85 letras de Músicas de Kate Campbell: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 85 letras de músicas de Kate Campbell cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 110.000 Lures
    Wasn't no copperhead. Wasn't no cottonmouth. Just a garden snake. That brought us all down. It didn't look deadly. Didn't look venomous. Wrapped around that tree. So lovely and sen...
  2. 2A Cotton Field Away
    A child of three. Reaches out to touch. And only sees. Pretty powder puffs. Down the road. A black child plays. But the dreams. He holds lie. A cotton field away. The fires burn bright. A window break...
  3. 3A Perfect World
    Shadows fall. Across the land. Prophets say. The end's at hand. More bad news. Everywhere I turn. But in your arms. It's a perfect world. Rebels rage. And lions roar. Everyday. It's a b...
  4. 4Ave Maria Grotto
    Brother Joseph. Was a simple man. Collected rubbish. For his building plans. Alabama clay. Shells from the sea. Broken china plates. And rosary beads. Ave Maria. Ave Maria. Well he never saw. The wond...
  5. 5Bascom's Blues
    Nobody's gonna tell you. Nobody wants you to know. Nobody's gonna show you. Where all the money goes. If you become a big dog. They'll buy you a Cadillac. But if they can't recoup....
  6. 6Be Thou My Vision
    Be Thou my Vision. O Lord of my heart. Naught be. All else to me. Save that Thou art. Thou my best thought. By day or by night. Waking or sleeping. Thy presence my light. Be Thou my Wisdom. And Thou m...
  7. 7Bear It Away
    Four little girls. Dressed up nice. Singing about Jesus. Red and yellow. Black and white. Dreaming of freedom. Across the land. And all God's children. Walking hand in hand. One deadly blast. Sha...
  8. 8Bowl-a-rama
    Joseph Lane. Was a bowler. Headed for the PBA. He had a room. Full of trophies. And dreamed. Of the perfect game. One night. At the Bowl-A-Rama. He got eleven strikes. In a row. You could almost hear....
  9. 9Bud's Sea-mint Boat
    He lived his life. A civil service man. Designing toilets. For the space program. He believed. If we could go to the moon. There's nothing on Earth. A man can't do. So he ordered a ton. Of s...
  10. 10Bury Me In Bluegrass
    Huey was a captain. With Andy Jackson. He settled in Kentucky. On a soldier's pay. It was two hundred acres. And for almost. As many years. The land has borne. My family name. You can count. The...
  11. 11Bus 109
    They forced it. On the county school board. And made a lot people mad. They planned to bus. Us off across town. And things got really bad. That's when. The private schools. Were started. And they...
  12. 12Corn In A Box
    Saw the mark. Of a Pharaoh's hand. In the middle. Of a field of sand. Seven wonders. Have come and gone. Only one's. Still hanging on. Watched a man. In sixty-nine. Take one small step. For...
  13. 13Crazy In Alabama
    I heard Odessa's mind was sick. That she was crazier than hell. The police caught her turning tricks. Down at the Blue and Gray motel. Odessa was the neighbor's maid. She had ten mouths at h...
  14. 14Dark Night Of The Soul
    You can pray with all your might. Till your knuckles all turn white. You can look the other way. Hope it's gone with each new day. You can do your best to hide. You can hold it all inside. You ca...
  15. 15Deep Tang
    Rust hills. Red clay. Steel mills. Deep tang. Lime stone. Iron veins. Loose coal. Deep tang. Birmingham. Birmingham. Beneath the haze. Your skies once blue. Now deep tang. Smoke stacks. Orange flames....
  16. 16Delmus Jackson
    Delmus Jackson was a black man. Delmus Jackson was a custodian. He cleaned the church house. Five days a week. Delmus Jackson talked to me. He'd say. I'm working for the Lord. Gonna see his...
  17. 17Faces In The Water
    I see faces in the water. Of a time not gone by. I see places in the water. Where so many souls won't die. I hear babies and their mothers. Crying Lord, oh lord why. I hear wailing for their brot...
  18. 18Fade To Blue
    Every night. It's the same routine. He has some hurting. He's got to do. Sets up a shrine. To her memory. So he can. Fade to blue. He takes her picture. From its hiding place. tells it he lo...
  19. 19Free World
    I'm going out. Into the free world. And farm. I'm gonna paint me. A big red barn. Don't wanna do. Nobody else no harm. I'm going out. I'm going out. Into the free world. And f...
  20. 20Freedom Train
    Moses stood. On the mountain. Looked over. To the promised land. Took his people. Through the valley. Said i hope. You understand. I may not get. There with you. Keep on marching. Just the same. There...
