33 letras de Músicas de Katherine Jenkins: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 33 letras de músicas de Katherine Jenkins cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 2Angel
    Spend all your time waiting for that second chance. For the break that will make it ok. There's always some reason to feel "not good enough". And it's hard at the end of the day. I...
  2. 3Be Still My Soul
    Be still my soul the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide. In every change He faithful will remain. Be still my soul thy best thy heave...
  3. 4Blaenwern
    Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus. Aur y byd na'i berlau mân. Gofyn wyf am galon hapus. Calon onest, calon lân. Calon lân yn llawn daioni. Teceach yn llawn dlos. Dim ond calon l&#x...
  4. 5Break It To My Heart
    If it's ok, I leave the bedlight on. And place your water glass where it belongs. And if it's alright. I lie awake at night. Pretending I am curled up at your side. See I'm circling in...
  5. 6Bring Me To Life
    How can you see into my eyes like open doors. Leading you down into my core. Where I've become so numb. Without a soul. My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold. Until you find it there and lead...
  6. 7Carrickfergus
    I wish I was in Carrickfergus. Where the castle looks out to sea. I would swim over the deepest ocean. For my love to be with me. But the sea is wide and I cannot swim over. No have I the wings to fly...
  7. 8Fear Of Falling
    On the list of hearts that have been broken, It's not hard to find a place that bears my name. So I learned to leave every door unopened, Certain all I'd find was just more of the same. I ju...
  8. 9How do You Leave The One You Love
    We've been down this road before. I can't take it anymore. I have nothing left inside myself to give. Still every time I see your face. I’m falling back into that place. Where everyth...
  9. 10I (who Have Nothing)
    I I who have nothing. I I who have no one. Adore you and want you so. I'm just a no one. With nothing to give you but Oh. I Love You. You you buy her diamonds. Bright sparkling diamonds. But beli...
  10. 11I Believe
    One day I'll hear. the laugh of children. in a world where war has been banned. One day I'll see. men of all colours. sharing worlds of love and devotion. Stand up and feel. the Holy Spirit,...
  11. 12I Vow To Thee My Country
    I vow to thee, my country. All earthly things above. Entire and whole and perfect. The service of my love. The love that asks no questions. The love that stands the test. That lays upon the altar. The...
  12. 13I Will Pray For You
    As you find your way. Through this life you make. I hope you live each day. For all it’s worth. I will pray for you. Go where your heart leads. And dream your biggest dreams. All of these thing...
  13. 14Il Canto
    La notte qui non torna più. dal giorno che sei andata via, ed il cielo ha smesso di giocare. con le stelle e con la luna, e le nuvole sono ferme qui. come lacrime che non cadono. Vedi come il tem...
  14. 15Kiss From A Rose
    There used to be. A greying tower alone on the sea. You became the light. On the dark side of me. Love remains a drug that's the high. And not the pill. But did you know that when it snows. My ey...
  15. 16L'alba Verrà (The Dawn Will Come)
    L'alba verrà. A portair via. Un sogno che nel giorno spairrà. E fernerei. Questo luce ai bordi della notte. Che all'maor tutto dà. La mano mia. Dentro la tua. Lo sa cos'&...
  16. 17L'amore Sei Tu
    Se io restassi qui, Non sarei come tu me vuoi. Me ne andrò, Ma già lo so, Sempre tu sarai in me. Ormai, L'amore sei tu, L'amore sei tu, E sempre tu. Sempre avrò nostalgia, Del...
  17. 19Love Never Dies
    Who knows when love begins?. Who knows what makes it start?. One day it's simply there. A life inside your heart. It slips into your thoughts. It infiltrates your soul. It takes you by surprise....
  18. 20Mascgni: Sancta Maria
    Ave Maria. Gratia plena. Dominus tecum. Benedicta Benedicta tu in mulieribus. et benedictus. Fructus ventris tui Jesus. Fructus ventris tui Jesus. Santa Maria. Mater Dei. Ora pro nobis. Ora pro nobis...
  19. 21May the Good Lord Bless You and Keep You
    May the good Lord bless you and keep you. Whether near or far away. May you find that long awaited golden day today. May your troubles all be small ones. And your fortunes ten times ten. May the good...
  20. 22Misa Criolla
    Señor, ten piedad de nosotros. Ten piedad. Señor, ten piedad. De nosotros. Cristo, ten piedad de nosotros...
  21. 23Quello Che Farò, Sarà Per Te (everything I Do)
    Mio amore guarda mi, lo vedrai. Quel che sei per me. Nel tuo cuore, cerca in te. E nel trovarmi non cercare piu. Non dirmi non ne vedi il senso. Non puoi dirmi perche morire. Lo sai che vero, Quello c...
  22. 24Rejoice
    Where did I misplace my faith. Where did I set it down. Which one the day that I forgot. What this was all about. And I came so close. To throwing it all away. But I'm taking it back again. So co...
  23. 25Requiem For a Soldier
    You never lived to see. What you gave to me. One shining dream of hope and love. Life and liberty. With a host of brave unknown soldiers. For your company, you will live forever. Here in our memory. I...
  24. 26Se Si Perde Un Amore
    Sola, voglio stare da sola. Per capire perchè io. Muoio senza di te. Sera, maledetta la sera. Porta con il tuo mondo. Tanta malinconia. Sento il rumore del vento. Che rimbomba nel vuoto. Del mio...
  25. 27Secret Love
    Once I had a secret love. That lived within the heart of me. All too soon my secret love. Became impatient to be free. So I told a friendly star. The way that dreamers often do. Just how wonderful you...
  26. 28Shout In Silence
    My silent wish is to be back with you. The love I left I can’t forget. But it would kill me if you knew. My silent words are all I have to say. There was no doubt it would all work out. When I...
  27. 29Somewhere
    There's a place for us. Somewhere a place for us. Peace and quiet and open air. Wait for us. Somewhere. There's a time for us. Some day a time for us. Time together with time spare. Time to...
  28. 30The Flower Duet
    Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin. A la rose s'assemble. Sur la rive en fleurs riant au matin. Doucement glissons De son flot charmant. Suivons le courant fuyant. Dans l'o...
  29. 31Vide Cor Meum
    E pensando di lei. Mi sopragiunse uno soave sonno. Ego dominus tuus. Vide cor tuum. E d'esto core ardendo. Cor tuum. (Chorus: Lei paventosa). Umilmente pascea. Appresso gir lo ne vedea piangendo....
  30. 32Viva Tonight
    So here we are. Waking from the shadows to the sun. So near so far. Feeling like our journey’s just begun. All we hope and reach for. Sometimes can’t be found. While we have the chance....
  31. 33You Raise Me Up (feat. Rhydian Roberts)
    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;. When troubles come and my heart burdened be;. Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can...