124 letras de Músicas de Katatonia: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 124 letras de músicas de Katatonia cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 112
    12 black theatre of love violet dancers cast. their blood the moon gave me flowers for funerals to. come 12 shapes bow before her I am still one of them. 12 morbid ways to die her beauty scares. me i&...
  2. 2A Darkness Coming
    so near. so close. something bad is seen. but I. seem to be. the only one that can see. there is a darkness coming. and they. the others. they don't know a thing of what's next. but I'm...
  3. 3A Premonition
    Stand aside now no one will survice can't tell you how I know. In some time I will change my name and lay low. In the light you can see me walk down by the way. The one who did this to us well he...
  4. 4At Last
    all my presence died today i breathe to memories. guess i'm closing down torn and tired of my heart's sound. what's worth to me when life's not around. i will sleep tonight to slee...
  5. 5Black Session
    I sense infliction in the air. it's only me. I'm fucking up old times. it's a remembrance. o this. black session in my mind. o the black. I was too weak to fight. once more I let go. it...
  6. 6Brave
    if you didn't know all the moments. when i lose myself i would tell the world i'm. catching flies by now speaking to someone. breaking the windows this house is dead the sound. of falling wh...
  7. 7Brave Murder Day "cd"
    Brave. if you didn't know all the moments. when i lose myself i would. tell the world i'm. catching flies by now speaking. to someone breaking the windows. this house is dead the sound. of f...
  8. 8Burn The Remembrance
    Old light and new colours your picture hangs in the night. Is this the right time to set one free and go away. In the emptiness behind you I will walk about. Surely you'll miss me but long live t...
  9. 9Chrome
    the walls are painted. different every second. my eyes are of chrome. it is television. can't let go of my leg. it's itching and bleeding. layer by layer. I'm peeling away. burn down my...
  10. 10Clean Today
    all the white lights falling. the blue lights are falling. night is warm. came down with a promise. I have my best shirt on. I lower myself now. it is a way to forgot. of last year's failure. WIL...
  11. 11Code Against The Code
    Money growing on a tree. The cold you have come to find. Money going through the wire. The cold you have come to find. You once were the one who had it. The code against the code. Wait. So much to dis...
  12. 12Cold Ways
    I can't do what you do. I'm just able to tear it down. yeah. Stay in a cold minute of sleep. See the world. Right through the ether. Twisting names inside of me. Electric atmosphere to be. M...
  13. 13Complicity
    I have no name my face a blur. I speak only to answer them. White noise becomes a voice. I hear it constantly. I dare not break the circuit. I rest only for a short time. This time I promise I won&apo...
  14. 14Consternation
    Wave back at me. Back is turned. If I fail once. Circuit burn. Saw you in the lampglow. You fade. Nothingness incarnate. Until I get there. Hidden. I will be. Consternation. Internal source. Overthrow...
  15. 15Consternation (traduaçao)
    Consternação. Aceno de volta a mim. Recuar é mudar. Se eu cair mais uma vez. Circuito queima. Serra você na lâmpada brilhante. Você definha. Nada encarnado. Ate eu conseg...
  16. 16Criminals
    The way the light hits the road. The way I am unable to protect you. O I'm running away. I will never forgive myself. For running away from you. He came back to your house. I didn't take it...
  17. 18Day
    DAY grey park look the same. and the days are pale. I never thought it would rain this way. I should be knowing that it used to be. me let's stay here for a while. is something gonna happen. toda...
  18. 19Day & Then The Shade
    i will rise. to dreams of freedom. and avow. to return the treason that came under your reign. the day and then the shade. i have slept. inside the season that froze within my grasp. all my fears come...
  19. 20Dead Letters
    Vexation. Internal void. My dreams are getting darker and darker. Dim my lights. Time is frail. You shut my mind. But oh well. Trapped and choked. Erased my trail. Split the chest. My heart couldn&apo...
  20. 21Deadhouse
    Somehow better without this. Headlights fuck the city. Somewhere I'm broken. No sensations nevermore. What do you say when you speak. I sense no time. Discouraged television sleep. Not awake unti...