  21. 21Funeral Food
    Aunt Fidelia. Brought the rolls. With her. Green bean casserole. The widow Smith. Down the street. Dropped by a bowl. Of butter beans. Plastic cups. And silverware. Lime green. Tupperware everywhere....
  22. 22Galaxie 500
    We got her white. From the factory. But daddy had her. Painted baby blue. She had. A red vinyl interior. That burned my legs. On summer afternoons. She took us. Down to Panama City. And we got sand. A...
  23. 23Genesis Blues
    They say God. Walked in the garden. Between the Tigris. And Euphrates. They say God. Walked in the garden. Between the tigris. And Euphrates. But we all know that Eden. Is down. In the delta south of...
  24. 24God Of Grace And God Of Glory
    God of grace and God of glory. On Thy people pour Thy power. Crown Thine ancient church's story. Bring her bud to glorious flower. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage. For the facing of this hour....
  25. 25Heart Of Hearts
    The story is told. Strange as it sounds. In Louisiana. A turtle fell. From the clouds. Some just believe. Some only doubt. And some proclaim. They've got it all. Figured out. Some keep their thou...
  26. 26How Much Can One Heart Hold
    Heard about a man. From Birmingham. Went down to Selma. To take a stand. How much. Can one heart hold. He sang some songs. About peace and love. And took a beatin'. From a billy club. How much. C...
  27. 27If I Ever Get To Heaven
    If I ever get to heaven. Don't know what I'll find. Maybe streets of gold. Maybe peace of mind. Will there be water. Will there be wine. Milk and honey. On the other side. If I ever get to h...
  28. 28In My Mother's House
    Photographs. And old forty-fives. Stowed beneath. A homecoming gown. Pictures of me. At sweet sixteen. But everything's. Not as it seems. In my mother's house. When I go home. For holidays....
  29. 29Jerusalem Inn
    If you're. Traveling down. A dead-end road. And need a place. To lighten your load. I know a spot. On the edge of town. With all you need. To go around. There's always room. At the Jerusalem...
  30. 30Jesus And Tomatoes
    I bought a pack of seeds. Tennessee Bradleys. The best homegrown you'll find. How it happened I don't know. Must've been the Miracle-Gro. Oh, I could not believe my eyes. In my tomato b...
  31. 31Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ was a man. Who traveled through the land. A hard working man and brave. He said to the rich. Give your goods to the poor. But they laid. Jesus Christ in his grave. Jesus was a man. A carp...
  32. 32Joe Louis’ Furniture
    I've got a coffee table. Made of mahogany. With cigarette burns. And water rings. But that don't bother me. I bought it at an auction. Ten years ago. I put my feet up on it. And watch the fi...
  33. 33Lanterns On The Levee
    You can fall. Like the rain. And I will be a river. Winding forever. You have always. Been a rock. A silent hurricane. A light of focus. When I could not see. Now I want you to know. If there comes a...
  34. 34Lay Back The Darkness
    How many times. Have i stood. By the river. And could not see. To the other side. Hoping like moses. The clouds. Would be lifted. Stretch out my hand. The waters divide. Lay back the darkness. Let in...
  35. 35Like A Buffalo
    It sounded like. A thousand hooves. Running 'cross the plains. It felt like. An earthquake. When I first saw your face. You were standing. Like a rock. And suddenly I knew. From that moment on. I...
  36. 36Locust Years
    He built his life. Wwith his hands. Put all he had. Into the land. They came from nowhere. On a cold dark wind. The harvest disappeared. But he survived. The locust years. It hurt to hear. her baby cr...
  37. 37Look Away
    I can still recall the night. Lightning burned the mansion down. We all stood in out pajamas. On that hallowed southern ground. When the flames had turned to ashes. Only blackened bricks remained. And...
  38. 38Lord Help The Poor And Needy
    Lord help. The poor and needy. In this land. In this land. Lord help. The poor and needy. In this land. In this land. When we all. Rise together. And face. The rising sun. Lord help. The poor and need...
  39. 39Miles Of Blues
    I've been down. A lot of roads. Seems like. Everywhere i go. There's blues. Miles and miles of blues. The delta. Ain't the only place. You might find. Sorrow on some face. There’...
  40. 40Mining Camp Blues
    Once i had a daddy. And he worked down in a hole. Once i had a daddy. And he worked down in a hole. Digging and hauling. Hauling that birmingham coal. Many times i wondered. When they took my daddy do...
  41. 41Mississippi And Me
    Daddy was. A preacher in Sledge. We were living. On Gospel and beans. Every Sunday night. Deacon Jones. Would give. A silver dollar to me. On the way home. My poor momma. Would pry it. From my hand. A...
  42. 42Moonpie Dreams
    Once every May Day. We stayed at her house. With doilies on tables. And cats on the couch. She played me records. The ones he adored. The music. They danced to. Before the war. And now. Sometimes I se...
