12 letras de Músicas de Katscan: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 12 letras de músicas de Katscan cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave!
    Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave!. Dry throat and shaking in a dark, wet street. Is that footsteps or my own heartbeat?. They got something ‘special’ planned for me. Gunna take me in for hea...
  2. 2Bone Saw
    I’ve been a bad, bad boy. I’ve been a voodoo doll. Been both sides of the teeth that bite. But, never learned to leave alone. Lost in space, out of my face. I have no need for self-estee...
  3. 3Double Tongue
    Double Tongue. Take a little from here and a little from there. And forge a personality. Mimic the idiosyncrasies. Of those you’d most like to be. Play your whole life out behind a mask. So fri...
  4. 4Fear Of Consequence
    Fear Of Consequence. Even The darkest journey starts with a single step. The edge is ‘F’ing vertical, are you dizzy yet?. To slip would be so easy, to cross the line. Without fear of con...
  5. 5Flowest Cunning Demonator
    Flowest Cunning Demonator. Oh, it's a fuck-up, when you wise up. That if you want to get ahead in this shity world. You've got to suck up, Boy you better pucker up. Get down on your scabby k...
  6. 6Idiot Gene
    Idiot Gene. I’m a Ku-Klux, piss weak donkey, ‘white power?’. a bloodclot killa, black gangsta. And if I hate it’s because I’m black. And if I hate it’s becaus...
  7. 7Kentucky Fried Jesus
    Kentucky Fried Jesus. Bag O' bones, muthafucker. Snakeskin boots and a halo smile. Bootlace tie, holy sugar. Spread the word, spread my seed from mile to mile!. Kentucky Fried Jesus. Redemption,S...
  8. 8P.s.i
    P. s. i. Sad bunnies hoping channels for their masturbation. You’re born, reproduce and then you die. They’ll tell you “Fairy tales, they don’t come true”. No happy...
  9. 9Parasite
    Parasite. You’ve got a losing streak, It’s running down your back. Well yeah it’s yellow and it’s mean it’s wired and it’s stacked. It’s there for all...
  10. 10Screaming Like A Crack Baby
    Screaming Like A Crack Baby. The new world order and the alien invaders. They've got me bugged, they put them in my teeth. They feed me 'dirty', tell me to do it. The voices in my head...
  11. 11See No Evil
    See No Evil. I'm a Gemini. I'm a troubled individual. I've got a troubled, obsessional, troubled mind. All this is mine. The fucked forever, inflexible. Bubble bursting, Slo-Mo time. Re...
  12. 12So, Kill Me
    So, Kill Me. You say I’m pessimistic. But I’m just painfully realistic. Fly covered, starving eyes make good TV. Tell it to the fuckers with the guns, don’t guilt trip me. Well yo...