  21. 22Deliberation
    Visions come, visions come, in a sick room bed. There's something left to learn. Pass them all, let it show. Let the rich meet death. Confront out own concern. See us sleep behind the glass unawa...
  22. 23Departer
    the blinding white. so far behind i am. running. over idle ground. this evening. i kept my word. did you. i'm turning around. wait for your sound. only so far. according to who. departer. the jou...
  23. 24Discouraged Ones "cd"
    I Break. sounds of imbalance. sleeps through the never. the artificial lightsource. is creeping with flies. and this time i break. i will never make. another day. defiant to what's delivered. i w...
  24. 25Displaced
    Do you have water in your car. I might get thirsty along the way. Are you sure is isn't very far. Are we getting there today. And is it hard. And complicated. You displace me. Drive me there. Let...
  25. 26Dispossession
    it is to see a traitor go free. it is to feel a filter in me. it is to leave the lights that I saw. it is to ask: is it easy to go. in this dead hour. here with you. seconds are worthless. in this dea...
  26. 27Dissolving Bonds
    And here you are. So much time did you waste from times before. So shut down your sky. Bow down, lights out and die. And now you go. The cold chill cracks a positive self-detach. Inanimate heart. Hurt...
  27. 28Dissolving Bounds
  28. 29Distrust
    Running my way towards oblivion. Inside my head elevtriv insomnia. In your mind I'm fed with distrust. Heading for anything better than this. I want to be forgotten. I want you to forgive. How i&...
  29. 30Don't Tell A Soul
    I have been destroyed. by the perfection that is life. see I'm moving soon. see my feet are already on the road. and if you know where I'm going. don't tell a soul. I live all for this...
  30. 31Endtime
    ENDTIME now fall into a vacant sphere pierced by darkness. they called it death and surrounded. me with sleep they lost the earth in fire waved. it into a sea this is not what you saw the earth in. fi...
  31. 32Evidence
    I hold my breath and check the time. One minute, no collapse. If you only knew what I would do for you. One thirty breathing lapse. We're going in, my voice is thin. When I tell you to remember....
  32. 33Follower
    Hurts to see. My incapacity. Shame. Idle mind. No. You have changed me. My mouth is shut. Stupidity have shut mymouth. So when you come. I'm too unprepared to come along. I hold your hand so hard...
  33. 34For Funerals To Come...
    Through the bleak window of my soul. In marble halls of falling snow. Winter touch the Earth undone. Embittered we embrace the funerals to come....
  34. 35For My Demons
    well I'm here. and summer is gone I hear. so pray for me. as I now leave your town. when did I say this. I will never leave. I can't recall this. moment in my life. you would never sleep at...
  35. 36Forsaker
    rage from a distant. the name unfamiliar. spikes reach the heart. time set for rewind. the dark will rise. abandon your freedom. give up the right to find the true self. forsake your own reasons. fors...
  36. 37Fractured
    knew i would fall if i tried. so i held back for a while. you pushed me so hard, i had to go. i tried to be strong, then i failed. i would like to say this. just in case you didn't know. well you...
  37. 38Funeral Wedding
    Open life beneath. Her glory stains the hearse. Procession watch the rain. Mourns the opposite birth. For the wind hopes to die. Far away from home. Same death serves all/Spirits of what will be. Danc...
  38. 39Gateways Of Bereavement
    I stand as I cry. Mourning in the silent rain. Death will light my burden. Endless is my sorrow. Gateways so dark. All these years of dying. Gone are dreams of velvet voices. I am you, we were one. Va...
  39. 40Ghost Of The Sun
    The thin darkness here. Not srong enough to make you appear. I once changed my style. When they said hello I said goodbye. I once played a role. I was out there marketing my soul. The city of glass th...
  40. 41Gone
    A dead start in my head. And the day's been laid. The things I really want. Always torn away from my heart. You never saw the way. How I wanted you to stay. And now when you're gone. I'...
  41. 42Had To (Leave)
    so you were with us until the last minute. and then you were gone from here. and I watched and I just figured out. that I will never see you again. I had a choice. you had to leave. into the night. th...