  43. 43New Blues
    Same ole rain. On my roof tonight. Same ole feeling. Something just. Ain't right. Lord you know. I could use. Some new blues. Same ole troubles. At my door. Same ole misery. Coming back for more....
  44. 44New South
    Friday morning. I was down. At the Starbucks. Sippin' on a latte. With the fat left out. I had a bagel. And a sudden revelation. I'm finally living. In the new south. They make Mercedes. Dow...
  45. 45Now Is The Day Of Salvation
    Now is the day. Of salvation. Now is the time. To be set free. And it's yours. For the taking. The moment. You believe. Now is the day. Of salvation. Now is the time. To be set free. And there is...
  46. 46Older Angel
    I don't know. Who dug this hole. We're standing in. All I know is that. It's dark and deep. We've cried out. To heaven. And lifted up. Our hands. But I kind of got. This feeling. W...
  47. 47Pans Of Biscuits
    I saw an honest farmer. His back was bending low. Picking out his cotton. As hard as he could go. He piled. It in the rail pen. Until the merchant came. That he might. Attach his cotton. That he shoul...
  48. 48Peace Comes Stealing Slow
    He was twenty-one. If you believe. What he wrote down. On the paper. That the sergeant. Made him sign. He never held a gun. Never been. Too far from home. And he'd never. had a night. Like this i...
  49. 49Petrified House
    She sees the world. Through yellowing lace. The world hasn't seen. Her since seventy-eight. Except for the nephew. Who used to look in. To bring her. Her chocolate. And tonic and gin. She lives i...
  50. 50Porcelain Blue
    She is standing in the garden. Silently astute. Waiting for the sun to come. And kiss away the dew. How can she be so translucent. From my window view. I can see her heart clear. Through in porcelain...
  51. 51Prayer Of Thomas Merthon
    My Lord God. I have no idea. Where I am going. I do not see. The road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain. Where it will end. Nor do I really know myself. And the fact that I think. That I am follo...
  52. 52Rosa's Coronas
    Como estás?. My name is Rosa. And like my mother. Before me. Everyday I roll cigars. And they're. The finest in the world. To pass the time. The reader reads. About the violence. In America....
  53. 53Rosaryville
    I feel a beating drum. In my bones. And I know. It's calling me to go. Where the Spanish moss. Drapes the trees. And the bayou whispers. To let it be. Come on, let's go. Down the road. To Ro...
  54. 54Rosemary
    Her voice. Was the first I knew. She always. Liked popular tunes. You know. She's from Kentucky too. My mother sings. Sounds like to me. Rosemary Clooney. Can't miss. The start of the race....
  55. 55See Rock City
    She put a map. And a tube of lipstick. In an old Winn Dixie sack. She pulled her Firebird. Out of the driveway. Without ever looking back. By the time. She got to Georgia. It was nearly. Half past eig...
  56. 56Shallow Grave
    You killed my love. You were the one. Bit by bit. The deed was done. By your calloused. Heartless ways. And buried it in. A shallow grave. With each faithless. Lie you told. I felt the knife. Still de...
  57. 57Signs Following
    He used to preach. The end of time was near. Set your house in order. Before the Lord appears. Be not deceived. By Satan's demonry. Brethren. Let the Spirit lead. Some say the devil. Took a hold...
  58. 58Sing Me Out
    Down in Mississippi. On a winter's day. They laid his little girl. In an early grave. Only the good Lord knows. The tears he cried. When the angels sang. Her over. To the other side. Sing me out....
  59. 59South Of Everything
    No one up here. Seems to know me. And I don't like. The ones that do. Everyone is as cold. As the weather. It's time to buy. Some traveling shoes. I don't need. To pack a suitcase. No m...
  60. 60Strangeness Of The Day
    They say we're made of atoms. That are much too small to see. And our world is just a part of. At least a million galaxies. Well I couldn't say. For certain. But I take it all on faith. Stil...
  61. 61Suit Yourself
    People talk about. The way I dress. Tell me I should try. And look my best. What does it matter. There's no wrong. Or right. It's how. You feel inside. Suit yourself. Go and shake. Your tamb...
  62. 62Terrible Mercy
    I hear some people say. There's no burning cross. No holocaust. And we are not to blame. No trail of tears. No fallout here. No coming judgment day. I hear some people shout. There's no pove...
  63. 63The Last Song
    After the supper was over. And the table. Had been cleared away. When the last bottle. Was empty. There was nothing much. Left to say. Jesus started. Humming an old tune. Everybody fell right in. They...
  64. 64The Way Home
    If you're ever. In the Richmond Jail. With no one around. To go your bail. If you've lost your way. It might help to know. Jesus is the way home. If you're trying. To put that whiskey d...
