9 letras de Músicas de Katrina Elam: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 9 letras de músicas de Katrina Elam cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Flat On The Floor
    I’m flat on the floor with my head down low. where the sky can’t rain on me anymore. Don’t knock on my door cause I won’t come. I’m hiding from the storm till the da...
  2. 2Love Is
    We're not strong. Enough to bend. We're not strong. Enough to say we can forgive. We're not brave enough to fight. Oh, and we're not big enough to risk it all. But Love Is. Love is...
  3. 3Love Will Still Be There
    I want my life to be worth living. And you make that dream come true. You opened Heaven's door, Made the thunder roar. And I've given my heart. Given my heart to you. [chorus]. I want love t...
  4. 4Might As Well Be Me
    I can't turn on my TV without. Seein' some new somebody who's. Smilin', stylin', tryin' to be the next big thing. Who says, who does or doesn't get to get ahead. And...
  5. 5No End In Sight
    There's a melody in my head, An' I ain't stopped hummin' it since I saw your face. There's a feelin' I can't forget, It started with you kissin' me that way. An...
  6. 6Second Chance
    What do you do when love comes along. And offers your heart a chance to move on. With no guarantees, no safety net?. You trust what you feel, you take that first step. Just close your eyes. Reach for...
  7. 7The Breakup Song
    Years go by. Same old story but the words get rearranged. Somebody loves someone, somebody left someone. Somebody swears it wasn't s'pouse to end this way. [Chorus]. People dance to summerti...
  8. 8What'll It Take
    You don’t have me wrapped around your little finger like you think you do. to tell the truth. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how cards candies flowers have stopped coming too. Like...
  9. 9Would You Love Me Anyway
    If I'm just a girl, would you love me. Just me against the world, would you love me. If I can't be like everybody else, so I walk away. From a dream I never even wanted for myself. Would you...