15 letras de Músicas de Kap Bambino: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 15 letras de músicas de Kap Bambino cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 111:38
    hey often come at night. like a cold sweat. faceless, they expect. what, who, i do not know. every time i see them. fears fill me. annoying feeling. 11:38. under the silence. after all worries. can&ap...
  2. 2Acid Eyes
    when the lights came down on your heads. we can see finally your acid eyes. is it gonna be true. what we gonna do. believe nothing else. speeding like a fast train. behind us we can feel your warm. st...
  3. 3Batcaves
    It's getting really heavy. just a bang of troubles. if we have been told before. we wouldn't have eaten poison. go to the end, and start again. go to the end and start again. if we wait, not...
  4. 4Blacklist
    Lie. Fast. Die. Envy. No past. Disgust. Knock. Fight. Take. Leave. Give. Abuse. Wait. Breathe. Leave. Reconnect. Want. Suffering. Imagine. Finally. Spit. Close. Change. Burn. Letting. Go!...
  5. 5Blonde Roses
    It was the other night. We did such stupid things. We even climbed on the graves. And we pissed on the blond roses. Jump! jump! I will catch you up. Our fall will be better. Jump! jump! I will catch y...
  6. 6Blue Screen
    Your last messages say to me. I can't love you anymore. But i'm not this style of person. Who breaks relations by phone. The privacy can't exist again. All of us have kill her. We have...
  7. 7Dead Lazers
    some terrifying and distressing images. on a blue wallpaper, in the holes of my eyes. some cracked and rubbish stuffs. I can't sleep, i have the fucking the fucking speed. the bass sounds go up t...
  8. 8Devotion
    Saying! go!. Battering. Shut!. Many year done. Obviously the same. Go!. Test all your limits. Puking in battering. No one is dancing. Shut!. We are, we are united. We are, we are the last devotion. We...
  9. 9Hey!
    Hey what's going on, now you are so small and out. I see them load it into your face, I see them load it into your brain. Yesterday you have sold your ghost to the commercial devil, lots of crap...
  10. 10Human Piles
    I love making human piles with my friends on sofas. I love when they crush my head. As long as possible. To the point of suffocation. The main thing is to take a run up. And to make a huge heaping pil...
  11. 11Lezard
    flesh after flesh!. burning by the sun. hide under the rock. insect fooding! step by step in the forest. never regrets. eggs of fly. red! green! blue!. the new skin that you get. can forgot all the tr...
  12. 12New Breath
    Like a new breath, like a new desire. Like a new breath, like a new desire. Like a new breath, like a new desire. Like a new breath, like a new desire. Like a new breath, like a new breath. Like a new...
  13. 13Red Sign
    hey hell babe. you never go. hey hell shellie. you never know. oh dirty hellie. you never go. hey dirty shellie. you never saw. red sign. magic clouds. red sign. magic clouds. drama virgin. hey dirty...
  14. 14Rezo Zero
    It's in these moments of. That the mind bumps into the walls that became porous. Like an unpaid bill that never stops chasing after you. It always comes back to you, never bored. The regret is my...
  15. 15Save
    Save. To keep me from going crazy. Because we are not done. I would like to tell you. That nothing is finished. We did not say our last words. We will shout our despair. In front of misery. I want to...