27 letras de Músicas de Karine Polwart: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 27 letras de músicas de Karine Polwart cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Baleerie Baloo
    I know the warp of a thread. Of fibers and filaments silver and red. But these are golden stars. Are blood on my hands. Baleerie, baleerie baloo. I cradled you all in the sun. I cradle you still, thou...
  2. 2Behind Our Eyes
    Hope roams these streets at night. It's looking for a light that gleams. Inside our dreams and yearning. It's burning behind our eyes. Behind our eyes. Behind our eyes. Behind our eyes. Behi...
  3. 3Better Things
    Ten thousand years of big ideas. Distilled into a billion fears. A grand design, a shiny rocket. A bullet in a bully's pocket. So mesmerized by particles. We disregard the articles. The ones we w...
  4. 4Daisy
    Hey Daisy darling, don't spread your arms so wide. Why don't you keep a little something inside?. I know you think that hands are made for pulling us through. But there are people in this wo...
  5. 5Don't Know Why
    All of these moments cling to each other. Just like a small boy clutches his mother. Maybe one day they'll go their own way. I keep linking the daisies into chains. I keep blinking to see if it a...
  6. 6Faultlines
    Have you ever held something until you hands were aching?. And then let it go and watched it fall and listened to it breaking?. I have held back time and tide when all the world was plenty. But now my...
  7. 7Firethief
    Who stole the heart of my bonnie laddie?. All alone and aloney O. And left me another lad in his body. Down where I cannot go. Down where I cannot follow. Who stole the light from my laddie's eye...
  8. 8Follow The Heron
    The back of the winter is broken. And light lingers long by the door. And the seeds of the summer have spoken. In gowans that bloom on the shore. Chorus:. By night and day we'll sport and we&apos...
  9. 9Four Strong Walls
    You put me back together again. Just when I thought I was broken forever. So broken that nothing on this earth could mend me. You put me back together again. You put me back together again. Just like...
  10. 10Harder To Walk These Days Than Run
    I used to think I could live by the law. And believe everything that my own two eyes saw. But now all the certainties have come undone. And it's harder to walk these days than run. I was always i...
  11. 11Hole In The Heart
    I made everything come undone. I made everything fall apart. I quit running to the finishing line. And I went back to the start. I found a great, big hole in the middle of my life. Shaped just like my...
  12. 12Holy Moses
    Holy Moses asleep in his basket. Encountered a question, he couldn't ask it. And nor could he answer in baby sighs and baby cries. At least he heard no doubt, at least he heard no lies. Holy Mose...
  13. 13I'm Gonna do It All
    I'm gonna sail right out on the Atlantic. I'm gonna catch me a fish that's bigger than gigantic. I'm gonna cook up a fine fish tea. It will be like some kind of Galilee. I'm g...
  14. 14I've Seen It All
    Build a tower, build a wall. Watch it burn, watch it fall. Two for sorrow and one for joy. I've seen it all, and it all comes undone. A pale man pleads, a pale man dies. One man applauds, and ano...
  15. 15Maybe There's A Road
    I've kind of got used to being cold. I know I was warm one day a long, long time ago. Maybe there's a road that's not this hard. I'd rather not way why I couldn't stay home. B...
  16. 16Only One Way
    When you're looking at life on the brim. And trying to figure out if you remember how to swim. You only find out if you jump right in. That there's only one way, only one way. And when the w...
  17. 17Painted It White
    A broken spell. A wishing well whose waters are dry. A warning bell. A yellow ribbon too torn to fly. Stone turns to dust. Rusting metal, muscle to bone. We're looking for a locust wind. To carry...
  18. 18Resolution Road
    Resolution road. Who's your friend and who's your foe?. And how do tell the one from the other?. Who's on the inside? Who's undercover?. Who looks like you do?. Resolution road. &a...
  19. 19Rivers Run
    This weary earth we walk upon. She will endure when we are gone. While kingdoms come and kingdoms go. Rivers run and rivers flow. You know I don't believe it's true. That in this world there...
  20. 20Sorrowlessfield
    I dreamt last night of a sorrowless field. I saw you come back to me. I dreamt last night of a sorrowless field. You stood under the birken tree. Through the rattle and rain. To my window you came. Wh...
  21. 21Sorry
    When your time on the mountain is over. And you fall to the earth like a leaf. It won't be enough these days to say sorry. Sorry won't pay for this grief. Chorus:. You may lay down your guil...
  22. 22The Good Years
    Chorus:. Wherever you are. You shall be my star. Flashing near. Or smoldering far. I am happy when I bask in your light. All I ask is that you may bask. All I ask. (Chorus 2x). In my mind I hear the s...
  23. 23The News
    What if the news were nothing more. Than the secrets of seashells on the seashore. Whispering which way the wind will blow this night. And how everything's gonna be all right?. What if the very f...
  24. 24The Sun's Comin' Over The Hill
    Six rain-ridden summers and he still had an eye for me. He kissed me each evening and told me he'd die for me. And then he ran off the road, full of whisky and irony. He always meant what he said...
  25. 25Tongue That Cannot Lie
    I was born with a tongue that cannot lie. And how it grieves me. Each fleeting thought behind my eye. Just up and leaves me. Into the wild like a bastard child. Born under a briar. Oh to be, oh to be....
  26. 26Waterlily
    Caught between the air and the windless deep. You float like a lily flower. And you look just like you fell to earth to sleep. And you're waiting for your waking hour. Chorus:. And I swear to God...
  27. 27Where The Smoke Blows
    Sometimes you just get caught where the smoke blows. And you just have to breathe it in until it all goes. Don't you know it'll all be gone when you're gone?. Sometimes a thing looks sh...