52 letras de Músicas de Karate: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 52 letras de músicas de Karate cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Airport
    Today the grass is like another green, straight from heaven's garden, like you've never seen. At first glance it's like this place is on fire, but it's just time for this dew to ex...
  2. 2Baby Teeth
    Make yourself ready and it will come, like baby teeth or police at the sound of the drums. To me that sound is like spreading hope, and we are seeking relief till we get home. Lost patience, vacations...
  3. 3Bad Tattoo
    Bad tattoo on every boy you see. This ones for you, and it's a message from me. It's an image not a metaphor, because I miss you unlike anything. Anything before. Culturealist with every wor...
  4. 4Bass Sounds
    I'm here in a room and i have things arranged. I have them likened to code, so they can often be changed. An image, a sound, they are one in the same, just one likes to move and one stays the sam...
  5. 5Bodies
    Sometimes style just blurs the line, between what's real. And what's divine. This is how I think of you, suspended in between the two. Girl you've got me all wrong it's not about t...
  6. 6Caffeine Or Me?
    brave, brave is a meaningless word. in the 20th century. save, save for the times that you heard. when it means stupidity. like, right now, if you could disappear. i know that you would. if you could...
  7. 7Cancel
    Part of this safety is some routine locked in code, predicatable, like each next white stripe on the road. We stash away surprises underneath our severeal beds, like clown coats and fire suits, as los...
  8. 8Cherry Coke
    I'm still shaking off last night. I'm still trying to get this right. You know the morning seems to set my head on fire. I know its a little late, but you know I love to make you wait. You...
  9. 9Corduroy
    The fire is already ut when the raine comes. The nucleus of stress chooses dust in the end. Like aerosol evils in a rush towards the sun, it's an oasis inside out, and fire is the trend. Do you s...
  10. 10Death Kit
    I might be dumb and ready, but i'm not so easy when I'm loaded. To a heart from a slow bleed and It's a cinch when you're only seventeen. Today I'm seventeen again. It's...
  11. 11Diazepam
    Just ignore the red phone bill. Just put it up on the sill and close your eyes. It'll be there in the morning. Just get some sleep before the sun. Lay down your head because you're the lucky...
  12. 12Die Die
    All the girls and all my friends and all the kids i know-. they pray out loud every day and still have nothing to say. They still have nothing to say to me. Why?. I know they try. Sometimes when i&ap...
  13. 13Empty There
    I trust her anywhere. If only for a day. We're up til four or more. We're pounding on the floor. She pulled out yesterday. left months or things to change. Won't be the last time. That...
  14. 14Every Sister
    Maybe, things are harder when you try, and I can brag if I want to. And you'd believe it if you want to. Maybe, if you repeat the situation, you could see my hesitation. And I wouldn't feel...
  15. 15Fatal Strategies
    If fear comes from children and muffled conversations behind doors. Politics are from lawyers, and the cops are in it too, I'm sure. When things get strange, we just rearrange. We turn it inside...
  16. 16First Release
    I knew a love that could scare all the wings off the doves, outside my window as they'd stretch out their lungs. From rooftop to rooftop it would come with new weather. as the blank dormers stare...
  17. 17Gasoline
    Hey sugar, Hey sugar, Hey sugar, Sugar. Just to watch you sleep. Just to hear you speak. Just to hear you. Stay. Everything you say. You know it gives you, just gives you away. Stay, Sugar gasolin...
  18. 18Halo Of The Strange
    So much simple summer strives to convince us of its pride, to unite all the locals and the details of a ride. Through a pastiche of painless principles and repeated distant-heart designs, your resilie...
  19. 19Ice Or Ground?
    They used to throw some fists but now they fuck you up with teflon. Still serious?. If so I hope you got some boots on because it's raining. Complaining's not gonna change things now. Let&ap...
  20. 20If You Can Hold Your Breath
    this beer is wine. when you've got to have a good time. if you drink it all with me. we'll remember everything. hold on tight. we'll go for a ride tonight. head out to walden pond. down...
  21. 21In Hundreds
    Part nonsense, part lung test, sickness loved in these hands. Sought numbers for answers. In hundreds I said prayers. Missed some trains. Lost some friends. Some forgave in the end. I don't want...
  22. 22It's 98 Stop
    It's 98, it's 99. I've got some. I've got mine. I'll still love you in 1999. Hold it. Now we're downtown at the show and we've got no place to go. Won't you...
  23. 23New Martini
    I used to know this boredom-potential asleep. I can't feel the rain until it cuts across my cheek. But i must get paid. I've got to get that check. Let me sign my name before i lose it. Let...
  24. 24New New
    She likes my amplifier loud. What goes in must come out. Turn it up. Turn it up. You can hear it downtown on the bus, on the radio. So relaxed she's in slow motion. So at home. No transportati...
  25. 25Not To Call The Police
    In the summer it's all bad, but in the winter it's ok. I gave up where the water pulls the walls and the cold and the sun are one. And you know, I wasn't afraid. T. here is hard rain...
  26. 26Number Six
    If we are Nature's detour to get to five great names, you are number six, just neglected by these days. With all the confusion around hate, schedules, and possibilities, under solar-system simula...
