16 letras de Músicas de Karate High School: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 16 letras de músicas de Karate High School cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 188 Million Light Years Away
    88 Million Light Years Away!. I don't want to pick up the pieces, I want to start something new. I wan't to start a brand new day, 88 million light years away. it feels like I'm traveli...
  2. 2Another Day At The Office
    the robots march in line to get to work because it's almost punch-in time. the daily grind has each day scripted. each move predicted. we've traded in our lives for deadlines only met with o...
  3. 3Burning Up For You
    They say that the devil is in the details. Silly me, I didn't even read the fine print. I made a deal to save you and I signed it with my blood. I traded everything for a life of Hellfire, becaus...
  4. 4Can't Hold Me Down
    I watch as his fist meets her face. she cant explain why but she knows its unavoidable. On that day her planes filled the sky. And under her breath I heard her say: You cant hold me down. You cant hol...
  5. 5Extra! Extra! (hear All About It)
    Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!. consider these words a call to arms. don't mistake this for a false alarm. we have to unite to save what is left of our lives. the revolution begins on the day y...
  6. 6Good News And Bad News
    Good evening, sir. I have both good news and. bad news. What do you want to hear first ?. but before you want to hear first?. But before you open your down with a bright. lighting bolt, let's j...
  7. 7Oh No
    Oh No, you changed your mind on me. another 180. i thought i knew everything, but it wasn't n meant to be. think back to all the thing you said to me. "we could beat the world, we can do any...
  8. 8Scenes Rushing By
    we are scenes rushing by. and it's love that keep us alive, one moment at a time. on the corner of California and Mason, I step off the curb, and then I face it. in the headlights, I see it flash...
  9. 9Smile, You're On T.v
    smile, because you're on TV. a stunning documentary of what life is like growing up in America. fast food life, quicker than a drive-thru. commercial filled nights, silling us what's cool. w...
  10. 11Sweep The Leg
    so let's say we throw all of those old ideas out the window, and let them crash to the floor below. I want to try, but I think I'm still learning about what it takes to beat insecurity. put...
  11. 12The Empire State
    No matter how far. No matter, I fall apart. Remember, you came from the stars and you're perfect just the way you are. Once underground, light never hit my face. I took the staircase up and into...
  12. 13The Joke Is On Us
    at 6:15am, I wake up from the same nightmare again. it's that one where i'm 100 years old and living alone without love. everything I had was dressed and draped in velvet back, and words in...
  13. 14This Is The Soundtrack
    I'm so sick of waiting by the phone for destiny to call. I've been stuck playing the same part of this game for so long. and now I'm questioning the endings. is there one in sight, or a...
  14. 15Twice Upon A Time (110%)
    twice upon a time, we made the same mistake and fell so far behind. this place looks familiar, it feels like I've been here before but I'm really not sure. so I'm asking, is it even pos...
  15. 16Welcome To The Broken Hearts Club
    Come on in and take off your shoes man, this might take a while. Normally I don't talk out of school because that's just not my style. But I'd prefer to stay and gossip all day about th...