34 letras de Músicas de KAT: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 34 letras de músicas de KAT cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1666
    Devil, Satan, Satan. Devil, Satan, Satan. Brings jackals death. The end of flowing years. Prayers for souls bathed in blood. Devil, Satan, Satan. His idea drills a head, your head. Satan, Satan. To di...
  2. 2Œpisz Jak Kamieñ
    Jest noc. Idziesz po bruku duszy swej. W g³¹b mar - oplutych szcz¹tków mogi³. Œpisz jak kamieñ pod klasztorami kl¹tw. Jest noc. W jaskini grzechu - czyœc...
  3. 3Bez Pamiêci
    Czasem chodzi ma ulica. Dziwne to, ze sam. Bez powodu, jak ty. Jego twarz uniesiona po nimb. Do mych okien krzyczy - Chleba!. Czasem chodzi ma ulica. W swoich dloniach ma dwoje malych jak pyl. C...
  4. 4Black Hosts
    King's name, Kingdom of Pain. Sounds great - Satan. Satan the sign. Of Evil power, greed and mad thoughts. It's venom. The venom and snake. Eternal call of truths revealed to me. His first r...
  5. 5Coming Home
    Lava never cools down till I'm away. Never sleep! Never sleep the shinning eye!. The muzzles of the furious dogs - after me!. Frightful howlin' from the cave - biting beasts. Ravens crowing...
  6. 6Czarne Zastêpy
    Imiê króla królestwa za. Brzmi ciepo - Szatan. Szatan. To znak diabelnej mocy. Piekielnych ksig. To jad. To jad i w¿. To wieczny zew. Zew prawdy. To noc. To pierwszy bunt i proch....
  7. 7Czas Zemsty
    Z gêbi ran. Wa blasku hord. Idzie czarny król. Abadon. Nad nim krg siedmiu gów. Sprzêga czarci gniew. Wa pomieñ. I stan smok. Przed majic rodziæ niewiast. Aeby, skoro por...
  8. 8Dark Hole/the Habitat Of Gods
    The end of the day, the end of the day. Silent wind. The end of the day, the sun goes down. In the cradle of night. These times I close my eyes. Try to dream. I wanna know. Where sleeps the truth. The...
  9. 9Delirium Tremens
    Mamo, tyle lat nie ma cie. Mamo ciepla brak, a ty gdzie?. Uciekasz za dom. Uciekasz jak pies. Mamo, ogarnia mnie koszmarny sen, boje sie. Mamo ramie daj, blagam Cie. Mamo, trzech lat kocham Cie, ch...
  10. 10Devils Child
    My plan is exceptional. My plan raises heads above the wall. My plan attacks the fuckin'. Daily routine. With a red arrow of hate. My plan is for bad Children. For Whom life's got no meaning...
  11. 11Devils House Part I
    Heavy rain drenched canyon. Roaring thunder a big tree fell. Dogs of nightstorms started howling. In red glare of rocks. An old church appeared. It's gates a suffering monk. Where do I know him f...
  12. 12Devils House Part III
    War cry united us together. The total frenzy, hungry house of sex. Silent sonnet of soul's sea. Satan, it feels good. On my leg chasing rat. In a diabolic scream. The Black Ruler. I dare to ask....
  13. 13Diabelski Dom - Cz. I
    Szary deszcz zmoczy³ jar. Zahucza³o i run³³ d³b. Psy nocnych burz da³y g³os. W czerwonym blasku ska³, Stary klasztor pojawi³ siê. U jego wrót, po...
  14. 14Diabelski Dom - Cz. III
    Bojowy ryk nas zjedna. Zbiorowa kpiel. Godny seksu dom. I cichy sonet morza dusz. Szatanie, sodko mi tak. Po nodze stpa szczur. Goni coœ. W alarmie do piekie pozwalam. Milordzie Achimowy prosi&#...
  15. 15Friday
    Yesterday was thursday, thursday. Today I-is friday, friday (partyin'). We-we-we so excited. We so excited. We gonna have a ball today. Tomorrow is saturday. And sunday comes after ? wards. I don...
  16. 16Glos Z Ciemnoci
    Corko! Wez perly z ziemi, klejnoty zwierzecych praw. Maja swieta moc Sheol. Wiele lat dla mnie chwil, bylem jak grom, uczylem cie. -Z wilka wilk, z nedzy nedza, a z krwi krew. Kto ssal. Bog albo w...
