6 letras de Músicas de Kathleen: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 6 letras de músicas de Kathleen cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Asking The Aspens
    There were times in the middle when I held you. Between my thoughts. Like when you burned all your paintings in the backyard. Couldn't be stopped. Or how your hammered up a ladder to summit the r...
  2. 2August
    His name was August. And he came in like a flood. He whirled around and round. And drowned me up in every kind of love. He took me over. He took me to the world. He took me in and out and up. Until I...
  3. 3Dark Side of the Moon
    I had to leave home for home. Packed my car up gave my key to neighbors. Hope they keep my plants alive. Then I drove four states East. And every car along the ride was also on their own odyssey. Flor...
  4. 4Half My Mind Ago
    Half my mind ago. I thought I knew everything. How far have I come. It isn't much of anything?. There's something about. How you hold me. Gimme just a minute. Lemme re-learn how to breathe....
  5. 5Seven Miles
    Remember when we started out. I was so depressed I couldn't even sit up. A flower covered in a late snow, oh. And then you gave me back my worth. Neither of us knew we had each others' good...
  6. 6The Longest Year
    The Great Barrier Reef. Was recently pronounced dead. Its last holy words were not: “Make america great again”. Which way does the wind blow Dylan?. I'm standing in the storm. But I...