62 letras de Músicas de Kari Rueslatten: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 62 letras de músicas de Kari Rueslatten cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Different Angle
    I shut my mouth. and lift my head up high. Singing my time will come. Can you carry me home?. I close my eyes. I close everything in sight. 'cause I don't want to see. Be good to me. Here we...
  2. 2Agatha
    Se hva jeg ser. fra tarnet i nord. Jeg onsker meg hjem. til slik det en gang var. Hore dem si. du kan aldri dra. Men, de vet vel at jeg. lar vinden vise vei. "Mitt navn er Agatha", sier hun...
  3. 3Agatha (translation)
    See what I see. from the northern tower. I wish to come home. to how it used to be. Hearing them say. you can never leave. But, they must surely know that I. let the wind be my guide. "My name is...
  4. 4All You Had In Me
    You know I gave it away. You know I gave it to someone else instead. But like a crack of a dawn. and like an Easter-Rabbit-Song - I knew you'd be gone. You said that I was the one. that you could...
  5. 5Balcony Boulevard
    If I were to live. on Balcony Boulevard. My feet wouldn't touch the ground. But what if I fell down?. Would you see mee from the top. Would you see me waking up. I'd never go astray. but the...
  6. 6Battle Forevermore
    I believe it was you who came to my door. I said I'd met you before. It was only a lie to make you feel strong. Now I long for those days. I could fight you forevermore. Or let this be the ending...
  7. 7Beautiful Morning
    beautiful morning. how can you greet me. like that you never used to know me before. beautiful morning. smiling all softly. like an ally or lover. how can you do that. you should know better by now. b...
  8. 8Borrowing You
    Hey beautiful. can I have you for a while?. Here in my head. you're the one. I never thought. I would find somebody like you. I never thought. you would come my way. Lending time, passing through...
  9. 9Butterfly-milk
    butterfly are you ready to exhale. swallow me whole or drown me in the pond. i want nothing more. than to smell you on my skin. and taste you in my mouth. when you're gone. you're still here...
  10. 10Calling You
    you've got a story to tell. and a place to come home to. yet, you choose to hide. do you feel safer out here. where no one will be watching. or do you fear the light. i am calling you. i am watch...
  11. 11Carved In Stone
    I let myself in. Through the kitchen door. Silence at first. I found her on the floor. I have walked through fire, she said. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. But it was still too late. Just like my fa...
  12. 12Cinderella
    She is just passing through. Last year and the year before. She is just passing through you. She washed the day away. instead of making it allright. She washed the day away. - How brave. You don'...
  13. 13Cry
    I walk out of the shade into the light. For what must be the very first time. I don`t walk fast I`m enjoying each step. Then I see you from a distance. And I smile. Smile through my tears. Falling apa...
  14. 14Dead
    The emptiness approaches. winding down the path. knows the direction. it has been here before. I can feel it lay down to slumber. This time it will stay a while. Not even a straw of hope is spared. fo...
  15. 15Denial
    what if i told you. straight to your face. what if i told you. nothing at all. cover it with make-up. hiding all the bruises. no one shall notice. no one shall know. why can't you hear me no more...
  16. 16Dogstar
    Did you ever think of me. Did you ever think that I cared. How could you walk away just like that. You know that I depended on you. I was only ever scared. When you tried to make feel. Like I was the...
  17. 17Exile
    i just want to lay myself down. drink the illusions and let it all float away. into the river of voices. one of them will speak and tell me where to go. i packed my thoughts and visions. headed for th...
  18. 18Fishing
    Fishing, fishing now. Down by the bay. Fishing with the girls. It`s so lively out there. Shall I cast the line?. Cast it in, cast it in, all the girls are saying. But I`ve got my eyes set onjust one....
  19. 19Forsaken
    I can not see but darkness and death. I feel cold breeze enter the tune. Thy voice once so soft, declaring Thy love. Why hast Thou forsaken me. I enter the castle we shared once again. Here in these h...
  20. 20Happy. Amused
    There was this girl. that I just had to be and. There was this world. that I just had to see but. I could not get away. I could not run away no. I could not get away but still. She was not scared. she...
  21. 21Hor Min Sang
    [Hear my song]. Naken under manelyset. forte jeg min fot ut i dans. Oyne sorte som av kull. Fulgte mine steg fra skogens rand. Hor min sang over salten hav - fra evig tid. Over fjell og gjennom dyp sk...