  17. 17Judas Kiss
    Never found the way. Leading to the Babylon's gate. Leading to the core of the earth. Still out of a trace. The garden of my home. Covered with the shadow of moon. Any night I run through his wom...
  18. 18Legenda Wyniona
    Ogien wolno gasl, wiatr w kominie mielil dym. Czarodziejski dom mowi do mnie. - Za oknami chlod - zimny oddech duchow nocy. - Nie otwieraj dzwi. Nie otwieraj bramy mroku. Lodowaty cien mojej dloni...
  19. 19Light Or Hell
    Daily stress. Takes you down. Your brain's exploding. Nothing can calm your pain, you say. You wanna leave this world of liars, yeah. 'cause anger grows inside your mind. No matter if comes...
  20. 20Masz Mnie Wampirze
    Wa miliardy snów zatapiam ciao. Przeklêty chór upiorów budzi lêk. Od roku nawiedza dom. Miliardy ków masz wœcieka. Zêbami chcesz wyciæ. Stalowe mury i moc...
  21. 21Metal And Hell
    Blindman stop. I'll help you. God told you only lies. Shouted fast. Prasing fear. He built churches with your blood. Metal, truth is black metal. Metal, truth is black metal. And Hell. Metal, tru...
  22. 22Metal I Pieko
    Œlepcze stój, ramiê daj. Oni dali tylko fasz. Wrzeszcz: post!. Chwal lêk. Kropl ycia poj chwast. Prawda to metal. I pieko. Prawda to metal. Czarny jak noc. Œlepcze. Noc - to...
  23. 23Mind Cannibals
    Madness spins around me. The race of bloody money. I've gotta make it. You've gotta take it. And buy some pleasure. From devils. Living in. Dogmas' time. With the media. Playing gods. F...
  24. 24Morderca
    Miasto z kamienia. RzeŸba z brudem. Noc ukrywa w nim nóŸ. Maskuje twarz. Miasto zasypia. Miasto milknie. Tylko morderca kpi. Czeka na chwile. Œmierci brata. Ludzkie spojrzenia s...
  25. 25Niewinnoæ
    Do dzikich borow ide, dzikich gor. Medzy psy. Szukam zyl zrudlanej wody, czystej krwi. W zarannej topieli drapiezny ptak wzbil sie do lotu. Wysoko. Stubarwne kwiaty liza rose - lesne lzy. Pajacze...
  26. 26Odi Profanum Vulgus
    Dzieki Panie! Za cudowny show, swiete wojny, chytry kler. Ty? No, chyba ze nie ty? Dzieki Panie za rozbierzny zez, HIV-a, raka i za swierzb. ALLELUJA. Ja nie sklamie. Nie. Ja pluje w twarz. Jestem...
  27. 27Oracle
    The heritage of evil flows like a dark river. Terror comes. Terror, the call of hell. Weird power blows, the demon's day, the death's encounter. Sinister clang, tolling of the devilish bell....
  28. 28Puppets On The Strings
    Human beings. The human beings of clay. Puppet's now. On the strings of clowns. Human clones. Rule the world today. No one knows who is who. You can trust no more. Creation of splitted mind. Crea...
  29. 29Religious Clash
    In the shadow of the thoughts. Under the hidden structure of existence. Arise the pure human instinct. Of endless lust for conflicts. Face of divine hate. Hidden in our veins. Face of divine trace. Fo...
  30. 30Robak
    Slugami Boze jestesmy twymi w grobach, bo praw za zycia rownych nie ma. Kamienny dom w sadny dzien zwolni stary szkielet z robaka szczek!. Czy placzesz tam? Nikt sie nie dowie czlowieku. Czy placzes...
  31. 31Time Of Revenge
    From deep wounds. Glare of hordes. Black King, comes Abadon. Above him ring of heads. United devil's wrath in red flame. And dragon stood. In front of pregnant maiden. So when she bears the child...
  32. 32Uninvited Guest
    In the endless space. Of human ignorance. The embittered insane thoughts. Are searching for their lost home. Somewhere among hyenas of society. I hear the voices say to me. Nothing's gonna change...
  33. 33Voodoo Time
    Like a snake beyond society. Drive out of the father's land. Broken - see me now I'm broken. Broken - see me now I'm broken. Governments still lie. Our people die. Anger grows inside. I...
  34. 34Wyrocznia
    Dziedzictwo za. Przelewa siê jak mroczna rzeka. Unosi strach. Unosi piekielny zew. Tajemna moc. Przyblia dzieñ walki demona. Zatruty dŸwiêk. Wydaje diabelski flet. Szarañcza!...