46 letras de Músicas de Kate & Anna Mcgarrigle: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 46 letras de músicas de Kate & Anna Mcgarrigle cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1(talk To Me Of) Mendocino
    (I bid farewell to the state of ol' New York. My home away from home. In the state of New York I came of age. When first I started roaming. And the trees grow high in New York state. And they shi...
  2. 2À Boire
    Je me regardai dans le glace si folle. Souriant, promenai mes souliers désaccordés. A boire, à boire. Je lui demandai. Pour l'amour du Seigneur. Je lui suppliai. Se jeune, si jeune...
  3. 3A Place In Your Heart
    Children like to dance, children like to sing. Children like to play with almost anything. A little piece of wood, tiny bit of string. Tied together, it's a wonderful thing. Children who don&apos...
  4. 4Ah Tournesol
    Ah tournesol, proie à l’ennui. Toi qui comptes les pas du soleil. En quête de ce haut, doux pays. Où le voyageur trouve le sommeil. Où jeunesse languit de désir. Et p&#...
  5. 5Avant La Guerre
    Pousse mon auto, aboule, écoute le temps s'écoule. Ramène-moi jouer là-bas, à l'ombre des tournesols. Largue ta chaloupe, youpe, tant que dure l'heure folle. Pr...
  6. 6Baby If I Didn't Have You
    I had a dream last night. That gave my heart a fright. I dreamt that someone had come and taken you. From me. When I woke in the morning light. My dream had been wrong. And these words were like a swe...
  7. 7Blues In D
    My daddy came to see me. He came all dressed in black. He said Katie dear. You know I want you back. Oh no, oh no, oh no. You know I want you back again. You know I can't stand to live alone. I g...
  8. 8Ce Matin
    Exilée au milieu du continent. Je ne suis qu’un flocon dans le vent. Quand je rêve, je te revois. Fixé dans le moment. Dans la brume au bord de l’océan. Ce matin, tu...
  9. 9Cheminant à La Ville
    Cheminant à la ville. Mes nuits et mes deniers en poche. De mon village tranquille. Une fourche mène à Rome, l'autre à la fosse. Mais tout au long du parcours. Je laisserai de...
  10. 10Complainte Pour Ste-catherine
    Moi j'me promène sous Ste-Catherine. J'profite de la chaleur du métro. Je n'me regarde pas dans les vitrines. Quand il fait trente en dessous d'zéro. Y'a longte...
  11. 11Dans Le Silence
    Quelques fois quand le vent respire. Parmi la pruche et le sapin. Que le jour pousse un grand soupir. Et que le soleil est bas. Il me semble qu’une ombre plane. Dans le silence de l’oubl...
  12. 12En Filant Ma Quenouille
    Mon père aussi m'a mariée. gai lon la je m'en vais rouler. un incivile il m'a donné. je me roule, roule. Gai lon la je m'en vais rouler. en filant ma quenouille. Un...
  13. 13Entre La Jeunesse Et La Sagesse
    Où sont passées les plaines, les arbres à l'horizon. Des voies ferrées entre deux pâtés de maisons. Doucement les années nous ont subtilisé. D'abord l...
  14. 14Excursion à Venise
    A Notre-Dame de Stanbridge, les regards voilés de bure. Et toi largement occupé, à délimiter les pavés. A Sainte-Anne de la Pérade, les idées à la saumure. Sur...
  15. 15Foolish You
    Foolish you, you want to go away. Seeking fortune's favour on your own. While the one who stays behind you, Foolish me, is left alone. Sad and foolish that's how I feel. Don't you know...
  16. 16Go Leave
    Go, leave. She's better than me. Or at least she is stronger. She will make it last longer. That's nice for you. Go, leave. Don't come back. No more am I for the taking. But I can'...
  17. 17Heart Like A Wheel
    Some say a heart is just like a wheel. When you bend it, you can't mend it. And my love for you is like a sinking ship. And my heart is like that ship out in mid ocean. They say that death is a t...
  18. 18Hurle Le Vent
    Je m’en allai par les champs d’automne. Je m’en allai pour ma dame un veau chercher. Et pour son âme l’indulgence de Rome. Chez monsieur le curé un voeu enregistr...
  19. 19I Cried For Us
    Love it's not I who didn't try. Hard enough hard enough. And this is why I'm saying goodbye. I've had enough, I've had enough. Love you don't see the pain in me. It'...
  20. 20Jesus Lifeline
    Jesus lifeline to my soul. Let me tie myself to thee. Leave oh leave me not alone. On this cold and raging sea. Help me Jesus, help me Lord. Till the storm of life is passed. Safe into the heavens gui...
  21. 21Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life
    Like the seeds of the weeds. In an Autumn wind. We met out in mid air. And fell together. In a patch of ground. And grew to be a pair. But not a pair in the usual sense. As you were much too tall. Wit...
  22. 22Kiss And Say Goodbye
    Call me when you're coming to town. Just as soon as your plane puts down. Call me on the telephone. But only if you're travelling alone. Counting down the hours. Through the sunshine and the...
  23. 23La Belle S'est étourdie
    Tu m'étourdis, tu m'étourdis. tu m'étouffas. Tu m'étourdis, tu m'étourdis. tu m'étouffas. Tu mènes ta belle. Fais-la pas faire faux-pax...
