7 letras de Músicas de Katie Costello: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Katie Costello cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Beautiful Mystery
    Turn off all the lights. Let the moon shine low. Hear my heart beat pound. Ten feet off the ground. Sailing through the stars. All the colors bend. I won't go back again. I feel the sparks. Takin...
  2. 2Cityscapes
    Cityscape, I want to escape, take me to the root of your light. Cityscape, forever engraved, stuck in time, stuck inside my mind. And how, did you ever get so bright?. And how, did you soar so very hi...
  3. 3Fireflies
    Didn't think I'd be the last one. Didn't know I'd see the story end. Didn't think the earth was made of paper. But now I'm standing in a mess of shreds. How can I keep on...
  4. 4How do We Know
    I want to make this concrete. I want to make this firm. I want to decide something. But I'm scared of what I'll learn. I don't know that I've been the best boss of myself. I might...
  5. 5Lay Low
    She looked at her life and it wasn't perfect. She looked at her strife and it wasn't worth it. Wasted the days away. Sitting from up above, she began to smile. Little green and brown squares...
  6. 6Lead Me Right
    Riding the Sunday tide. Feeling the heavy sigh. Of another week past. Without a photo to keep. My memories bleed to ink. And I'm feeling like a ghost. And I'm not going to wake up now. I&apo...
  7. 7Stranger
    Stranger I've known you for so long. I found you lost with a compass in the fog. Stranger you know me too much. Illusionary-self had not be touched, until you. Humming Hallelujah in the dark. Whi...