8 letras de Músicas de Karmaflow: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de Karmaflow cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1The Bird Godess
    I welcome you again to our realm, old friend. Protected by my master, he of the sun. With me by his side. A union almost divine. We will rid the world of this plague. That comes from below. Guardian o...
  2. 2The Creator and The Destroyer
    Welcome, keeper. You were never supposed to be here. Welcome, keeper. Do not worry, you should not fear. These worlds you saw, through which you traveled. You should not have interfered. You acted rig...
  3. 3The Essence of Grief
    As time slowly passed. The lands lay forever in beauty. Protected by him. The guardian of this world. A symphony. A magical melody. Ensuring the world will have peace. His inspiration his muse, was al...
  4. 4The Essence of Jealousy
    The guardian ruled. With his siblings by his side. A brother and sister one of them destined for his throne. Unannounced his time came, the father, he passed away. Who would be his rightful heir?. He...
  5. 5The Heart
    Hold!. I witnessed you ressurect. The dormant guardian of the world. You were just like him. You must be here to help. I lack the strength. The courage to decend. Into the ruined cities down below. Bu...
  6. 6The Muse and The Conductor
    So now we finally speak. We came to gather and collect you. There is one hope which is beside us. Just don't resist us. All the hurting shops. The dissonance decided. As we once were. It will nev...
  7. 7The Sarcifice
    Understanding the only solution. Knowing the path would lead to its' demise. A selfless act indeed. To give up the essence to sacrifice. A sacred and noble deed. Manifesting oneself into the core...
  8. 8The Twins
    Welcome sister, certainly it seems it's been a while. Since we found ourselves here. Yes my brother, it seems time has divided us. It is good to feel the breeze of the air. I won't ask for y...