64 letras de Músicas de Karan Casey: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 64 letras de músicas de Karan Casey cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Ae Fond Kiss
    Ae fond kiss and then we sever. Ae farewell, alas, forever. Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee. Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee. Who's to say that fortune grieves him. W...
  2. 2Another Day
    This world is made with sweat and toil. Pushing muscle and elbow oil. We can't lie too long in the shade. 'Cause everyday must be remade. Some days we fall, some days we fly. In the end we a...
  3. 3Ballad Of Accountin
    In the morning we built the city. In the afternoon walked through its streets. Evening saw us leaving. We wandered through our days as if they would never end. All of us imagined we had endless time t...
  4. 4Bata Is Bóthar
    Ó chaitheas-sa seal i measc na bponcán. Ag codailt amuigh fé chrann mo dhóchais. Ag réabadh fallaí a thóg m'athair romham. Idir é is an doicheall i bhfuinn...
  5. 5Black Is The Colour
    Black is the color of my true love's hair. His face is soft and wondrous fair. The purest eyes and the gentlest hands. I love the ground up where he stands. I love the ground up where he stands....
  6. 6Bright Winter's Day
    Rain, fall softly to kiss your face. Bring me back to your embrace. Rain, come down, make the snows fade away. On this bright winter's day. And I wonder where you are now. In your own quiet way....
  7. 7Buile Mo Chroí
    An gcloiseann tú bualadh mo chroí. Buile mo chroí. Greadadh mo chroí. An gcloiseann tú greadadh mo chroí. Are you hearing the beat of my heart. The bang of my heart. The...
  8. 8Chasing The Sun
    The stars, they all stand up in the sky. Make me want to fly away with you. The winds pile themselves into my dreams. Reminding me only of the lack of you. I could be up there with the best of them. M...
  9. 9Distant Shore
    Everyone knows that there's no place like home. I'm just seeking refuge in a world full of storms. Washed up on a distant shore. Can't go home anymore. The natives are hostile whatever...
  10. 10Dunlavin Green
    In the year of one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. A sorrowful tale, the truth unto you I'll relate. Thirty-six heroes to the world they were left to be seen. By a false information were...
  11. 11Éirigh Suas A Stóirín
    Éirigh suas a stóirín mura bfhuil tú 'do shuí. Oscail an doras agus lig mise chun ti. Tá buidéal im' aice bhéarfas deoch do mhnaoi an tí. Agus t&...
  12. 12Eppie Morrie
    Four-and-twenty Highland men. Came from the Carron side. To steal away Eppie Morrie. Cause she wouldn't be a bride, a bride. She wouldn't be a bride. Then out it's came her mother then....
  13. 13Erin's Lovely Home
    Come, all ye sons of Paddy's land and listen unto me. 'Til I relate of the hardships great a-crossing over the sea. For the want of bread ten thousands fled so far across the foam. And left...
  14. 14Freedom Song
    I think of you each day. Although you're far away. I try to understand. How it is in a foreign land. I wonder if you sleep. Your mind can find no ease. Your heart can still be free. To dream of l...
  15. 15I Once Loved A Lass
    I once loved a lass and I loved her so well. I hated all others who spoke of her ill. But now she's rewarded me well for my love. She's gone to be wed to another. I watched as my love did to...
  16. 16Jimmy Whelan
    One evening of late as I went a-walking. Watching the sunbeams as evening drew nigh. It's onwards I rambled and I spied a fair maiden. A-weeping and a-wailing with many's a sigh. For one who...
  17. 17Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
    While goin' the road to sweet Athy. Hurroo hurroo. While goin' the road to sweet Athy. Hurroo hurroo. Goin' the road to sweet Athy. A stick in me hand, a drop in me eye. A doleful damse...
  18. 18Just a Note
    Just a note for the time is short, dear. Hard is the work and long the day. But my fond heart will be with you, Mary. Although you are many, many miles away. Kiss the children for me, Mary. Do not let...
  19. 19Lady Mary Anne
    Lady Mary Anne looked over the castle wall. And there she saw twa bonny laddies playing at the ball. And the youngest of them was the fairest of all. He's my bonny boy he's young and he&apos...
  20. 20Love Is Pleasing
    I never thought my love would leave me. Until that morning when he stepped in. Well, he sat down and I sat beside him. And then our troubles, they did begin. Oh love is teasing and love is pleasing. A...
  21. 21Maidin Aiseach
    Maidin aiseach d'fhagas clárach. Speal im laimh agam 'smé dul ar triall. Ar mUncail Sean thiar san Dóirin aluinn. A bhí go trath lag anois le bliain. Ar thaobh Sulái...