  27. 27On Cutting
    So many years, so many fears. That much time spent standing in line. for a window view that i think i can use, but don't cut in line when you're way on time. Now i've figured out your d...
  28. 28One Less Blues
    Confidence-it drops like filth in bathroom stalls. Privacy-it leaks through un-completed walls. Forced by public failures, now you must recall. You have to recall the times when we became hemmed in by...
  29. 29Operation: Sand
    Gas proof floors and garden walls. Through every spring and every fall. I'll drive your car through black holes. And then I'll start to sing. Until the shit is sold. Parts undone. And all ar...
  30. 30Original Spies
    A stand, a wall, a fiat in us all, something that will take away this nonsense. soon, one of these days. The demand, the call, it will come soon I can hear. us all talking one day about the ones that...
  31. 31Outside Is The Drama
    I don't want the promise. I want the guarantee of loose leaves from trees. Outside is the drama that takes place outside from you, and me too. Passwords save you, from me, and just secure our liv...
  32. 32Pines
    Down the street I'll park the car. You go ahead Meet me inside. There's no reason for us to both go through with it. On the way I'll call about this guitar. Don't want to sell, but...
  33. 33Remain Relaxed
    Stay out with me tonight. There's some blankets in the back. Caught on Autumn's edge out near the woods once again, but this time no one expects us back. I know it's cold but it's...
  34. 34Sever
    Your eyes, they made lies true. Say anything and I would believe you. But there were demons, maybe more than a few, so what could we do?. Because in my life there was only asbestos, and Raymond Willia...
  35. 35Sing
    This advice is outdated, This news is overrated. Sanctuary getting crowded. Eviction on the way. So here's one small commentary, As all the zealots become wary, and most opinions vary. on what ma...
  36. 36Small Fires
    Within the influence of innocence. You were dressed to kill. Pulling styles from the atmosphere. You should have dressed us all. As we surrendered to the worn jets. "Impossible to crash, Impossib...
  37. 37South
    How many times have I heard, "In the South they just don't work. ". Lazy angels spill time and use lives as I would mine. Pouring out of windows, like strange flags, come clean clothes....
  38. 38The Angels Just Have To Show
    Choked today on blank Tudor boldness as broken neighbours sucked through the seams of the shit they build with ostentatious walls. Smoked today, fifth time since 1988, with kids I knew through springs...
  39. 39The Last Wars
    Wet, cold, late. Let me leave the key because i cannot wait. I know i'll find some some quiet somewhere near. Well, God does not play dice, so i will not need your advice. After all i got us this...
  40. 40The Lived-but-yet-named
    from hotels in the middle of the night. i'm calling you out. to candles cling tentative flames. but they burn just the same. just in case you forget. sick in the silt of the strangest taste. i&ap...
  41. 41The New Hangout Condition
    time. as if i had some. i could come on. time is only information. a sort of sill from which i see you on. time. say. say something stupid like "it's okay". what you say. in place of...
  42. 42The Roots And The Ruins
    They estimate the falling sun and the Orphists. plight stimulated no one. So call me on no sleep with just a little something. to remind us what to do:. If you run, run like hell, and remember there&a...
  43. 43The Same Stars
    There's a literal way that you can take everything i say. We could end this right now if you want it that way, but you don't want it that way. East coast stories out of books breed ugly, hat...
  44. 44There Are Ghosts
    So quiet i can hear that the refrigerator is on. I can hear the fabric of your sleeping bag-how it sounds someone else's floor. There was a small riot that kept me up until dawn. It seems someone...
  45. 45This Day Next Year
    Words are the worst way to say what I have to say, but sometimes you can't play how you want to play to show it well. And this is one splinter of a sentence, both a pain and a pleasure to try to...
  46. 46This, Plus Slow Song
    imagine yourself young. with pockets full of water. you haven't learned to hesitate yet. and the sun beats down. all on your skinny neck. as we kick around the shore. you know the rest. imagine y...
  47. 47Today Or Tomorrow
    'It's all a part of winter,' she said. 'That's just the way it is. Sometimes you stay inside. Here comes my ride,' she said. On the table, or on the floor, where she turn...
  48. 48Tow Truck
    I'm at a stand still. It's 98 degrees. Can't put nothing into my car. Nothing's gonna stop the steam. I got my hands up. No other price to compare. Held up by the tow truck that dr...
  49. 49Trophy
    Cause I said so, cause I said so, cause I said so, cause I said so. Why, why, why. Boy you've got the right insurance. What is it? What is it?. Don't you wanna wanna wanna know? Cause I sai...
  50. 50Up Nights
    I make some enemies. I try to find shit that will keep me up nights, because i know that if i'm going to do what i'm going to do. it's a red-eye drive to the morning light. I swear one...
  51. 51Water
    Gloves hold you in. Excessorize. Corners of sin, and potential crimes. The cold scolds your chin. Draws some salt from an eye, but even the winds can't get much of a rise. How long will it take y...
  52. 52What Is Sleep?
    For 2 hours before I sleep. I make my problems come to me. For 5 minutes before I wake. I understand, I understand, I understand. What is heavy, when you're weak. When you're awake for day...