  22. 22Hor Min Sang (translation)
    Naked under the moonlight. I guided my foot into dance. Eyes black as of coal. Followed my steps from the forest's edge. Hear my song across salty seas - from infinite time. Over mountains and th...
  23. 23I Manens Favn
    [In the Moon's embrace]. Fall for meg na inatt. vinn min vilje, vinn min hand. Uten deg kan jeg ei leve. Ta deg i akt, min trolldomsmakt. vil fange deg inn og du blir min. Har vi en i manens favn...
  24. 24I Manens Favn (translation)
    Fall for me this very night. win my will, win my hand. Without you, I cannot live. Beware, my magic power. (will trap you and you will be mine. Do we have one in the Moon's embrace?). When she sa...
  25. 25Images Of You
    Where streetlamps go to die. is where we will find our love - no reason my. I love you this much. nothing as such - don't ask me why. If I close my eyes and start counting all the lies. - I wish...
  26. 26In Here
    Right here. in what remains of the night. My vision is finally clear. from my view up high. I see sign on the surface. feel the tide closing in, closing in. coming in, coming in here. I can feel the p...
  27. 27Jeg Kommer Inn
    [I'm coming in]. Kom som du er. inn fra kulden. Kom inn til meg. sa kan du hore at det hviskes i natten. Om det som var og det som skulle bli. Kom som en drom. inn i min sovn. Du har nok v?rt her...
  28. 28Jeg Kommer Inn (translation)
    Come as you are. in from the cold. Come in to me. so you can hear the whispers in the night. About what was and what was supposed to be. Come as a dream. into my sleep. I reckon you've been here....
  29. 29Leaving
    you've got the shock. you've got the crying. you've got the guild. you've got the house. i have got leaving on my side. you've got rock bottom. you've got the people. you...
  30. 30Letting Go
    I was never afraid to lose. I was never afraid to cry. I was never afraid to trust. But, I came to turn it down. I never thought it'd come to this. I never thought I'd live to see this day....
  31. 31Life
    While there is light there is life I hear you say. While there is life there is hope I hear you say. I didn`t want to meet your eyes. But when I do they shine-im not worthy of being shone for. Whereve...
  32. 32Little Low
    I need a place where no one has to know. what I cry for - what I choose to show. of myself and how I'd like to keep. the wolf inside me - finally asleep. You are just a tree in my garden. Well, I...
  33. 33Love I Gave
    i have shut the window. ready to defend. what is left to die for. what is left to give. all is about to wither. all is about you. hard to make up your mind. hard to get through to me. you gave away th...
  34. 34Make Me A Stone
    If I knew you were coming. I'd be home soon. And if I knew you where wishing. upon the same moon. I would walk out in the night. to tell you it's allright. Make me a stone. Make me a crown....
  35. 35My Lover
    My lover always meets me with a smile. My lover always kind, always patient. My lover like honey and milk. My lover on a cold November morning. But on the former Sunday I gave him in. And on the forme...
  36. 36Never Fly Away
    i know when you are hurting. your pain is mine. let me carry you through the morning mist. and on to the bridge. let us talk about the hard times. find shelter in my hands. give your thoughts some res...
  37. 37Nordnatt
    [Night of the north]. Nordlyset farger himmelen. Speiles ned pa isen. De sier tiden leger sar. De sier tiden leger sar. Betatt av synets makt. Den sterke sol og manes pakt. Vil sannheten bli meg forun...
  38. 38Nordnatt (translation)
    The northern lights colour the sky. Reflect on the ice. They say time heals all wounds. They say time heals all wounds. Seduced by the power of the sight. The powerful union of sun and moon. Will I be...
  39. 39Orlando
    While there is light there is life I hear you say. While there is life there is hope I hear you say. I didn`t want to meet your eyes. But when I do they shine-im not worthy of being shone for. Whereve...
  40. 40Other People's Stories
    Come take my hand and we`ll walk into the woods. This is my kingdom, now this is your home. If you belive, sometimes pretend. If you fight back, in the end. You should shall see what is worth. Other p...
  41. 41Paint My Wings
    Can I kiss you though I'm leaving. Can I show I care?. Can I hold you like the first time. though you know I won't be there?. I will paint my wings with beautiful things. and whisper words i...
  42. 42Push
    I couldn`t stop driving. I drove all night. All the way from berlin. I thought I might shoot her. I never thought crying would make me weak. But when she stood there all tearful. I had to ask myself w...
