15 letras de Músicas de Kane Hodder: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 15 letras de músicas de Kane Hodder cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Machine In The World Of Man
    I want you to die. Every time you steal my heart. it's mine to steal as I please. And I can't ignore your theft inside as insight. but your heart is monetary and that just kills me. I want y...
  2. 2Aboard The Leper Colony
    I'm gonna give it to you (bang!). Dance party at six million degrees. When you turn to dust it's so erotic. And that's just vanity, Quadafi-chic just comes so naturally. Gulag's ge...
  3. 3Assault At First Light
    Win this war for me. Save your affectionate smile for the knife stuck in your head. Cold-blooded cancer punch-lines give you that quick death you hoped for ten years ago. we should have let you die on...
  4. 4Attack On Tir Asleen
    We may not have a common tongue, But we all hate Bavmorda. We've given her reason. Given her guile. Given her prophecy, But there's one reason to put you here, Because we all hate Bavmorda....
  5. 5Crushing Everything In Sight
    Prophecy is gonna rock heretics. Was it memory black-out or was it hopeful visions of your head. relieving your shoulders of burden?. Prophecy is gonna kill the prophet. 100 tons of hellfire; self-con...
  6. 6David Lo Pan Versus Jack Burton
    You don't like dirt and I'm sick of cute. (Six strings can lie). I'm elated now, the bigger picture lies a thousand fold. The whine is spoiled. The whine is bored. (It never gets any be...
  7. 7Heaven Help Me! I Love A Psychotic!
    When that bile burns your teeth. (you'll know you really are in love). and it's still the acid with the lethal tongue-kiss that gers you off completely. that motif screams heaven like someth...
  8. 8I Think Patrick Swayze Is Sexy!
    It's how I love the feeling of sex and desperation. lose the pace and churn the legs with panoramic lip gestation that mutilation reeks of sex;. I'll take that hemorrhage to my temple. that&...
  9. 9Jason Dean Was A Teenage Liberator
    Yeah, it's dynamite, the way he takes his life and then you jump in with your qicked croquet heart. and then you fill your self with cancer as he burns at your feet. and then you spill your guys...
  10. 10Last Of The Anti-fascist Warriors
    Sonic Boom!. You'll suck the birth of me and my translucent enemies. I'd lose my legs for you, I'd raise my fist for you. Ten times the might of fashion, kiss my lips for that chain rea...
  11. 11Queen Of Suburban Legend
    365; I'll always miss 375. I'd rather hear tires, than listen to the static. Than listen to them lick the pavement. (At the edge of the world). And give up every moment to the floor. He lear...
  12. 12Simona Checks Bettys Corpse
    Your pretty brown eyes are sick and lonely. It's all about living for that moment. Dying for that moment you've always wished for. Give your dead lips a smile. Your eyes are sick and lonely....
  13. 13The Duke Has Died And Cancer Has Killed Him
    Why can't they see right through you. (You've got the liquid hips of a belly dancer). Such a cassanova-esque quasi-libido. Just like the tempting siren. You'll keep causing them to keep...
  14. 14Too Much Eddie Kendricks, Not Enough David Ruffin
    Lung cancer is the new cocaine!. (Otis Williams is the cure). Tell me, who wants that defecation running through their veins. Tell it honey, how you like it. How you want your neck perverted. get with...
  15. 15You Sign Your Crimes With A Silver Bullet
    Is this a hold-up?. we're staging hold-ups, mind your throat. he'll strip your will like cancer. we're staging hold ups. give a kiss. that crippled hunter holds your answers. give me yo...