7 letras de Músicas de Karma de la luna: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Karma de la luna cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Chochma
    Mushrooms help us navigate through deep space. We see the truth through hallucinations. Reality is just an illusion. We live our lives in perfect confusion. Open your mind and though shallt understand...
  2. 2Floating
    You’re in space , there’s lights , there’s colors. You do not know your name. You’re concious , but you do not know your name or who you are. You’re just floating. A...
  3. 3Let Go
    Let go of fear. Let go of pain. Let go of fear. Let go of pain. Cause it’s all about love. And the love is in you. Prepare for the future. Don’t hang on to yesterday , oh no. Cause time...
  4. 4Mad Science
    We know what the mass of an electron is. By direct experimental measurements. And we know that this is the answer. That our theory ought to give us. For the mass of an electron positive cloud. But the...
  5. 5Nocturne
    Trees are shadows. Dark in the night. And the wind is whispering into my mind. Stars are shining. Shining so bright. The fire burning , giving me light. And the moon is looking down from the sky. A wo...
  6. 6The Rumble
    Can you feel it coming. From the earth it’s coming. From the sky it’s falling. Down on the ground. And listen to the sound. From below from above. Through the walls , through the floor....
  7. 7Your Eyes
    You can look deep down inside of me. Feel the things I want to be. There’s a magic light in your eyes. I can feel your heartbeat next to mine. Touch your soul and make it mine. There’s a...