  22. 22Maidin Luan Chincíse
    Maidin Luan Chincíse labhar an síofra sa ngleann. Do bhailíodar na cága chun ábhacht a dheanamh ann. Do chruinníomar ina dtimpeall is do lasamar ár dtinte. Is do th&...
  23. 23Martinmas Time
    It fell out upon one Martinmas time. When snow lay on the border. There came a troop of soldiers here. To take up their winter quarters. And they road high and they rode north. And they rode o'er...
  24. 24Mother Earth's Revenge
    I am a hawk on a mountain side. A crashing wave on a winter's tide. The breeze that blows on a tall ship's sail. I am the kick of a salmon's tail. I'm up above and I'm down be...
  25. 25One, I Love
    Chorus (after each verse):. One, I love. Two, she loves. And three, she's true to me. All of my friends fell out with me. Because I kept your company. Let them say whatever they will. I love my l...
  26. 26Quiet Of The Night
    In the quiet of the night. I make up my dreams. And steal a bit of peace. To ease me through the day. In the quiet of the night. I make up my mind. I decide to stay strong. For the rest of the way. Ch...
  27. 27Rise Up, My Love
    Rise up, my love, if you’re still in bed lying. Open the door that I might come and recline. By my side I’ve a bottle that I’ve brought for your mother. And I hope she’ll a...
  28. 28Roger The Miller
    Young Roger the miller came courting of late. To a farmer's fine daughter called beautiful Kate. She had for her fortune a many fine things. Beautiful silks and gold, diamonds and rings. Her fath...
  29. 29Seoithín
    Seoithín agus seoithín agus seoithín agus seo. Seoithín agus seoithín agus seoithín agus seo. Seoithín agus seoithín agus seoithín agus seo. A' magadh...
  30. 30Shamrock Shore
    You brave young sons of Erin's Isle. I hope you will attend awhile. 'Tis the wrongs of dear old Ireland I am going to relate. 'Twas black and cursed was the day. When our parliament was...
  31. 31She Is Like The Swallow
    She's like the swallow that flies on high. She's like the river that never runs dry. She's like the sun beaming on the lea shore. I love my love, but love is no more. A maiden into her...
  32. 32Song Of Lies
    And her mouth was as red as the fresh fallen snow. The day she told me again. How another man's love was as white as a raven. While mine was blacker than blood. How another man's love was as...
  33. 33Strange Fruit
    Southern trees bearing strange fruit. Blood on the leaves and blood at the root. Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze. Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallan...
  34. 34The Ballad Of Tim Evans
    Tim Evans was a prisoner down in his prison cell. And those who read about his crimes condemned his soul to hell. Saying, "Go down, you murderer, go down, you murderer, go down". For the kil...
  35. 35The Brown And The Yellow Ale
    As I was going down the road one fine morning. Oh the brown and the yellow ale. I met with a young man without any warning. Oh love of my heart. He asked me if the woman by my side was my daughter. Oh...
  36. 36The Cradle Song
    Sweet babe, a golden cradle holds thee. Soft a snow-white fleece enfolds thee. Fairest flower all strewn before thee. Birds warble o'er thee. Seoithín seo ló, seoithín seo lú...
  37. 37The Creggan White Hare
    In the lowlands of Creggan there lives a white hare. As swift as a swallow as she flies through the air. You may travel the country, but none could compare. With the pride of the Creggan, that bonnie...
  38. 38The Curra Road
    In the summer we'll go walking. Way down to the river down the Curra road. There's a blue sky we'll walk under. Listen to the humming bees and on we'll go. We won't worry abou...
  39. 39The Fiddle And The Drum
    And so once again. My dear Johnny, my dear friend. And so once again you are fighting us all. And when I ask you why. You raise your sticks and cry, and I fall. My friend, how did you come. To trade t...
  40. 40The Four Loom Weaver
    Chorus (after each verse):. I'm a four loom weaver as many a man knows. Nowt to eat and I've worn out my clothes. Clogs are both broken and stockings I've none. Hardly give me tuppence...
  41. 41The Jute-mill Song
    Chorus:. Oh dear me, the mill runs fast. The poor wee shifters cannae get their rest. Shifting bobbins course and fine. Fairly make you work for your ten and nine. Oh dear me, I wish the day was done....
  42. 42The Keg Of Brandy
    I'm always drunk and I'm seldom sober. In constant roving from town to town. But I am old now and my sporting is over. So Molly a stór won't you lay me down. Lay my head on a keg o...
  43. 43The King's Shilling
    Oh my love has left me with bairnes twa. And that's the last of him I ever saw. He's joined the army and marched to war. He took the shilling. He took the shilling and he’s off to war...
