3 letras de Músicas de Katherine Langford: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 3 letras de músicas de Katherine Langford cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 13 Words
    And I never meant to leave you on your own. I though that you were happier just talking on your phone. So that's why I went into his bed. I just wanted to sleep. I didn't know what would hap...
  2. 2I've Got a Crush on Zoe Bosch
    Oh, Zoe. Z-Zoe Bosch. I got a crush, on you girl. Oh Zoe Z-Zoe Z-Zoe Bosch. I-I got a crush on you girl. Cause, You are amazing. Drive me crazy. Oh yes you do, oh yes you do. Love and visual art. Hash...
  3. 3Young & Stupid
    Saying that we're young. And dying to be old. Crying out for freedom. But never wanting to grow old. And I'm here, here I am, hello. In the midst of teenage angst. Trying hard to be so much...