  24. 24La Vache Qui Pleure
    Dans un pré au fond d’un vallon. Il y a, pauvre et seule. Une vache, une vache qui pleure. Je pleure mon veau que je ne peux pas élever. Je pleure mon veau qu’on m’a enl...
  25. 25Le Bambocheur
    Un jour je dis à ma mère. Connaissez-vous donc ce garçon que j’aime. C’est un garçon bambocheur. Qui a su tant charmer my coeur. Vas-t’en petite brunette. Tu n...
  26. 26Love Over And Over And Over
    I could say love over and over and over. I could say baby baby baby 'til my tongue spirals out of my head. When there's no one looking over my shoulder. I like to write rock and roll but it...
  27. 27Mais Quand Tu Danse
    Il faisait tôt hier à matin quand je passais devant l'hôtel. Derrière la porte entrebaillée là à genoux devant l'autel. Ta silhouette fraîche déc...
  28. 28Midnight Flight
    Now I think it's time to go. For I have prolonged my stay. I can tell by the clouds that cover the moon. That it's time to be on my way. I could take that flight at midnight. Or set sail wit...
  29. 29Move Over Moon
    My horoscope warns me don't talk to strangers. Talk dark and handsome or short bald and plain. My soothsayer says to sit tight. And wait for my stars to get rearranged. So don't talk to me....
  30. 30My Town
    When I awake I think of you. Who made my heart break and made me feel like a fool. You led me on just to bring me down. And I fell so low. So if the stars are out tonight. I'll get up and go. On...
  31. 31Naufragée Du Tendre
    Dans une glace transparente. Un reflet ne reflétant rien. Lorsque je t'appelle. Tu ne réponds pas. Quand je suis arrivée. Tu n'étais déjà plus là. Je me su...
  32. 32On My Way To Town
    On my way to town. Got my money in my secret pocket. On my way to town. Till I get there I won't turn around. I'm dropping pebbles in my tracks. I will not get lost when I come back. On my w...
  33. 33Petite Annonce Amoureuse
    Je cherche une homme qui a cinq pieds trois. Moi j’suis pas la fille du Roy Ou bien ça va. Ou ça va pas. S’il vous plaît répondez-moi. Qui annonce reçoit ré...
  34. 34Petites Boîtes
    Petites boîtes (littles boxes). Petites boîtes, très étroites. Petites boîtes faites en ticky-tacky. Petites boîtes, petites boîtes. Petites boîtes toutes parei...
  35. 35Prends Ton Manteau
    Prends ton manteau, tes souliers, tes soucis. Marche lentement dans le matin endormi. L'heure a sonné et seul maintenant. Tu t'enfonces dans la brume, un souvenir, un moment. Triste r&#...
  36. 36Rose Blanche
    Alle avait, hantant les bistrots. Toujours su’l’Plateau. Un p’tit air innocent. On l’app’lait Rose, alle était belle. A sentait bon la fleur nouvelle. Su St-Lau...
  37. 37St Valentine's Day 1978 (black Hearth)
    Red running shoes with crumbling soles. Clashed with pink pearls 'round my love wanton soul. My body was attired in jute, jean and satin. I waited for Valentine. The day past quickly, it was soon...
  38. 38Star Cab Company
    My Mama drives a cab. For the Star Cab company. And when she's on a call. I'm in my own custody. Don't throw the meter, mama. She drives me into town. Every Sunday morn. Where I wash an...
  39. 39Sun Son, Shining On The Water
    Oh father come to the window. Look over yonder lake. At the wondrous golden city. Beyond the icy wake. In my short life we've passed this way. Ten times or more. And never did this city. Rise up...
  40. 40Sunflower (version Anglaise de Ah Tournesol)
    Ah, Sun-Flower! weary of time, Who contest the steps of the sun. Seeking after that golden clime. Where the traveller’s journey is done. Where the Youth pined away with desire, And the pale Vir...
  41. 41Swimming Song
    This summer I went swimming. This summer I might have drowned. But I Held my breath, kicked my feet. And I moved my arms around, Moved my arms around. This summer I did the backstroke. And you know th...
  42. 42Tant Le Monde
    Une tache de vert. Sur une toile de gris. Pâle soleil d’hiver. Une chandelle dans la nuit. Je mène une existence précaire. Je vis une vie irrégulièr. Je suis une fourmi...
  43. 43Tell My Sister
    Weather man on the radio. threatens rain maybe snow. He just forecasts he don't know. I need blue skies. I've got to go. I'm not a cowboy, I've never been shot. I'm not a conv...
  44. 44The Work Song
    Back before the blues were blue. When the good ol' songs were new. Songs that may no longer please us. 'Bout the darkies, about Jesus. Mississippi minstrels color of molasses. Strummed their...
  45. 45Travellin' On For Jesus
    Lord I'm travellin' on for Jesus night and day. Yes I'm travellin' now for Jesus night and day. I want you to make up on your mind. Sure a good friend's hard to find, Lord. Te...
  46. 46Tu Vas M'accompagner
    Comme un loup sortant de la foret. Bete sauvage. Reputee suspecte. Ils te traitent de malin de redoubtable. Ca me semble une conquete formidable. Y'a longtemps que j'te regarde de loin. De t...