14 letras de Músicas de Katharsis: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de Katharsis cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1666 (hohelied Der Wiedererweckung)
    The chains are broken, The gates are open. My paleness turneth to brightness. Where thousand seals inflame the night. The chains are broken, The gates are open. My mask is sheer terror, but I bring th...
  2. 2Abhorence Till Extinction
    Smear the gate with Angelblood. Burn all the men inside. Fools, who they live in blindness and weak. Crush them and throw them to the ground. just where they belong. For I am the Lord, the King and th...
  3. 3Blood Stainth The Temple Stones
    Sunless woods. Ancient wraiths feast. on the shrieks and the perished. Mighty shields, lances long - Realize my wolfish thoughts. The world hath gone and lost its glory, pale white moon is to enlight...
  4. 4Like Hail
    Azazel's laughter in the wind. summons the messengers of sin. my hands are dirty with hot blood. I will take my sword. when race war starts. Knights of Black Steel. With the Serpent banner. malic...
  5. 5Luciferion
    Praise hail the lord of all abomination, Master of hellfire and annihilation. Praise hail the One who will conquer the land. Bow down and pray for your death is at hand. He is the dead embracing dark,...
  6. 6Mord & Totschlag
    Dark Millenium's incarnation:. Kill your friends in ecstasy. Loss of heart, Mind and Emotions. Slaughter with the hands of three. Mord und Totschlag. Seed of Caine, Demon Creation. kneel before a...
  7. 7Nazarene (into The Flame)
    Grind the gods with the warhammers of death. Satan is Lord!. He ist the Master of all!. I smite thee down before my feet, accursed religion weak. Powerful Legions. United to smash the spirit of the la...
  8. 8Painlike Paradise
    I speak Enochian, Enochian and in tongues. My halo a crown - a crown of bones. I wear a robe - a robe of souls. My heart is your world - and hatred lets it grow. I am the purity and temptation, I am...
  9. 9The Black Grail
    Cruel Sadistic Evil erects the Realm of Darkness. Unholy forces, Powers of Madness. Holocaustic Throne of Hell, Pedestral of the Light. Father - Master - Lucifer, rideth the sea of blood. Pyroclastic...
  10. 10The Chosen One
    I gave myselfe to the devil. With blood, heart, soul, spirit, and mind. Do adore the baptism ritual, embrace the cold dark night. I gave myselfe to the devil. Addicted, And knowing no fear. Renew the...
  11. 11The Last Wound
    Halluzinations, blurred sight. Darkest shadows cast upon my crown. One thousand years get more to come. - A thousand years, and they will be gone. Us they lifted him up on to his cross. I was the spli...
  12. 12The Master And Dormant Lord
    Lying in Wait. About the boundaries of the world. lurk for return. Ancient master. Dormant Lord. In the Kingdom of Hatred. Shadows like Sculptures. Monolythic Throne. Sands of Time corrode the earth....
  13. 13Thy Horror
    Ride the horned victory. Side by side. Steal the children from their graves. Disappear into the. night. Vex the Virgins. One by One. Desecration. Whe have won. Ride the horned victory. Domination...
  14. 14Watchtowers Of Darkness
    Old but still growing. Neither touched nor blocked. Giants in the Shadows. The Watchtowers of Darkness. Winged Spirits, Gargoyles black. ghosts of terror in their top. Each one to manifest. The Empero...