10 letras de Músicas de Katy Eggleton: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 10 letras de músicas de Katy Eggleton cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Always Ever Never
    i never meant to hurt you, it's the last thing i wanted to do, believe it or not but it's true, i can't help missing you. - hurting me didn't help, i'll always care for you, i...
  2. 2Annual (paperback Edition)
    i wanna write you a letter, i'd start with how it looks like rain, i'd tell you things you'd forget, when everything's the same - i could write a novel, it will be for our age, bec...
  3. 3Another Tuesday
    Another tuesday with you knockin' at my door, i turn the music up, and stay here on the floor - you talk too loud too much, and then you wonder why, no one wants to be with you, to hold your hand...
  4. 4Broken Glass
    Don't get him started cause he'll go on forever, like a bicycle wheel spinning after a crash, nothing i could imitate, he's like a cartoon, he sounds sort of goofy when he laughs - forg...
  5. 5Coming Back
    We wake up, and don't quite know, just where we are again - waiting up, until it's late, enough to call back home - the road behind, and ahead, and what is coming next - living in, our memor...
  6. 6Fade Away
    Fade away, we joke around, we'll fade away, summers end, they let me down, and fade away - as we talk the hours pass, sounds cliche but time flies fast, i always wonder if we will last, so i aske...
  7. 7Good For You
    Can you remember what it's like to be me, the first time you saw the Beatles on the TV, you weren't one to break rules, but to bend, seems like you turned out OK in the end - why are you kee...
  8. 8Like Something Electrical
    You are the outlet i plug myself into, i get a charge just being with you, you power me up, when i break down, reaching, connecting to find something true - you're the current that runs through m...
  9. 9Pulling Back
    I am answering your message, i can see you're getting restless, you're telling me how it's the worst thing of your life - you are different, i've been told, but i know you're...
  10. 10Quiet Without You
    Sing me to sleep, and let me dream, cuz when i wake up, you frustrate me - i have words to say that i can't find, i may seem unsure, but as each day passes by, i'm loving you more. - Now i t...