16 letras de Músicas de Kaospilot: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 16 letras de músicas de Kaospilot cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A False Hollywood Promise
    Another doll in a money making game . Show your skin and your bills will be paid. Drained into the perfect shape. And show your skin. Soon your beuty. Will fade. A false hollywood promise. Soon you be...
  2. 2Akathisia
    What happened to our culture? Suddenly all of us became products of our environment. With the aim of individuality, mobility, flexibility and effectivity - our anxiety expands. The vampire kisses an...
  3. 3Arm Your Fists
    Arm your fists with smashed bottles. Aim at the patriarchal portraits. Repacked sex keeps your interest as we were living fuck machines. Nothing falls early or too late. Assault your pity. The rev...
  4. 4Dead Conversation
    Another useless statement. This conversation is dead. We sit and talk for hours. But nothing is really said. You look at me: I look at you. "Everything is fine". So concerned about mai...
  5. 5Eleventh Hour Tactics
    Somehow the fire went out and these winter days left me cold. Spending my days counting empty bottles really don't satisfy me anymore. Walls built to protect are closing in now ready to destroy...
  6. 6Letter Of Condolence
    Silent genocide whole nations left to die, and we are so sad to tell you this cure is not for free. You cannot pay, so you will have to die. And we are so sorry this is just the way it works we woul...
  7. 7Nineteenneightyfour
    One more american tv show , another brain cell dismissed. Where did the reality turn ?. Push the know, if it's not worn. out, and what do you see?. Entertainment, just entertainment. Like the eig...
  8. 8Process Is Set
    Mankind is measure. This process is set. We cry for a change - we call for a change. But without movement we stand still. This is a face of a speechless subject. These faces are killing. Monolog...
  9. 9Prologue To Better Players
    Everything of today is falling. It's decaying. Who will support this life? Do you? Feel the passion to embrace this life? These are the men of today. I am a prologue to better players. Follow...
  10. 10Rethink The Guidelines
    I do not feel very comfortable here. What made me is unclear, but I still feel kind of trapped. Love or hate. I did my best to run away from my passions. I was close but my circumstances did not a...
  11. 11Robots Took Me On The Outside Of Dogs
    Sometimes at bus stops and on daytime soaps you can here people say " no peace for the wicked" They never offer a nuanced version. And maybe words are just noise or a set of marks on paper....
  12. 12School Of Assassins
    Death squads trained to serve the pigs rage for hegemony. Blood bath scenario- violence strikes again. And while greed writes the history, human rights still are a term not spoken. This is a rouge-...
  13. 13The Last Dance
    Fuck you and you stupid routines. Count from one to ten. And you got the routines. We need more freedom. The same old nine to five working day, doesn't work anymore. Its the same, all the same, n...
  14. 14The Vicious Cycle
    It's hard to rise. When another weight is put on your broken back. We give with our left hand with our right hand we take ten folds back. It's not our acts that kill it's more the fa...
  15. 15Under The Knife, Scars Run Deep
    Not how they want you to be. So you need to change, to fit. in so perfectly and satisfy their eyes. Replaces by plastic "beauty". to become a fashion look. Still a photographic memory , so t...
  16. 16Up, Down, Right, Left
    Up , down , right , left. There is no seat left. I guess you must walk on forward and then backwards. What good can you do for me anyway?. I don't want to be a part of you or your life. Sorry, It...