12 letras de Músicas de Kattah: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 12 letras de músicas de Kattah cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Alpha Centauri
    It's dark, breathless without strength. Very quiet is what exists. Floating to divine light, sunny in the back. Are stars with the light of doubt. Time to stay cold and hopeless to the end. Until...
  2. 2Apocalypse
    Hey! What do you see? When you look to. The sky and see poison coming from clouds. Isn't a lie, it's all that we found for destroying our home. The bomb which fall in distant lands. Will hav...
  3. 3Behind Clay
    Now will you say that you don't know the news. Hey, do you think the world's not sad of this?. Get up do your job, only what you need to do. Go to see more life. In your dreams again. Of thi...
  4. 4I Believe
    This night the lights are stronger. Looks like I can see you better. But, still the wind between land and sky. That's happening? Why it's like this?. Do I need to find you? Tell me. Why do I...
  5. 5Inside My Head
    Protect us, support us, embrace us, recognize. Customs, legends, are the freedom of each of us. What we learn passed away of what we want to be. We want to be, who we can, and cannot be. We will hold...
  6. 6Land Of God
    I hear birds singing. Rain falls to the ground. The world is full of life. The world is full of life. We were all born. Before the wind. We're all the same. We're all the same. Land of God....
  7. 7Lapis Lazuli
    Pharaohs work in thumbs, cloaks, eyes and divine forms. Works information shows for what serves the light beyond. Deep in the rocks of the universe, this emerged. Cuidado o touro, pra não subir n...
  8. 8Rebirth Of Pharaohs
    The boat will pass on the sound of funeral winds for eternal life. Taught by gods of other dimensions, this is the rite of design. Curb the freedom never was the plan for gods. The path on the golden...
  9. 9The Hidden Voice
    Living to see what will happen after the sun goes down. I need to know. I always knew inside someone was watching me. The voices which comes from my heart guides me through realities. Free to go, thou...
  10. 10This Fire
    Long time, long dreams. The lesson will be how to fly. All the world still cry. For mistakes that we see. When you look the world with your eyes. You just worry about your life. You need to open the e...
  11. 11Vetus Espiritus
    Ten thousand years have passed. The history wasn't told. One more time. The truth now unfolds. Twenty thousand years have passed. In sands of time. Rex, fenix, dragons, fossil, monkeys, submerged...
  12. 12You'll Never Be Dead
    The night is so long. For those who cannot open their eyes. There is a book. That shows me why I don't need to fear my end. I know the truth inside. You show me where to go. Without fear I will c...