  42. 43Help Me Disappear
    to completely dissolve, what method is used. i cannot sleep, my hands are bruised. there's a hole in the wall, torn up anew. one dead eye, the colour of you. to vanish for life. and promise to st...
  43. 44I Am Nothing
    tonight I'm nothing. it doesn't matter where I've been. delay of reaction is. the unseen movie of this life. I remember one of my friends. telling me to go ahead. water on every side. t...
  44. 45I Break
    Sounds of imbalance. Sleeps through the never. The artificial lightsource. Is creeping with flies. And this time I break. I will never make. Another day. Defiant to what's delivered. I will find...
  45. 46I transpire
    I can't say that I am free. as long as they return. if I had a way out of here. would I then return?. they seldom will speak, no. they only breathe, slow. do they know that I'm afraid, so af...
  46. 47Idle Blood
    You there the bringer of my despair. You are stagnation of hope and wealth. Oh you personify loss and greed of mine. And you hide until my fear reappear. The love for life once bright. I'm burnin...
  47. 48In Death, A Song
    you came back to a place without sun. and you don't seem to know what you've done. to me. now I see. darkness is what you left in me. you went with nothing to fear. came back with nothing to...
  48. 49In Silence Enshrined
    In Silence Enshrined through Ages. A Dying beauty on a journey far. Fading Roses enchants the Garden. Sleeping, dreaming of my Bride. In Quiescence faces borders the Path. On the Shore of No Hope I am...
  49. 50In The White
    Are you in. or are you out. The words are stones in my mouth. Hush little baby don't you cry. Truth comes down. Strikes me in the eye. Turning season within. Brand new nails across my skin. But w...
  50. 51Increase
    Vapor as thin as it gets. I stare right through. Its everywhere, sickness in this room. Not lying, it comes from you. So cold and deep. There wont be a time when i'm at ease. Increase, coldness....
  51. 52Inheritance
    Our inconvenient burden. it could be lifted off of us. if we gave up. to finally let go. of the free will that we were given. our graves. above the timberline. our names chalked. the pressure of wealt...
  52. 54Inside The Fall
    all noise that breaks my head i run along the water. you didn't really notice i've left and gone away. you're like waiting uncurable disease left me waiting. inside the fall all waves t...
  53. 55Journey Through Pressure
    Pushing the will. Being the light. Where i have been. I came for. The process of trying to act at heart. It will fade out. Thoughts will wind. No one mind. They offer you when you come. So alone i&apo...
  54. 56July
    You come clean, waves collide now. Defenceless numb points. And no voice of reason. So, how come you invited me too, you knew I wanted you. You glide above. So, this night belongs to you. I know this...
  55. 57Last Fair Deal Gone Down "cd"
    Disposession. it is to see a traitor go free. it is to feel a filter in me. it is to leave the lights that i saw. it is to ask: is it easy to go. in this dead hour. here with you. seconds are worthles...
  56. 58Last Resort
    And here the air that I breathe isn't dead. Enter life of what's still here. Close the door away from near. Shrouded in autumn's graven ascension. Thought the bridge was over now. Lost...
  57. 59Leaders
    Leaders come, stand in line. Feel your true self, conformed. I sold my soul, crossed the borderline. I found something i'd never adjust to. Come here, i payed up for you. I have sold my weakness...
  58. 60Leaders(ttadução)
    Líderes. Os líderes vêm, estão na linha. Sinta seu eu verdadeiro, conformado. Eu vendi minha alma, cruzada a fronteira. Eu encontrei algo que eu nunca ajustaria. Venha aqui, eu pag...
  59. 61Lethean
    How long. Is the pattern going to speak for you?. How far can your voice reach?. Your song below the night. From my view. I can see you. Shudder where you are standing. In the vision. Cyan blue. Now....
  60. 62Liberation
    Sold are the eyes I have. And cold is the wait for nothing. And dark. I write my name in a long line. How is it possible for you to try. It's coming true. I've changed my name but I will pas...
  61. 63Love Of The Swan
    God - burn me for I am a sinner. I have sold my fortune to the beast. Murders scream for my empty soul. Forever hiding in the life beneath. I lie underneath their grace eternal. Pure white shroud of i...
