13 letras de Músicas de Karen Zoid: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 13 letras de músicas de Karen Zoid cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Afrikaners Is Plesierig
    I’d like to introduce myself - Johanna Ertjekollo. And this is the alternative - You was so saf ‘n molo. Haai jy, loop verby - Is mos decadent. Peace brother, give me five of suig jou pe...
  2. 2All My Friends Are Yuppie
    All my friends are yuppie scum. They got the money, I got the fun. The labels on my clothes say Made in Taiwan. Theirs say Versace or Dolce Gaban aah. Tommy Hilfiger in the air. They like the smell of...
  3. 3Born To Shine
    Make a wish upon a star. Everything we want is ours. Put your mind to it, get on it. From the mic to radio. Universally explode. Illuminating the whole world. Just like the stars in the night. We gon&...
  4. 4Callback
    You were all asleep. While I was awake. Took me some time. Wake up my mistake. They kick me in my sleep. Kick me black and blue. Picked up my phone. And I called you. Got on that train. The very next...
  5. 5Deurmekaar
    Ek het geloop sonder om te groet. Ek wil jou bel ek wonder of ek moet. Ek weet jy dink ek’t jou verniel. Ek het jou lief met my hart en siel. Ek het geloop sonder om te groet. En clean breaks i...
  6. 6Engel
    Ek het vriende wat ek sien. Ek is verslaaf aan nikotien. Ek hou van karre wat kan ry. Ek huil gewoonlik as ek baklei. Ek het gedink dat dit sou reën. Toe word ek stil en wag alleen. Tot jy kom kl...
  7. 7Katriena
    Sy stap deur die bos. Deur die enkelvoetpad. Sy stap deur die bos. Deur die eensame dag. Die stilte wat roep soos die mens se verlange. Die mens se verlange. Alleen met slentergang. Katriena, Katriena...
  8. 8Maak Nie Regtig Saak Nie
    My geld is klaar. En die rand is laag. En AIDS is ‘n virus. AIDS is ‘n plaag. En dit maak nie,dit maak nie regtig saak nie. Jy’s lief vir die party. En lief vir die jol. Maar die...
  9. 9Set Of Wheels (karoo Anthem)
    I heard they built a road out in the desert. That goes on and on for miles and miles. It’s downhill all the way. So you never have to pump the gas. You just sit back and relax. Too hot for the...
  10. 10Southern Sky
    Doom da da da da doomda doo da. Doom da da da da doomda dee. Doom da da da da doomda da da da da da. Stop everything. Look up to the sky. These cries. Solstice born. Thoughts of you. Doom da da da da...
  11. 11Waitress
    I’m just a waitress. The food here is tasteless. I’m not your private wench. So please excuse my French. Medium to rare. Want to stick it up your…. Ask me to get some water. For y...
  12. 12Whole In One
    There’s a hole in my sock. I’m not gonna stitch it up (x2). I got a kettle in my kitchen. For making coffee and tea. There’s a hole in the wall. I don’t really care at all....
  13. 13Whore
    I’m just a sitting. alone in my room. I’m just pretending. I’m singing to you. I’m just a tourist. In the town of my youth. Taking little snapshots. To stick in a book. I d...