  44. 44The Labouring Man's Daughter
    A nobleman's son, he dreamed such a dream. Of the beautifulest girl in the nation. No counsel would he take, but journeys he'd make. Through Ireland to seek this fair creature. 'Twas se...
  45. 45The Liberty Tree
    It was the year of ’93. The French did plant an olive tree. The symbol of great liberty. And the people danced around it. O wasn’t I telling you, The French declared courageously. That E...
  46. 46The Loony Moon
    High in the sky, high up there. The moon is laughing everywhere. She has seen a stranger, she has. Laughing and dancing way up there. (2x). She brings in the tide, sends us to sleep. We dream in her l...
  47. 47The Seasons
    Spring came, birds singing up in the high trees. Silkie song is still clearer. Telling me to come away. (2x). Summer, sun shining high on the mountains. Silkie song is still warmer. Telling me to come...
  48. 48The Silkie Song
    I'll come up from the salty sea. And watch the waves come in. I'll come up from the salty sea. And watch the waves come in. Silkie song o'er the rain and wind. Watch the waves come in....
  49. 49The Snows They Melt The Soonest
    The snows they melt the soonest when the winds begin to sing. And the corn it ripens fastest as the frosts are settling in. And when a young man tells me that my face he'll soon forget. Before we...
  50. 50The Song Of The Sea
    A sea maid sings on yonder reef. The spell-bound seals draw near. A lilt that lures beyond belief. Mortals enchanted hear. Chorus (after each verse):. Coir an oir an oir an eer o. Coir an oir an oir a...
  51. 51The Song Of Wandering Ae
    I went out to the hazel wood because a fire was in my head. And cut and pealed a hazel wand and hooked a berry to a thread. And when white moths were on the wing and moth-like stars were flickering ou...
  52. 52The Waves Down In The Ocean
    Chorus (after each verse):. Oh ro the salty waves. The waves down in the ocean O. Oh ro the salty waves. The waves down in the ocean O. And in those waves there was a whale. A rare whale and a salty w...
  53. 53The World Looks Away
    I woke up from the dream. To find it all the same. The pain was still here. And the world looked away. The world looked away. The world looked away. The world looked away. Palestine burns. The curfew...
  54. 54The World Turned Upside Down
    In sixteen forty-nine to Saint George's Hill. A ragged band they called the Diggers came to show the people's will. They defied the landlords, they defied the law. They were the dispossessed...
  55. 55The Wriggly
    She bites the heads of the wriggly eels. And drops them down into her belly. Wriggly, wriggly, wriggly eels. Hmmm, but they're smelly. They squirm and squiggle all about. Squiggle and wiggle in h...
  56. 56The Yellow Furze
    The yellow furze stole my heart again today. The daisies in the long grasses sway. Before I stepped into his domain. My heart soared and sang with the wind. I stood in by the ditch where the primroses...
  57. 57This Time Will Pass
    I'll keep your story. I'll keep it for you. Fold it into my heart. Where no one will know. I'll hold your spirit. Like a sigh on the wind. Like some rain on a flower. To remind me of yo...
  58. 58Town Of Athlone
    In the town of Athlone there's a young woman walking. And wrapped 'round her baby a shawl, and she speaks. Of the passing of rings to the uniformed soldiers. The price of a ribbon their fort...
  59. 59We're Going Sailin'
    We're going sailing out on the silver sea. Air is full of treasure, you and me. All along the shore you can hear the mermaids singing. No one will believe us, no one will believe us. Below on the...
  60. 60Weary From Lying Alone
    One evening of late as I carelessly strayed. I espied a fair maid in deep mourn. asked her the matter, she quickly made answer. I am weary from lying alone, alone. I am weary from lying alone. My come...
  61. 61When Will We All Be Free
    Some people live the high life. They live like kings and queens. They go about all dressed up. Well-encased in their dreams. Most of us go from day to day. Feeling we have no clout. Gods, they say it&...
  62. 62Where Are You Tonight I Wonder
    Where are you tonight I wonder. Where will you be tonight when I cry. Will sleep for you come easy. Whilst I alone can't slumber. Will you welcome the morning. At another man's side. How eas...
  63. 63Who Put The Blood
    Where have you been all along summer's day. Son tell it unto me. A fishing and a fowling in the fields and in the forest. I am weary mother let me be. I am weary mother let me be. Who put the blo...
  64. 64You Brought Me Up
    You brought me up and out of the water. You brought me up to forget. I had ever been, I could ever breathe. In the water under your heart. I darkened your door and your days you said. You couldnȁ...