  62. 64March 4
    left with spring alone. I withdraw from this. I lived so differently. it wasn't good enough. I was with you alone. winter was gone. things once blurred are twice sharpened. when I think of what I...
  63. 66Murder
    MURDER fallen idol hanged man great winds. rides the mill further into the vast limits. do not exist five day pain closer now than ever. birds escape mute flock of winds one with weather. sight is get...
  64. 67My Twin
    The neck, then the shame. The head is hung in shame. The neck, then the shame. The head is hung in shame. I thought that you had grown. That you would carry on. But now that I am gone. What else'...
  65. 68Nephilim
    loving mother. he has come. ta take your son. listen. how he strides the earth. when only animals are awake. when the shattering of ideals begin. god of ruin. will come to you. fallen. from the faded...
  66. 69Nerve
    High white ways. Shattered by rain. Pale dead walls. Nerves pushed in pain. Red light faced. Mirrors of the dead. People in the archways. Eyes full of lead. Always closing down myself. Lower sights an...
  67. 70New Night
    Touch. I'm forgotten this time. I am so uncertain. That my heart will go on. My loving one. If you are here you'll find. That I'm not feeling well. That I will have to go on. Though sum...
  68. 71Nightmares By The Sea
    [by Jeff Buckley]. beware the bottled thoughts of angry young men. secret compartments hide all of the skeletons. little girl wants to make her home with him. in the middle of the shore she wonders. &...
  69. 72No Devotion
    i've turned down all devotion. i'm so far from being here. can't bring forth more power. than i have already done. tonight i'm trying. and i see all dread in me. but then i lose ag...
  70. 73No Good Can Come Of This
    this is no good way out. but it's a challenge or so I see it. death's head upon my wall. afield lies nothing but disorder. no good can come of this. whatsoever I can tell you. no good will e...
  71. 74Nowhere
    atmosphere decays in me i fail to convict my useless days. the lack of substance circle of downfall. exitless ways into pale wake tired attempts to crush the design. it's like nowhere i cannot se...
  72. 75O How I Enjoy The Light
    [written by Will Oldham, published by royal stable music (ascap)]. it's us I liken to a covey. a polar bear has breached a. pup. the palace walls are. strewn with tapestries. and the window panes...
  73. 76O How I Enjoy The Night
    It's us I liken to a covey. A polar bear has breached a. pup. The palace walls are. strewn with tapestries. And the window panes are. splintered and shattered. With a crumbled dog. on every landi...
  74. 77Old Heart Falls
    The weighted clouds coming by. Has me looking. Right here under the sky. And I left my home. Passed the evening fires. In the blink of an eye. I have closed the door behind me. The vapour of old love....
  75. 78Old Hearts Fall
    The weighted clouds coming by. Has me looking. Right here under the sky. And I left my home. Passed the evening fires. In the blink of an eye. And I had closed the door behind me. The vapour of old lo...
  76. 79Omerta
    Come by you have come far. All I had I lost in the flood. Come sit with me at the bar. Tell me of progress strengthen my blood. No one here knows my name. I have traded my memories for things. But I r...
  77. 80One Year From Now
    One year from now will I be strong. Will I stand up for what I've become. Everything I have I will give you. And everything I own I owe you. One yearr from now dare I call you mine. A year ahead...
  78. 81Onward Into Battle
    in the still eclipse. every light is a heartbeat. in the spring. where i watch. the sudden change. i find this so hard. onward into battle. time is growing so dark around me. i, shallow one. i burn us...
  79. 82Palace Of Frost
    Garden, Still and Cold. Leaves Once Green Turned To Gold. Wrapped In Fields, Eternal Sky. I Bid Farewell, I Die. Birds of The Night, Sing My Songs. Ocean of Tears, Leads So Long. Solitude of My Spirit...
  80. 83Passing Bird
    she's got black hair. and she has got a black dress. she's pretending. that her life is a mess. but I cannot rest. with so many worries. I can't lie down. and say I am done. I live &apo...
