star too. Love me like I am a Saturday. Lazy and warm by the old wishing pool. Du...
  4. 4Mr. Moon
    I am fourteen with my sister's face. On the fake I. D. that you got. Your flashlight on. Shining down on her not me. In that little square. So I talk about this weather. While my sister smiles....
  5. 5Polka Dots
    I'm sitting in the second row. Do you see me, do you know. And if I sing louder than my whole row. Could I kiss you after the show. Yeah tonight I must. Tonight I burn to. Turn my lust. Into lear...
  6. 6September
    If I were your September. I'd whisper a sunset to fly through. And if I were your September. I'd ask every star to help me find you. Then I'd fall from the trees. Dance on the sidewalk...
  7. 7The Grocery Song
    My paper cuts have turned maroon. The color of my bow. I tied it like a noose today. And I almost got sent home. 'Cause I just sack the groceries here. And I watch your world go by. The big black...