10 letras de Músicas de Katzenjammer Kabarett: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 10 letras de músicas de Katzenjammer Kabarett cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Bal Manekinow
    He is gently welcomed in front of the great ballroom door. And asked to get in and see what was there before. “Please have a sit” was said “and watch this grand comedy, These are...
  2. 2Broken Dolls
    broken doll scissors bed walls. broken things can not restore. the dead brought back to life. these are the rules of your world. buried smiles passing by. buried dreams under the swings. decaying defo...
  3. 3Eve At The Mansion
    Today they brought mummy to the grave;. I buried my sweet dolls near that hedge. A year ago I had to put them all away, down inside my closet I asked them to stay. I'd just got 13 and mummy would...
  4. 4Gemini Girly Song
    my darling baby now let's go to bed. but darling sounds like beloved instead. mummy ignores the lurking dread. sweet child of hers has twins in her head. twins in her head, twins in her head &quo...
  5. 5Genuine, A Fantastic Revue
    In the living-room a man on a sofa is laying. Two strangers at the door and one is knocking. The man stands and opens the great wooden door. The one who knows the host tells the other visitor. An old...
  6. 6Katzenjammer Kids
    They loom on high that black block. And judge heartily but pierce, Blood red heart, blood red frock, Their fun is always fierce. Any enemy of the time. Will executed be. Whoever is a friend of death,...
  7. 7Lies Suck Not
    When he saved me. From the end and lie. His fall succeed in. Swallowing my talks. We buried the earth. Backs will not crash. Backs will not crash. How time cuts bodies. People calling drowned. Driving...
  8. 8Nolime Tangere
    ichorous gospel of dirty seeds. neck surrounding neck petrified. I flew over canopy bells. hours of the night made my bodkin. greedy monks slaughtering the virgin. electric abbeys of jasmine waves. ov...
  9. 9The Crowd Around
    What has he done in his room for 3 days?. Lost & silent, no one here dares say. If he lives, if he’s dead “he may have left away!”. From time to time, from the door a sound co...
  10. 10The Onlooker
    he could be seen every night. at the end of the grand cabaret. a cig in his gloved hand. and a mouth to kiss a beast. his eyes were so bright, really. that they seemed made to kill you. but you can&ap...