7 letras de Músicas de Katafalk: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Katafalk cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Aestetic Vampires
    Aestetic Vampires. Humanity I'm not one of you. Sell my soul like Faust. All that I believe in. Standing still towards. Others at forehand. I'll make my stand. I will command. I am the bulle...
  2. 2Aesthetic Vampires
    Humanity I'm not one of you. Sell my soul like Faust. All that I believe in. Standing still towards. Others at forehard. I'll make my stand. I will command. I am the bullet. That takes you t...
  3. 3Baptized In Fire
    Baptized In Fire. Dancing in the moonlight. An ode to flesh and blood. Ritual of death. The pact with darkness has begun. A cursed place awaits. Possessed by an unseen force. The will to kill grows st...
  4. 4Birthmark 666
    Birthmark 666. In a cold breeze at night. A newborn life's conceived. Lying in its cradle. To expect nothing yet. Devil's child - thy name is black. Devil's child - your cries diabolica...
  5. 5Blind Envy
    Blind Envy. Make that the bastards go away. They stab you in the back and watch you bleed. Cowards without hope in their sorry lives. No matter what they to do they'll be never understood. Gossip...
  6. 6Cannonfodder
    Cannonfodder. You never were in touch with reality. You never were the brightest light. Tried to fit in with the crowd. But always wanted to stay on the sideline. But it's going to be different n...
  7. 7Empty Life
    Empty Life. Talk to me with the voice of a priest. How dare you ask about me. The answer doesn't really matter. Cause there's no one who will listen. You love each other so much. Floating by...