  43. 43Rapunsel
    My beloved I have waited so long. How can it be daylight keeps us apart. Make me assured it is you. and that no-one sees us. Oh my princess your eyes shine so bright. For your love I will give up my l...
  44. 44Ride
    I ride with my daughter. She keeps me safe and warm. As if it was me who was the newborn. I know it should not matter. I know I do not have to say this. But I think I`ll be a good mother to her. As lo...
  45. 45River
    Dark as the colour of a river. I taste your name. Roll it around my tongue. Dark as the colour of a river. I sense there's a danger. That does not hinder me. I take you in. Before i realise. And...
  46. 46Skogens Kjole
    [The forest's gown]. Jeg vevde i stillhet og jeg vevde i sang. i mitt hus der langt mot nord. Med en hage av villskap og berusende klang. spant jeg mine ord. Jeg lyttet til vinden og jeg forte mi...
  47. 47Skogens Kjole (translation)
    I wove in silence and I wove in song. in my house far up north. With a garden of wildness and merry sound. spun I my words. I listened to the wind and guided my thread, with a needle from the rainbow&...
  48. 48Snow
    All i want. Is to step outside into the mist. With bare feet. Underneath the other side of the sun. It will be. A ferry waiting there for me. To take me across. It merely holds one chair. I know i mus...
  49. 49Som Av Meg
    [As of me]. Som av meg. Som ild i har. var du her. Jeg kunne v?rt alt du er, alt du var, og alt du ville bli. Alle morke tanker ville vike i vart liv. jeg skulle elsket deg, skulle gitt deg mitt blod....
  50. 50Sorrow To My Door
    Rumours where I lit the fire. I lit the fire then ran away. My oh my, hold me tight. Hold me tight make it righ. The house burned down to the ground. To the ground-ashes and dust. My oh my, hold me ti...
  51. 51Spindelsinn
    Hei, vil du ta min hand. sa kan du bli med. til mitt annerledessted. Av et hav i stormens makt. ble jeg skylt inn mot land. en gang pa alle fargenes strand. Se meg inn i oynene. Kan du like det du ser...
  52. 52Spindelsinn (translation)
    Hey, will you take my hand. and come along. to my unique place3. By a sea under the storm's control. was I washed ashore. once on the Beach of All Colours. Look me in the eyes. Might you like wha...
  53. 53The Gathering
    She rises her head into the night. -They gather every full moon. She nods at her sister the time is right. -They gather every full moon. Join in the ring. the fire will burn until morning. They assemb...
  54. 54The Homecoming Song
    I can dance and I can sing. I can tell what the future will bring. Come wanderer with me. and we'll see what you are blessed to be. Hey there my love will you spare a thought for me. I'd cli...
  55. 55The Shadowchant
    Cast away the shadows. Cast away the shadows. Cast away the shadows behold the view. I am but an evil, I am but a man. Cast away the shadows. Cast away the shadows. Cast away the shadows behold the vi...
  56. 56Three Roses in My Hands
    I could have been the one you loved. I could have been the one you loved eternally. I can sense a spark, I can sense a spark in there somewhere. Three roses in my hands. Three roses in my hands - I br...
  57. 57To The North
    To the north is where I'll go. To the North. When you see the lights in the sky. To the North, to the North, where the cliffs meet the sea. This is where I'll go. When there is a new day daw...
  58. 58Trollferd
    [Troll journey]. Hun lofter sitt blikk mot manen rund. Trollferd gjennom skogen. Alle de venter i innerste lund. Trollferd gjennom skogen. Kom, ta i ring - og dansen vil ga hele natten. Latter og leve...
  59. 59Vakenatt
    Vandrer opp, vandrer opp mot asen. Her kan jeg se utover skog. Hvisker omt, hvisker omt mot vinden. hvor er du som hjertet mitt kan fange. Kan du se meg her under manen. Kan du se meg her jeg star....
  60. 60Vintersol
    [Winter sunlight]. Her hvor vinden blåser inn med kalde gufs. Virvler opp og faller ned i samme stund. Her kan ingen finne oss bak høye fjell. Her kan ingen finne oss i ly av mit...
  61. 61What We Have Lost
    I never thought that I'd belong. I never thought that I would find someone. A shelter, some place to call home. A story told, a story never ending. It's always been so many turns. So many ri...
  62. 62When Lilies Bloom On Winter Days
    Mother, I feel so cold, she says and stares into the dark. I take hold of her hands. She`s burning like fire. I have seen the lilies bloom on a cold winter day. I have heard dead men speak. And wash t...