5 letras de Músicas de Kane Strang: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Kane Strang cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1My Smile Is Extinct
    Yes she is the best I've ever had. I'll say it to her face and I'll say it to her dad. We went to a party. At my good friend's house. Then I fell asleep inside my car. She tapped u...
  2. 2Oh So You're Off I See
    Oh so you are off I see. Oh so you are off I see. Oh well they're there. Tear up and gone. At least we don't have to hold on to something that was never ever gonna come. I fall, so fast. Tex...
  3. 3Silence Overgrown
    Take me, I don't mind. Said it's this one that wastes my time. Did they see that, can they feel it too. It's not this one that I'm used to. When I wake up at my favourite brink. It...
  4. 4Two Hearts and no Brain
    I've got two hearts and no brain. And no brain, and no brain. And our souls have not always been. A pinned plan, a pinned plan. So we kiss in the rubble of our walls. They've got no heart, a...
  5. 5Winded
    Bull in a china shop. She's gonna pop your heart. Send you back to the start. Keep you alive at the end like a bad film. So she can tell you why she did. What she did. Who she did it with. What s...