5 letras de Músicas de Kataxu: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Kataxu cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Intro
    [Instrumental / Ambient, the following is written accompanying it in the booklet:]. The Womb Of The Mountains, Burning With Primal Cold. In The Lakes Of Time, I Immerse My Face - To Make It As A Ston...
  2. 2My Name From The Forest
    Animal breath leads alarmingly. Ardusing the concience of possession of a haze - forgotten property. to hidden moment in which you stand. Further than the sense and fear allow. The truth shudders fro...
  3. 3Nawia
    Eagle, Come!. Let Your Wings Sing A Song, Guide The Last Comet. Trees Are Living Again, The Saturn's Season. Herbs Are Flowing Down The Hands Of The Warrior. Constellation Of My Breaths, Because...
  4. 4Roots Thunder
    The Bullet Of The Hight Environment In Shortening Days. Of Thorny Blasphemies, The Thought Disperses Bones But The Dust Is Not Silent. Ending The Performance, This Is The Stigma Which Is Rised Above A...
  5. 5War
    Burning Reflections of War's Walls!. Rivers Of Blood Are Endless. The Revenge Of Gods - Enemies Are Lost In Pain!. Look!. Like, Living Candles!. - Let The Laughing Of Witches Spread Disease!. - L...