  81. 84Quiet World
    Four numbers staring back at me. Displaying the mediocrity of my presence. I am wasting my day watching them change. The sun with it's blue sky outside. Shining down on all you happy people. I am...
  82. 85Rainroom
    RAINROOM we saw it all pass by and you went by and. I can't control anything when you said that. life can't be what you want and I really want. everything that I pray when I believe I saw it...
  83. 86Relention
    It's hard to say where I've been. Or am, sleeping in the dark. I don't know where live. Dirty (splintered) palace walls. I'm returning from something. To something. I'm return...
  84. 87Residual
    Rid my mind of residual thoughts. Until knowledge will arrive. They closed my eyes. And cold stars would align. In the city the lights are many. But I can't find it amusing anymore. I watch the n...
  85. 88Right Into The Bliss
    By a black road. Giving a brief smile. Something's on the way. Forgotten for a while. And you try to speak this. Without a voice down by a black road. We try to forget and try to make it through....
  86. 89Rusted
    A rush through the rusted veins. Illuminate the face of one. So I have a light. So unaware about the consequence. I heard no warning. About the little compromise. The distorted views you had. Cold whi...
  87. 90Saw You Drown
    As through your shattered eyes. It all came together. And your heart cries. Weeping through the weather. Another way to change your mind. I'm weaker than they say. To leave this world behind. The...
  88. 91Saw You Drown "cd"
    Saw you Drown. as through your shattered eyes. it all came together. and your heart cries. weeping through the weather. another way to change your mind. i'm weaker than they say. to leave this al...
  89. 92Scarlet Heavens
    only for the wind I lay myself down. feeling this scarlet scent of death. under ebony shades I dream of a child. dancing in heaven, dancing in heaven. I must have seen this face before. a monument of...
  90. 93Serein
    In the mourning. The battle for endurance has been lost. Sold my worth and dignity the same. I am shade. And essence of corroding time. So pale next to my love. In every way, meaningless scar. Through...
  91. 95Shades Of Emerald Fields
    Dancing through the silent waves. The shimmering moonlight. Over lost angels remains. Whispering through gloomy halls. Beneath the gentle soft caress. Of dreaming shadows. Flowing steams of silver. Th...
  92. 96Sistere
    You stay out here in the snow. All night beside the road. But there's fire so keep warm. I'm leaving soon. It's bleak. And inside you can't hold your thoughts together. The slumber...
  93. 97Sleeper
    O my your fever's high. I lay my hands upon you. O my haven't you heard. The truth is untrue. Now I'm breathing. I could not breath until you did. I'm one second after you. Just a...
  94. 98Soil's Song
    False. The dream is so far. Come and take the consequence. Few things are as certain. Opressive wait. Evacuate. Assemble here. Soil's song. In you throat. Future death. In your reach. Who's...
  95. 99Stalemate
    What am I supposed to be. In my life. In your life. In our life. In this life. I shut the door an closed my sight. At the end of the day. It's not the way what it used to be. There's no way...
  96. 100Strained
    end. sometimes a start for others. end. I don't know the word beginning. sometimes fear is power. like when I lost control. this time it has to come to an end. I'd like to try to live my lif...
  97. 101Sulfur
    I'm drawing back time. to feel things once again. as when I had found them. I saw you grow older. saw myself grow older too. but not as much as you. if I only knew. I had sulfur in my heart. but...
  98. 102Sweet Nurse
    O my sweet nurse. Pull the curtain aside for a while. So that I can for once have. The sun in my eye. You smile and say. It's a fine day. O my sweet nurse. Pull the curtain aside for a while. The...
  99. 103Teargas
    why have you put so many things into my eyes. that I can't see clear. who's paid you for telling me what I'm worth. and run in fear. it has been for me a strain to see already. what hav...
  100. 104Teargas "cd"
    Teargas. why have you put so many things into my eyes. that i can't see clear. who's paid you for telling me what i'm worth. and run in fear. it has been for me a strain to see already....
  101. 105The Future Of Speech
    my prospects have become less promising. i find it hard to believe in anything. seems I lost my world and so I lost my faith. and I can't go back to where I've been. a brand new day. it can&...
