14 letras de Músicas de Kathryn Scott: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de Kathryn Scott cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1At The Foot Of The Cross (ashes To Beauty)
    At the foot of the cross where grace and suffering meet. You have shown me your love through the judgement You received. And You've won my heart. Yes, You've won my heart, now I can. Trade t...
  2. 2Creator King
    You who made the mountains and the sea. Measured out the universe and You made me. Echoes of the voice that called worlds to be. Reached through the ages and now speak to me. You're my Creator Ki...
  3. 3Everything Changes
    Mercy to the brokenhearted. Life for those who grieve. Joy to those whose dreams are stolen. Imprisoned souls released. (Chorus). When You come everything changes. When You speak even the darkness hid...
  4. 4Grace Has Called My Name
    (Verse 1). Peace as elusive as a shadow dancing on the wall. Life swallowed by the pain of yesterday. Left broken by the shame of things that I had. done. No freedom from the choices that I'd mad...
  5. 5Heaven Is Our Home
    No more sin and no more shame. We are going where the streets are made of gold. No more tears for they'll be wiped away. We are going where the streets are made of gold. And if we just could see....
  6. 6Hungry (falling On My Knees)
    Hungry I come to you. For I know You satisfy. I am empty but I know. Your love does not run dry. So I wait for You. So I wait for You. I've fallen on my knees. Offering all my needs. Jesus You&ap...
  7. 7I Belong
    (Verse 1). Not angels nor demons. No power on earth or Heaven. Not distance nor danger. No trouble now or ever. Nothing can take me from Your great love. Forever this truth remains. (Chorus). I belong...
  8. 8Imagine
    I can only imagine. What it will be like. When I walk by Your side. I can only imagine. What my eyes will see. When Your face is looking at me. (Chorus). Surrounded by Your glory. What will my heart f...
  9. 9Only True God
    (Verse 1). Beyond us. God within us. Revealed, yet we see in part. Transcendent but so near us. The mystery dwelling within our hearts. (Chorus). Father Spirit Son. Only true God. Exalted three in one...
  10. 10Thank You For The Cross
    (Verse 1). Long before the world's creation. You chose a people for Yourself. You knew the times and places we'd be born. Though we chose sin's separation. You already had a plan. To re...
  11. 11What A Friend
    (Verse 1). What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry. Everything to God in prayer. Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pain we bear. All b...
  12. 12When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
    When I survey the wondrous cross. On which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it Lord that I should boast. Save in the death of Chris...
  13. 13Worthy Is The Lamb
    Worthy worthy Lamb of heaven. Seated on the throne. Faithful author of salvation. You're the kingdom come. And now we're joining with the angels singing. Worthy is the Lamb. We're casti...
  14. 14You Gave Your Life Away
    (Verse 1). You spoke and worlds were formed. You breathed and life was born. You knew that one day You would come. So far from Heaven's throne. Clothed in human form. You showed the world the Fat...