33 letras de Músicas de Katra: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 33 letras de músicas de Katra cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Anthem
    Again the same old dream. I wake up in the night. The sound of my own scream. Make me wonder. Why I have to feel. You're walking over me. Even when I sleep. You pull me under. Maybe it's bec...
  2. 2Beast Within
    Two eyes lurk in the darkness. Can you see, can you see that creature. fallen from the grace. Once joyed that feline touch. but lingering and the pain came along you. light left no trace. The kindness...
  3. 3Delirium
    Seeking for my truth. Where's the ending where I'm going to?. Am I on my way?. Should I care?. Do I have to face. I am losing my path and trace. All I know for sure. Can't get trough. D...
  4. 4Envy
    I linger outside. In winter's night. I can't come home. You await me inside. I rather freeze than. Now face the truth. This fight had nothing. To do with you. Trying to swallow the words bre...
  5. 5Fade To Gray
    There you close the door. I've never lost someone before. As clouds always lead to rain. Tears come with the pain. We don't share the bed. And sorry's the only word unsaid. So how can w...
  6. 6Flow
    See the hearts that deeply woe. On the banks of Nile they watch their loved ones being washed away. Path of life as we all know. Isn't wide enough for all of us to walk through the day. Flow with...
  7. 7Forgotten Bride
    This is for the heavy-hearted. Those who've left their love behind. And who have seen. Those who know how pain can be. Sorrow that can't be unwind. Despair of the whole mankind. This love&ap...
  8. 8Grail Of Sahara
    There's a story about this land. Dunes that keep the secret in the sand. Bowl from ancient history. Hiding an eternal mystery. And truth lies somewhere in the desert's secrecy. In wind I hea...
  9. 9Haukka
    Nuoli ammuttiin sun rintaasi syyttömään. Sun lähtevän täältä nään. Ei surra saa. Vain vuoksi kaatuneen. Näin nielee kyyneleen. Äiti maan. He...
  10. 10Hide and Seek
    The moon is shining. Above the frozen lake. She's all alone. Casting a shadow. In front of her way. Where can she go?. The silence around. Is nearly making her scream. The savior that she need. C...
  11. 11If There's no Tomorrow
    It has been gone. Just too long. Since the sun fell asleep. Everyone's dying. Seeking and trying. To keep their sanity. The fatal moon is ruling over this land. My hands are freezing. Heart slowl...
  12. 12Kuolemaa Ei Tullutkaan
    Näin tämän kaiken sulle kertoisin. Rakkauden. Tuon yli rajojen. Jäin, mutta palaan kuitenkin. Saa vielä taivas odottaa. Me nähdään myöhemmin. refrain:. Kuo...
  13. 13Kuunpoika
    Tarinan toi tuulet. Lauluna sen kuulet. Rukoili näin kuuta rakastunut nainen. polte rinnassaan. Nuori tyttö tumma vain aneli. anna mulle tumma mies mieheksi. Sen sä tulet saamaan, lupas...
  14. 14Luominen
    Pyrstötähti kaukaa loistaa. Prometheuksen käsky on. Nyt kuunnelkaa:. Luokaa taivas sekä maa!. Työhön käyköön Poseidoin. Siihen teillä valta on. Ei lev...
  15. 15Mirror
    Can you. See those eyes. Betrayal and lies. Staring at me. Forcing to scream. Is this a dream. Nightmare I mean. I cannot withdraw. I'm gonna fall. Out of reach. If what I see face to face. Is my...
  16. 16Mist Of Dawn
    We feel it running in our blood and veins. Life withdrawn. Eternal mist of dawn. Leave. it's time to break the chains. Today we will go all the way. And love's all that remains. Come, my lo...
  17. 17Mystery
    Look into his eyes and see. How humble in love he can be. Any given day he's gone. Just when you thought you were one. Was it all a lie of hearts and blind eyes. Illusion of a timeless dream that...
  18. 18Niin Vesi Virtaa
    Veden tumman ääreen jään. Ja sua kaipaan niinkuin lapset kaipaavat äitiään. Virta antaa elämän. Kunnes niittää kylmin kourin elon kylväj...
  19. 19One Wish Away
    Once upon a time. Little girl, age of nine. Had wings so that she could fly. She wished upon a star. Give me safe and guard. My way if I go too far. Can't you see what I see?. I felt so alive. Wh...
  20. 20Out Of The Ashes
    See the fire raging through. Trough the land where roses grew. See the village turning to. Devil's furnace with it too. All my memories. Burning to ashes. All my misery. Fading to grey. Would you...
  21. 22Promise Me Everything
    For every fallen tear there is a broken dream. After every wasted day there comes the night. As the truth becomes a lie I loose the last sunbeam. And the second wrong makes me feel I'm right. The...
  22. 23Sahara
    Palvelijat pahan maan. Salaisuutta kantaa mukanaan. Malja elon ikuisen. Kätkee arvoitukset sydänten. Mun on vain saatava tuo malja pimeyden. Huutaa taas hiekkamyrsky saa. Kun pahan voimat et...
  23. 24Scars In My Heart
    Wish I had a soul more free than a butterfly. But I am too weak to try. It's over now. All but the crying part. You make me fall apart. Take me down. Wish I had a heart harder than the hardest st...
  24. 25Storm Rider
    Hide behind the shadows of the night. In no light. She's riding. With whihrlwind. And with the angels. She's crying. Betrayal has poisoned her heart. Hide before the good and bad collide. In...
  25. 26Swear
    I have tried to find out. who is she. The girl in the crowd. the rest call me. by my own name. She has been lost and then found. and I just pray. there will be a ground. to stand one day. before it&ap...
  26. 27The End Of The Scene
    The candles have burned out. Bu the wind is still strong. There's no hand to hold on. The streets lead to nowhere. Darkness has fallen. There's no one to lead on. Dreams and illusions. Are g...
  27. 28Tietäjä
    Uskoo, että valo vielä voittaa. Uhmaa oraakkelin voimaa. Synkän vastauksen saa. Ja vaikka toivoo, et ois. suuri murhe pois. Mutta näkee jo ennustuksen. Kuolleiden. refrain:. Ei usk...
  28. 29Tuonelan Suudelma
    Kuin käärmeenä otti sydämen. Ei säästänyt sieluaan. Päästi taakastaan. Pois jo rakkaus on. Sen katseesi kertoo armoton. Tuot viiniä katkeraa. Viet mut...
  29. 30Uhrilahja
    Jättää hiekkamerta taa. Tuo karavaani niin salainen. Pyhät miehet tiedon saa. Tullut on jo aika uhrien. Kuu ja Jupiter kun kohtaa. Niinkuin ennustettu on. Synnit uuteen aikaan joht...
  30. 31Vaaratar
    Ei syntymää kuin muut. Vaan tuhkasta luotu on luut. Tulta hengittää vaan on. Ilman rakkautta niin rauhaton. Valo viimeinen kuin ois, kun saapuu. Vie sydämen ja yöhön...
  31. 32Vendetta
    The house is so silent. That I can hear my own blood rushing. I am too scared to breathe. Terrified if I wake you. Shh. Quiet. I feel like a phantom. Too restless and just too torn to forget. All wha...
  32. 33Viides Kuu
    Niin taruissa muinoin kerrottiin, uskottiin. Kuu nousee. Sen varjoon. Niin moni kuolee. Vaan kuolkoon. Ja voittaa vain rakkaus sen saa. Niin taivasta turhaan pelättiin, rukoiltiin. Kuu kutsuu. Va...