  102. 106The Itch
    Movement subdue the back thing?. So quiet now. Subsequence systmatic violence. The great cold distance. The itch. The urge. Make way. Think of something. Bring out the fear. As the tracks fall to wast...
  103. 107The Longest Year
    In the nights of old I've always wished. In the longest year that had me down. And I would freeze if you ever asked me. That was my own way. Confront the guilt and try to overcome. Do not...
  104. 108The Nothern Silence
    Captured Within A Shroud of Autumn. All Is Silent as I Depart The Earth. Only The Sound of A Storm So Far. Drawing Nearer To Catch My Soul. My Life Is Ended, Another Has Begun. Descent Forever To Serv...
  105. 109The Promise Of Deceit
    Sold are the eyes I have. And cold is the wait for nothing. And dark. I write my name in a long line. How is it possible for you to try. It's coming true. I've changed my name but I will pas...
  106. 110This Punishment
    will I be strong. no friends by my side. in a black room. no spirits abide. who is judge now. when I wait for this. punishment. when I come in. from where I've been. they raise their voices. on a...
  107. 111Tomb Of Insomnia
    Falling, Crying, Sleeping, through the air. with the evil, shadows, moving towards the sky!. Tomb spirits marching in the fields of eternal. life. crying like a God. a terrified. God!!. Falling, cryin...
  108. 112Tonight's Decision "cd"
    For my demons. well i'm here. and summer is gone i hear. so pray for me. as i now leave your town. when did i say this. i will never leave. i can't recall this. moment in my life. you would...
  109. 113Tonight's Music
    Who could call my name without regretting. who could see beyond this my darkness. and for once save their own prayers. who could mirror down just a little. of their sun. how could this go so very wron...
  110. 114Unfurl
    At city centre 9 pm. just like you wrote. and i try to think about. snow coming in. just like before. i will be on stand-by. releasing the vapour. into the lung. letting the wings unfurl. and for a mo...
  111. 115Vakaren
    Du är vakaren. Dina tankar går bredvid hand i hand med ljuset. Att se klart, att aldrig vara sen. Jag hör ditt namn i bruset. Kylans port, dörren utan lås. Dygnets cirkel runt...
  112. 116Velvet Thorns
    Ten strings of darkness on a violin sad. I watch the mountains where the frost begins. The northern storm is guiding me. To the frost. Silently the night birds fly. Their last scream my eternal dirge....
  113. 117Velvet Thorns (Of Drynhwyl)
    [february 93]. Ten Strings of Darkness on a Violin Sad. I watch the Mountains where the Frost begins. The Northern Storm is Guiding me. To the Forest. Silently the Nightbirds fly. Their last scream my...
  114. 118Wait Outside
    I burn the bridges behind me. Can't tell you the truth so I lie. I'm waving at someone behind you. I filter my eyes when I look to the sky. Time to lose. Tell them everything. Say I lost my...
  115. 119Walking By A Wire
    I could not breath against the wall. The clash of light against the floor. They held me up against the wall. Too young to be ignored. Standing by a building. Leaks out information. Passive death of fr...
  116. 120We Must Bury You
    we had you down on your knees. we were kicking you in the head. we tried to hang you from the trees. we didn't stop until you were dead. we must bury you. we must bury you. we must bury you so de...
  117. 121Wealth
    Cool night gave my truth for a lie. Will you be here when I try. I'm not set cannot do it yet. Will you be here when I try. Our wealth breeds emptiness. Another day to compress. My lips are dry y...
  118. 122Wide Awake In Quietus
    Du är vakaren. Dina tankar går bredvid hand i hand med ljuset. Att se klart, att aldrig vara sen. Jag hör ditt namn i bruset. Kylans port, dörren utan lås. Dygnets cirkel runt...
  119. 123Will I Arrive
    Bypassed the day I can hear them coming. They walk round my door and speak of their coming. My trial awaits got nowhere to run. My only words how soon you have come. And I think about what you told me...
  120. 124Without God
    Human Birds Watch the Sky. Where Dark formations sail. Infecting the area of God. "JHVA ELOHIM METH". I am God creator of Life. I am God Enchanter of Death. Death - that now marks you. Life...