  65. 65There Is A Balm In Gilead
    There is a balm in Gilead. To make the wounded whole. There is a balm in Gilead. To save the sin sick soul. Sometimes. I feel discouraged. And I feel. Like I can't go on. Oh. But then the Holy Sp...
  66. 66There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
    There's a wideness in God's mercy. Like the wideness of the sea. There's a kindness in his justice. Which is more than liberty. But we make His love too narrow. By false limits of our o...
  67. 67They Killed Him
    There was a man. Named Mahatma Gandhi. He would not bow down. He would not fight. He knew the deal. Was a-down and dirty. And nothing wrong. Could make it right away. But he knew his duty. And the pri...
  68. 68This Side Of Heaven
    This side of heaven. There's not much. To go on. You never know. Which way. The wind will blow. One day there's caviar. The next a soup bowl. And you're. Left wandering alone. This side...
  69. 69Train's Don't Run From Nashville
    I'm sittin'. In a restaurant. Drinking coffee black. They call it Union Station. But it ain't got no tracks. I'm thinking 'bout my baby. Stuck somewhere up north. And the trai...
  70. 70Tupelo's Too Far
    I can see. Saltillo Street. And the house. Where I was born. I can hear. Gospel songs. From the church. On Sunday morn. Saturday nights. Around the radio. Life was simple then. But this road. I'm...
  71. 71Twang On A Wire
    61 Gibson, tobacco sunburst. Carved my name on the back. And a bible verse. It was one piece of wood. That sure started a fire. All I wanted to do. Was twang on a wire. Well I went to school. And then...
  72. 72Visions Of Plenty
    I live south of Memphis. In downtown Hollywood. And these fields. Are all I've ever known. Season after season. I have worked. To find a way. To buy a piece of land. To call my own. Sometimes. Wh...
  73. 73Waiting For The Weather To Break
    The fairest skies. I've ever seen. Were in your eyes. The day we met. The wind was hard. And full of rain. A storm. I never will forget. It came on fast. And caught us. By surprise. A raging floo...
  74. 74Walk Among Stones
    Stars fell on alabama. Near the rocky shoals. In a casket factory. Where they found the soul. See that skinny boy there. Drinking him a coke. Didn't we just see him. On the sullivan show. Oh, we...
  75. 75Wheels Within Wheels
    East Texas town. 1902. That's when the witnesses. Said that it flew. Up to the sky. Like a chariot. Headed for home. It all started back. A few years before. A vision came knocking. At burrell ca...
  76. 76When I Let Jesus Take My Hand
    Sometimes when I'm alone. And my heart is troubled. And life seems. Too big to understand. A song of peace. Is sent down from heaven. When I let Jesus take my hand. He walks and talks with me. Wh...
  77. 77When Panthers Roamed In Arkansas
    I miss Elvis in the movies. With his dyed black hair. Wish that I. Could find an ice cold. Double Cola somewhere. If I had a time machine. I'd go back. When panthers. Roamed in Arkansas. And buff...
  78. 78Who Will Pray For Junior
    Thomas passed away. Last June. And I'll be. Following him soon. Junior will be. Left here all alone. Oh how it worries me so. Jesus sent him. To us late. An angel. To brighten up our day. Who wil...
  79. 79Wild Iris
    She wore lace. White as snow. Under. A lavender dress. It would show. When he gave her. His ring. For him. She'd do anything. He used to call her. Wild Iris. If you said don't. She would. He...
  80. 80William’s Vision
    William. What are you doing. And who are. Those monuments for. They're for. My heavenly daddy. And I'm doing. The work of the Lord. So all will be remembered. So all will be released. From t...
  81. 81Without Him
    Without him. I could do nothing. Without him. I'd surely fail. Without him. I would be drifting. Like a ship. Without a sail. Without him. I would be dying. Without him. I'd be enslaved. Wit...
  82. 82Would They Love Him Down In Shreveport
    If they saw him riding in. Long hair flying in the wind. Would they love him. Down in Shreveport today. If they heard he was a Jew. And a Palestinian too. Would they love him. Down in Nashville today....
  83. 83Would You Be A Parson?
    When he was a baby. His mama held him close. And whispered to him closely. You're a special gift to us. The Lord has kept his promise. And one day I must too. Return this gift I cherish. And so I...
  84. 84Wrought Iron Fences
    Tangled vines. Cover the lattice. They creep and crawl. Around the house. Nobody lives there. Only ghosts hang around. I have seen hope. And glory fade away. I've heard old folks. Talk of better...
  85. 85Yellow Guitar
    I saw a man. With a yellow guitar. Standing. By the side of the road. Through the steam. Coming off the tar. Posing. Like some delta ghost. The sun was rising. It was shining. Halfway to Memphis. Half...