6 letras de Músicas de Karen Deans: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 6 letras de músicas de Karen Deans cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Amazing
    With just one look at you my whole life changed. I didn't know that I could feel. After all the years of loneliness and pain. Love is real. My heart escaped me - you caught it midair. And you did...
  2. 2Circus Man
    Ladies I require your attention. Before you step into his parlor like a fly. Your sweet innocence has filled me with. A cold apprehension. I don't want to hear your heart break and cry. If you ca...
  3. 3Made To Order
    Doe-eyed, delicious. Sated and vicious. Classic and trendy. Versace'd and fendi'd. Petite , so tall. Lion -maned, bald. Matted, dewy. Hard tack and chewy. There's a girl on the corner....
  4. 4Manifest Destiny
    She wants you. She needs you. She will never let it show. And even though she'd die for you. She will never let you know. And the way that she wants. Is the way that she wants. And she can't...
  5. 5Nothing Personal
    Once upon a summer's dream. You and I were walking oh so sweetly. Love was stronger than your fear seemed to be. Ah ha. Hand in hand you walked me home. Spent the night. We kissed goodbye at morn...
  6. 6Vincent
    Vincent came to my window. He watched me as I undressed. I could tell he liked what he saw. Yeah, he was impressed. A little while later. There's a knock on my door. Found a bouquet of roses. Wra...